The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 757 Execution, New Transaction (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

You know, how much they paid to deal with these two beings.

They mobilized a large amount of potential forces in the entire country and spent a huge amount of wealth to buy talents from various people and pay enough compensation.

This time, he wanted more, which made him take a deep breath.

He looked at Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin needs too many this time, I need to consider and report carefully."

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter, you can think slowly."

"Next, I will complete it. You put forward the other two wishes."

After speaking, Lin Yi slowly stood up and walked to the door of the Wanshiwu.

Opening the door, there was a sea breeze outside.

Ximen Wusheng's pupils shrank when he saw this scene. He saw that there was an ocean outside the door.

Looking at the French window, there was a busy street outside.

The two completely different scenes shocked him.

And Lin Yi took a step out, and his whole body was shrouded in an invisible green light.

The next moment, Lin Yi disappeared into the sea outside and entered a thick fog in front.

Ximen Wusheng naturally knew that this was the area of ​​the giant tree.

At this time, Lin Yi, under the protection of Zhenming Wujiang, came to the giant tree silently.

His goal was directly aimed at the soul of the giant tree.

At this time, the soul of the giant tree was sitting on its throne thinking about something?

Lin Yi's sudden arrival instantly startled Him.

The soul of the giant tree looked at Lin Yi in disbelief, "How did you get in? This is my body."

His eyes were full of disbelief, because someone could break into his body without his consent.

And he also entered his soul palace, which was even more incredible.

Lin Yi looked at the giant tree soul with a smile, "The situation is like this."

"Because of your arrival, huge waves have been set off, causing huge losses to the people of this world."

"Now someone has come to me and asked me to destroy you."

"So I came to you."

The giant tree soul was shocked when he heard Lin Yi's words without hiding anything.

He felt a sense of danger. He knew that the person in front of him did not lie to him and everything he said was true.

He could not help but be silent for a moment, then looked at Lin Yi and said, "Why don't you do it?"

Lin Yi smiled slightly, "It is not necessary to use force to eliminate you."

"It is not necessarily the only way, right?"

The giant tree soul did not know what Lin Yi was up to, "What do you want to do?"

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"Just like I told you last time."

"I have a way to let you leave this world and step into a world full of extraordinary power again."

"But the prerequisite is that you have to pay a certain price."

"As a reward for me."

Looking at the half-smile on Lin Yi's face and the huge danger looming in the other person's body.

The giant tree soul thought for a while and made a decision.

No matter whether this person is connected with the strange power, as long as he can help him leave here, it is enough.

He did not want to stay in this hellish world for long, and at the same time, he did not want to go to war with the person in front of him and waste his strength in vain.

After the power in this world is consumed, it is almost impossible to replenish it.

"What kind of reward do you want?"

"Lifespan, pure soul, or other rare treasures."

"Precious information, or some valuable secret of power."

"But all rewards must be evaluated by me to see if they are equivalent to your wishes."

The giant tree soul nodded slowly, "This request is not excessive."

"If it is a soul, I have quite a few here."

"They are all the souls of my companion creatures."

"When they die, their souls will return to me and become part of the soul palace."

As he said this, the giant tree soul gently raised his hand.

Pure soul crystals appeared in his hand.

"In my soul palace, there are 3,800 refined pure soul crystals."

"Each soul crystal is condensed from the souls of hundreds of millions of companion creatures."

"Half-life creatures are creatures that were originally born based on my soul."

"Therefore, their souls are naturally incomplete, and there will be some growth in the acquired growth."

"After death, they will become my property and be used to strengthen my soul palace."

"Now I have only 3,800 left in my hand. I will take out 1,000 as a price. Do you think it is enough?"

Lin Yi looked at the soul crystals in the hands of the giant tree soul, and his eyes flashed with a wonderful light.

Zhenming Daojie was quickly analyzing these soul crystals and observing the soul content in them.

After a few minutes, he had come to a conclusion.

The soul material of a soul crystal is approximately equal to the total soul material of 1,000 ordinary people.

1,000 pieces is about the total soul material of 1 million people.

This is a considerable fortune that can be circulated in various worlds.

He has discovered the role of soul material, which is a product that can repair the decay of the soul.

He could see that the soul of the giant tree in front of him had lived for at least hundreds of millions of years.

But the other party's soul was still pure and very powerful.

It relied on constantly devouring soul matter to cleanse the decay in the soul.

These soul substances were the most refined souls of the companion creatures.

And he could be sure that the companion creatures of this giant tree did not die naturally.

Because the souls of these companion creatures that died naturally must be completely decayed.

It is impossible to extract such a soul substance that is full of vitality and pure.

Needless to say, Lin Yi could guess the bloodiness contained in it.

But none of this had anything to do with him.

"1,000 pieces are not enough, because your size is too large."

"In the process of transferring you to other worlds, there will be huge consumption."

"I want all your soul substances."

The giant tree soul was silent for a moment after hearing this.

He looked at Lin Yi, "3800 is too much, I need to keep some as a reserve."

"I can only give you 3000 at most, and I can tell you some information about weirdness."

Hearing the word weird, Lin Yi paused and looked at the giant tree soul in front of him, "Do you know weirdness?"

"Of course, because it exists in countless time and space."

"Anyone who knows its existence will attract weirdness."

"It is a terrifying phenomenon that has destroyed countless worlds."

"How do you think of exchanging its information for 3000 soul substances?"

When Lin Yi heard this, he thought about it slowly, "Okay."

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