The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 740 Spring and Autumn, Come Again (Second Update)

As time went by, the trees in the courtyard began to change wonderfully.

The trees bloomed, and then the flowers withered within a few hours, and then seeds were produced in the withered places.

The seeds also fully grew within a few hours and fell to the ground.

Finally, the trees began to wither and the leaves quickly turned yellow and fell to the ground.

The leaves and seeds on the ground began to rot and eventually merged into the soil.

Taiwan Novel Network → smoke𝚠𝚔g𝚗.𝚌Wu𝚖

At this time, the courtyard seemed to have entered a dead winter. There were no leaves on the trees, and the grass had all dried up.

The courtyard went from full of vitality to dead silence, but after a few hours, the trees began to sprout rapidly again.

Green leaves reappeared on the trees.

The ground also produced grass, which quickly spread throughout the courtyard, making it full of vitality.

After 24 hours a day.

The whole courtyard seemed to have experienced spring, summer, autumn and winter.

A wonderful magnetic field merged with the entire courtyard. It was the source of spring, summer, autumn and winter in one day.

After experiencing the change of four seasons, the mysterious man slowly opened his eyes.

It seemed that time was flowing in his eyes, and the power that permeated the entire courtyard flowed back into his body in an instant.

He seemed to be the master of time, standing quietly in this courtyard that was completely the same as the original one.

At this time, his heart seemed to be moved, and his eyes looked behind him.

There was a young man in a black uniform, like a butler, standing there quietly.

"What's the matter?"

"Sir, we have found the traces of the murderer who killed Wang Jiadong."

"But what happened to him shocked us very much."

"We also learned some specific circumstances."

The man called Mr. frowned slightly, "What's the matter?"

The butler walked over a few steps and handed him a report.

"This is a detailed analysis after I observed the information and extracted the important content."

The gentleman looked at the report, and his eyebrows jumped after a few minutes.

There was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

"Is it true or false?"

"It's true. We have videotapes and invited more than a dozen experts from various fields to evaluate and examine it."

"This person has regained his youth."

"But he has not yet entered the level of a general."

"He borrowed external forces, some unknown power."

"And according to our investigation, there is another person in Jinguan City who has also undergone this change."

"Is it Li Wuyou who has been reborn from the ashes?"

"Yes, it's him. He was originally in his sixties or seventies and had no chance of breaking through."

"But he also experienced the phenomenon of rejuvenation like Tan Minglong."

"According to our investigation of the people who attended the meeting on the day of Wang Jiadong's death."

"The reason for everything is attributed to a man named Lin Yi."

"He seems to have power beyond our understanding."

"And we found another old friend of Li Wuyou besides Tan Minglong."

"Wang Ganlong."

"According to his testimony, everything is because of the contract signed between Li Wuyou and Mr. Lin."

"And there is a man named Gin in the store of this store manager Lin."

"The first time he appeared should be in Wanjin City, where he was at the peak of the first level of martial arts, such as Qiri, which was beyond imagination."

"Some time ago, he suddenly came to Jinguan City."

"But according to our investigation, no travel records of him were found."

"He seemed to appear out of thin air in Jinguan City, crossing a distance of thousands of kilometers."

"Therefore, we judge that this store manager Lin was probably also in Wanjin City at first."

"And he also mastered the mysterious means that allowed ordinary people to enter the first level of martial arts perfection in a short period of time."

"Combining all this information, we judge."

"More than a month ago, there was a mysterious visitor who fell from the sky in Wanjin City."

"The protagonist is this store manager Lin."

The gentleman listened to the report of his butler.

There was a hint of surprise and great interest in his eyes.

Giving people life and rejuvenation, this is something that has never happened in the world.

In today's world, no one dares to say he is the first if he says he is second in martial arts.

His understanding of the human body has reached the extreme, even clearer than the results of some scientific research.

Even quite a number of scientists will draw on his understanding of the body to further understand and study the body.

He knew the limits of the human body many years ago.

Now everything the housekeeper told him completely broke his common sense and cognition.

To do all this, there must be a power beyond understanding.

"Prepare the plane, I want to go there in person."

"Meet this mysterious store manager Lin."

The housekeeper's body shook slightly when he heard this, "Yes, sir."


At this time, an old customer came to the Wanshiwu again.

Shen Wufang looked at Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin, these are eight new celestial relics."

"I want to exchange life."

Looking at the celestial relics, Lin Yi's face was about to show a smile.

"80-year life crystal."


After the two signed the contract, an 80-year life crystal appeared in front of Shen Wufang.

Looking at the crystal in front of him, Shen Wufang immediately picked it up and swallowed it.

Feeling the life spread in his body, clearing the decay in his body.

He has never been so refreshed as he is now, as if he had just been born into this world.

He can feel that his life has exceeded the limit of the human body itself.

The result is that his body is very clean.

Before his life returns to the human life limit, his body will not deposit any aging and decay.

This aging and decay is a very special phenomenon.

His mind can feel that this thing is entrenched in his body.

But he can't get rid of these things. Only after absorbing new life can he feel the disappearance of these things.

The maximum life span of a person is 300 years old, because what they call soul cannot exist for more than 300 years.

And now he has lived for 50 years. After swallowing a 10-year life, his soul still has 260 years.

That invisible power of aging and decay filled the soul of his body.

At this time, he had devoured a total of 80 years of life, and he felt that his soul could still exist for more than 340 years.

There was no trace of decay in his soul.

He could judge that unless his life span was reduced to less than 300 years again, the breath of decay would no longer appear in his body.

And this brought him an incredible benefit.

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