The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 754 Help, Reply (Second Update)

When two men meet on a narrow road, the bravest wins.

In just a moment, the two of them have exchanged hundreds of moves.

Moving vertically and horizontally, punching, kicking, elbowing, and mental collision.

All the moves of martial arts are displayed in their hands. At this time, they have abandoned all thoughts.

Only the opponent is left. Only by defeating the opponent can they go further.

This is a life-and-death battle, the winner lives and the loser dies.

Tan Minglong completely ignored everything and went crazy to the extreme.

Even squeezing his own life, he has a life span of 600 years.

So he has no scruples and is crazy to the extreme.

Wang Donggong on the opposite side felt a huge pressure, and Tan Minglong's breath became more and more high.

Like a fire phoenix reborn from the fire, it is making the final impact and bursting out the last life.

Suddenly, Wang Donggong also gave up all defenses, stepped on the ground with both feet, put his right fist into his waist, and raised his left hand slightly.

He put out a completely straight fist posture, and his breath was condensed to the extreme.

In an instant, he entered the state of the extreme mirror from the dynamic state.

Tan Minglong also noticed this change, and he knew that this was a life-and-death struggle for the opponent.

But he was not afraid at all, and his right fist covered the sky, containing a majestic spirit.

The air around him seemed to be slightly distorted under the influence of the spirit.

This punch was like a meteorite falling from the sky, hitting the opponent's forehead.

At this time, Wang Donggong also moved.

His left palm supported the sky and blocked the meteorite's fist.

His right fist blasted out and pointed directly at Tan Minglong's chest.

At this time, he was like a firing gun carriage, extremely violent.

The left palm made a violent cracking sound under the pressure of the fist, and then it broke instantly.

But his fist had already reached Tan Minglong's chest.

Tan Minglong had no regrets at this time, and he didn't care about the oncoming fist at all, and still smashed it towards the opponent's head.

When two people meet on a narrow road, the brave wins, and at this time both of them are brave.


A huge muffled sound.

The two men were struck by lightning, and then flew back in an instant.

Wang Donggong fell to the ground, but Tan Minglong's chest was sunken, and his back was bulging. It was broken at first glance.

He also fell to the ground, and his lower body was completely unconscious.

Wang Donggong also had a broken left hand, but his arm was always blocking his head, becoming a buffer point.

Although he was also bleeding from his head, and even his forehead was slightly sunken, he fainted.

But his breath was still there, and he was not dead.

At this time, Tan Minglong was lying on the ground breathing hard, and his mouth was full of blood foam.

He felt that he was about to die, but he was holding a note in his left hand.

"Save me."

He had only this thought in his mind, and he uttered these two words with difficulty.

There was a dead silence in the sewer, but soon a sound of footsteps sounded, approaching here quickly.

"Hurry, the winner is decided."

"Hurry up and save Master Donggong."

At this time, the place where the two fought was a mess, with broken gravel everywhere.

There were a lot of cracks on the ground and walls of the sewer, as if it had been blown up by a bomb.

At this time, an illusory door appeared in front of Tan Minglong.

The door opened, and Absinthe with a weird smile appeared here.

He grabbed Tan Minglong and pulled him into the door.

The next moment the door closed, and Tan Minglong disappeared from here.

At this time, the people of the Wang family rushed to the scene, and they only saw Wang Donggong, the Qilin of the Wang family, lying on the ground.

The leader's face changed drastically, "What's going on, how could Tan Minglong disappear?"

The people of the Wang family looked at each other, they clearly sealed this place completely, and it was impossible for someone to escape silently.

But reality slapped them in the face, and they completely lost the trace of Tan Minglong.

In the Wanshiwu, Lin Yi looked at Tan Minglong who was coughing violently on the ground.

"The price of healing your wound is 100 years of life."

"Sign it if you agree."

Tan Minglong showed a difficult smile on his face, "No problem."

At this time, his spirit had been exhausted to the extreme. The collision just now was not just a physical collision.

There was also a spiritual collision, a collision between life and death, which almost completely exhausted his spirit.

This kind of mental exhaustion even made it difficult for him to think. Just answering Lin Yi's questions, he already felt a severe pain in his head.

A note appeared in his hand, and he pressed the handprint directly.

The note ignited without wind, and the wonderful power connected him and Lin Yi.

As the contract was signed, Lin Yi looked at the people in the Wanshiwu.

"Who will come?"

Brandy had a smile on his face and waved his hand, "I'll come, I'll come."

"The method I practice is best at healing."

"Okay, then you come."

Brandy smiled, and his real body had already run down from upstairs.

He trotted all the way to Tan Minglong.

He slowly squatted down and placed one hand on Tan Minglong's body.

The majestic human immortal essence was injected and quickly covered his whole body, and every damaged cell began to be fully repaired.

Time passed by minute by minute, and Brandy consumed a lot of essence and finally healed all of Tan Minglong's injuries.

His body has completely recovered to its peak state, and even his broken spine has been repaired by the essence of "Aoki Isao".

About half an hour later, under the treatment of brandy.

Tan Minglong completely recovered, and his spirit also began to recover rapidly under the nourishment of a healthy body.

He slowly sat cross-legged on the ground, practicing his spirit.

His healthy body allowed his spirit to recover at an astonishing speed.

After experiencing a life-and-death crisis, his spirit continued to flourish and charged towards a higher realm.

About an hour later, his spirit had recovered to its peak.

He felt that he had touched a layer of barrier.

At this time, this barrier was full of cracks, and it seemed that as long as he exerted a little more force, he could break through it.

After feeling the change in the barrier, he did not hesitate at all.

Directly controlling his spirit, he rushed towards the invisible barrier.


A huge muffled sound exploded in his spirit, like a flood hitting a dam.

The spirit was shaken and bounced back by the barrier covered with cracks.

But the barrier was also shaken again under the impact, and more and more cracks slowly appeared.

Tan Minglong did not retreat at all, and once again encouraged his spirit and rushed towards the barrier.

Once, twice, three times, four times, each impact would cause a change in his spirit.

But after each impact, he could feel a slight change in his spirit.

He completely focused his will on this impact, without any other thoughts.

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