The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 745: Birth and Sensation (First Update)

Once the mutant corpses spread all over the world, what kind of situation will it be? Just thinking about it makes people feel terrified.

At the first time, countless information has begun to circulate among the top leaders of various countries.

The harmfulness of the mutant corpses has been known to the top leaders of the world.

Facing the impending disaster, everyone is terrified, but there is nothing they can do.

Facing the power of nature, it is no longer something that can be stopped by individual power.

Even if all the power of mankind is too late.


Under the live broadcast of countless satellite TVs, huge trees fell heavily into the deep sea.

A huge wave that was so violent that it was unimaginable slowly spread from the center of the fall to the four sides.

The coastlines on one side of the three continents were all covered by this huge wave.

At most one hour, the first wave of waves will reach the borders of each continent.

As if the world is about to end, emotions began to spread in various cities near the sea.

No one can stop the power of nature.

Lin Yi also saw this scene naturally, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes.

"Just now, a celestial being appeared, and now another one has appeared."

"This big tree is a bit like the ancient tree king in the dark abyss, and it is also a tree series."

His brows wrinkled slightly, and a strange look flashed in his eyes.

"Blue Star seems to be getting weirder and weirder."

At this time, the Tiandi Shenshan in the territory of H country was shrouded by a wonderful huge magnetic field.

Inside the magnetic field are countless palace communities, located on one peak after another.

And these palaces emit a faint magnetic field, which merges with the magnetic field of the entire mountain range.

Finally, this huge and boundless magnetic field was constructed, covering the entire Tiandi Shenshan, making it covered in ice and snow and fog all year round.

However, there are no humans inside these palaces. If you sweep away all the fog and dark clouds from the sky and look down.

You can see what is going on below.

It is a huge deep hole with a diameter of hundreds of kilometers, which appeared in the middle of the mountain range.

The magnetic field formed by the surrounding mountains and palaces just completely covers it.

I don't know where this deep hole leads to, but you can see it if you look carefully.

There are a lot of caves and stairs on the wall of this cave, which seem to extend to the depths of the earth's core.

The deeper the cave goes, the stronger the pervasive magnetic field becomes, filled with an inexplicable pressure.

At this time, a figure is rising rapidly from the cave.

This is a middle-aged man who looks no more than 30 years old, with a head full of black hair and a jade-like face. He is wearing ancient clothes, which makes him look ethereal and fairy-like.

He is very fast, and has rushed out of the entire cave in a breath, and his body is filled with unimaginable magnetic fields.

It complements the magnetic fields around him, as if the magnetic field is him, and he is the magnetic field.

This is an alternative unity of man and nature, and he is flying with the help of the power of the magnetic field.

Soon he broke through the magnetic field barrier outside the Tiandi Shenshan and landed on the ground, but his feet were always one foot off the ground.

Looking calmly at the distant sky, his mind is infinitely expanding.

Crossing thousands of mountains and rivers, he saw the giant tree falling in the sea.

He frowned deeply, "Just now I felt the fluctuation of time and space, as if something has descended on the blue planet."

"I didn't expect it to be this kind of extraordinary life form."

"Since those old guys touched the ruins, this kind of time and space fluctuation is gradually appearing."

"I don't know what will happen next."

"Maybe everything is just the beginning."

"I have to quickly pick up Shen Wufang."

"I don't know if he has found the existence that caused the first time-space fluctuation?"

"Things are getting more and more troublesome."

Suddenly, his brows frowned, and at this time an extremely evil existence appeared in his mind.

Although the other party's breath was extremely restrained, the terrifying magnetic field could not be hidden at all.

He looked to the north, and in the ice and snow, a bloody figure without skin was moving towards the interior of H country.

He could feel that there was an extremely evil power in the body of this monster. Because this power was too huge, it naturally formed a magnetic field.

Although this magnetic field was not controlled by anyone, all the life forms touched by this magnetic field were undergoing mutations.

However, he also discovered a problem. The huge evil power inside the body of this evil being was slowly dissipating.

This power was being disintegrated by the world.

It seemed to be forcibly absorbed by the world.

Feeling this strange change, the mysterious man also frowned.

"Hey, this guy should also be an outsider."

"The nature of his evil power is different from the magnetic field."

"And it is rapidly dissipating."

"This is good news. As time goes by, these outsiders will become weaker and weaker."

"Then you can catch them and study them carefully to get more unknown time and space information."

"And their power is also very strange."

"Maybe you can study it."

This mysterious man is a master from Shen Wufang's hometown. Feeling the two huge magnetic fields in the distance, an idea flashed through his mind.

At this time, his mind was constantly sensing the familiar magnetic field.

Soon, Shen Wufang's magnetic field appeared in his perception.

Then, the magnetic field around him and the ground's geomagnetic field produced a wonderful reaction.

His speed instantly increased to the level of breaking the speed of sound, and his whole body was shrouded in a streamlined protective wall composed of mind and magnetic field.

He flew towards the direction of Shen Wufang's magnetic field.

Along the way, he had no intention of hiding himself. In his mind, it was impossible for the humans in this world of mortals to find him.

Even if he was found, there was no way to deal with him.

At this time, he didn't know that many satellites in the sky had noticed his existence.

The air waves brought by the high speed across the sky were very eye-catching.

In a few dozen minutes, he had crossed the continuous mountains and came to the vicinity of Jinguan City.

At this time, the first wave of huge waves had also reached the borders and coastal areas of various continents.

Faced with natural disasters, countless people could only move to nearby highlands as much as possible.

Outside Wanjin City, a triangular steel wall structure had been quickly built at the erected steel wall, connected to the circular wall.

From the sky, it looked like a cone, and this time the tip was facing the coastline.

At this time, a large number of soldiers on the original steel wall were holding their weapons and shooting at the countless mutant corpses inside the wall.

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