The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 721 Experiment, Resurrection (First Update)

"Money is the beginning of all communication and the source of civilization."

He slowly raised his gaze and looked in Lin Yi's direction, seemingly across time and space, seeing Lin Yi's eyes.

The next moment, the whole world shattered, and Lin Yi's spirit returned to his body again.

Looking at the gold coin in his hand, the most precious part is the pervasive spiritual temperament of the King of Heroes.

Noble, great, supreme.

All the most noble words cannot be overstated when used on him. He himself seems to be the most noble source of all, the founder of money.

"His Dao Mark is supreme and the origin of everything."

Looking at the leopard through the tube, Lin Yi could already see what the Dao marks condensed by this former King of Heroes would be.

"These artifacts may open up a new path for me."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi's immortal body slowly woke up from the bedroom, and then he began to conduct experiments.

A petri dish appeared in the bedroom.

A brand new body lay quietly inside.

Lin Yi held the sword calligraphy sticker in his hand. Infinite thoughts emerged from the immortal body. It wrapped around the entire sword calligraphy sticker and extracted the remaining spirit from it.

Then Lin Yi's controller's spirit was forcibly integrated into the body and brain of the petri dish.

At the same time, his thoughts formed a wonderful formation in the brain of this body.

This is a method used in the practice of the Red Lotus Realm, called the soul-nurturing array.

The secret of the soul-nurturing array is to warm and nourish the mind, and ultimately allow the mind to regenerate the spirit or soul.

This is a very powerful method that can bring the dead back to life.

Ideas and spirits are both products of the soul and carry the characteristics of the soul.

The ability of the soul-nurturing array is to restore the mind and spirit to their original state, turning them into a trace of soul, and then cultivating this trace of soul to re-grow into a complete state.

This is one of the research directions of the soul among the monks in the Red Lotus World.

An attempt is made to keep the soul in a healthy and perfect state through reverse research.

But unfortunately, this regenerated soul will still retain its original soul state.

For example, this person's original soul has already passed 200 years.

Because of certain disasters, there is only a trace of spirit left.

Then when this trace of spirit grows into a soul again after being nourished, it can only exist for 100 years.

In other words, whether it is reverse recovery or something else, the soul can only exist for 300 years.

Unless you can refine the soul, you can get 500 years of time.

But if you still want to survive after 500 years, you need to be baptized by the power of thunder to regain the vitality of your soul.

At this time, this trace of spirit quickly transformed into that trace of soul in Lin Yi's soul-nurturing array.

But this trace of soul is filled with the atmosphere of decay? Obviously in 2000, this trace of spirit can no longer have any vitality.

The moment the soul takes shape? It is also the time when the soul collapses and decays.

But there is something else in Lin Yi's hand - Shouyuan? It will solve this problem.

At this time, a life span of about 30 days appeared in his hand, and he gently placed it into the body of the petri dish.

Then a wonderful power quickly filled the entire body, and the most important thing was this trace of soul.

From its decayed state, it glowed with a glimmer of vitality? But this vitality could not last long.

After 30 days, it will return to a state of decay and eventually die.

At this time, after this trace of soul was rejuvenated, it slowly formed a resonance with the body.

This resonance creates a wonderful gravitational force, which attracts extremely tiny soul particles one after another in the space level.

Appeared in this body out of thin air, and then integrated into this trace of soul.

At a speed visible to the naked eye, the soul begins to grow slowly, swallowing these soul particles bit by bit, constantly growing itself.

Lin Yi did some calculations. It will take at least a month for this soul to grow to the point where it can be completely awakened.

Want to control the body? Live like a normal person? The soul must reach a certain minimum threshold.

Lin Yi had already calculated this threshold.

"In 30 days, even if the soul grows, it will decay again."

At this time, a soul crystal appeared in his hand.

The next moment, this soul crystal fell into the soul nourishing array.

Then, the soul-nurturing array seemed to be nourished, and the soul crystals quickly dissolved and merged into the cultivated souls.

After about ten minutes, that trace of soul completely grew up and became what it was originally.

An illusory figure appeared in the soul-nurturing array.

At this time, Lin Yi was surprised to discover something.

That is, this trace of soul integrated into the soul crystal has undergone an essential change.

Soul crystal is something Lin Yi obtained in the past. It is pure soul material without any trace of will.

At this time, after a trace of Li Hualien's soul absorbed this pure soul crystal, the original decay of the soul disappeared.

In Lin Yi's eyes, his soul could still exist for at least 200 years, which shocked him very much.

This means that once Li Hualien is successfully resurrected, he will be able to survive for another 200 years.

At this time, the body in the petri dish trembled slowly, and then he opened his eyes.

He saw Lin Yi standing outside the petri dish at first glance, and countless memories flashed through his mind.

A trace of shock appeared on his face.

"I should have been dead, why am I alive again?"

"Did you save me?"

Li Hualian sat up from the petri dish, looked at Lin Yi calmly, and asked his own questions.

Lin Yi had a faint smile on his face, and a set of clothes appeared in his hands.

"Put on your clothes first."

After saying that, Lin Yi turned around and opened the door of the bedroom, "Come out after you get dressed, I'll wait for you outside."

Li Hualian took the clothes thrown by Lin Yi, looked at himself lying in the petri dish full of liquid, and thought about something in his heart.

Slowly standing up from the petri dish, he could feel the strangeness and fragility of this body.

Frowning slightly, he felt that his past martial arts spirit had completely disappeared.

The body is just an ordinary body, and the only thing that still exists is his realm and memory.

After getting dressed, he walked out of the bedroom and came to the lobby of the Wanshiwu.

He saw Lin Yi sitting in front of the French window.

Li Hualian took a heavy step and came to Lin Yi and sat opposite him.

"Can you tell me what happened now?"

Lin Yi nodded, smiled and said, "The reason is very simple. This is the sword calligraphy you left behind."

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