The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 709: Vigilance, Vault (Second Update)

At this time, in the underground laboratory, Sanri looked at his kin in the shadows.

"This time, the latest news about Wanjincheng has come."

"A mysterious substance seems to have appeared in Wanjin City. This substance can infect all life."

"Not even us heavenly beings are immune."

"Wanjin City has now become a dead land. The part where the YZ army entered Wanjin City was almost completely wiped out."

"Everyone in this city has turned into a zombie."

Taiwan Novel Networkβ†’π’•π’˜π’Œπ’‚π’.π’„π’π’Ž

"Even part of the Celestial Team that entered inside, 108 prefecture-level combatants, almost all died except for one who escaped."

β€œThis incident even shocked the God-Emperors of various countries.”

"Now we must always be vigilant and pay attention to this mysterious force. Once it appears within our range, we must immediately prepare to evacuate."

"At the same time, we have to wait in Jinguan City for the latest orders from the God Emperor."

"Next, we must maintain a lurking state and pay attention to changes in the human world at any time."

"Remember, you must use your identity to collect more intelligence, especially the intelligence of Wanjincheng."

"Let's adjourn now."

"Yes, Master Mikazuki."

A group of heavenly beings left this dark underground laboratory one after another and headed towards their possessed bodies in Jinguan City.

On the third day, he stayed alone in this laboratory, quietly looking at the petri dishes here.

The biochemical warfare body inside will be the most basic combat unit of Tianren in the future.

Even the weakest earth-level heavenly being will have a perfect biological body.

Basically, except for human heavy weapons, rocket launchers, heavy artillery, metal storms and other weapons.

Other light and medium weapons cannot harm the biochemical warfare body at all.

"I wonder how the mass production plan of the God Emperor is going?"

"Once completed, our numerical weaknesses will be addressed."

"By merging those degraded human-level celestial beings and biochemical warfare bodies, we can truly launch a world-destroying war."

Heavenly beings are using human technology to improve and supplement their own shortcomings.

Not only humans are becoming stronger with technology, but so are the heavenly beings.

Wanjin City now turned into a place that looked like a ghost land.

There are some weird-looking humans wandering in the streets and alleys.

Some of the variants are particularly eye-catching.

Their bodies are either very tall, or dozens or hundreds of bodies are connected together to form a huge collection of monsters.

There are also monsters whose bodies are completely distorted and transformed into inhuman objects.

They would even fight with each other, and they would not stop killing each other until several areas were formed in the city and several of the most terrifying monsters appeared.

It seems like territory is being carved out between them.

With the emergence of these more powerful monsters, strange changes are occurring throughout Wanjin City.

Some inexplicable black substances began to appear in every corner of Wanjin City.

There are these black spots on the ground and on various buildings, and they are spreading throughout the city.

In an underground vault? There are dozens of people hiding here.

The outside has turned into a world of devils? Only a handful of people can survive.

They almost always hide in this solid underground bunker.

Many of these people have some martial arts skills, otherwise it would be almost impossible to survive.

Ordinary people are no match for those mutated monsters? Even these martial arts masters are only a little stronger than these ordinary people.

Moreover, these monsters have very powerful self-healing abilities. Even if their heads are cut off, their limbs will only be temporarily unable to move, which does not mean death.

Over time, their damage will be repaired and they will be alive and kicking again.

There are men and women in this underground vault, and all of them are dirty at this time.

Everyone's body was filled with a bad smell, and it was obvious that they had not taken a shower for quite some time.

A man with a gun in his hand looked slumped. He was the president of this bank.

When the crisis came? He opened the underground vault as soon as possible.

Mastering weapons at the same time, he brought all the people in the bank under the vault.

When the bank's vault was built, it had the function of avoiding disasters.

There is a certain amount of emergency supplies and water inside, as well as independent toilets and so on.

It is enough to accommodate hundreds of people for a month, but it only lasts for a month.

And now they have been there for seven or eight days, and the rescue they were looking forward to has never arrived.

The radio signal cannot be sent out? The entire Wanjin City seems to have become an isolated island.

There were more than 30 people in the underground vault, 8 of whom were guests? The others were all bank employees.

And among these 8 guests, 5 are the owners of the martial arts street.

Originally, they wanted to take out all the money they had in the bank and then go to other cities for development.

But unexpectedly something unexpected happened and they were stopped here.

Even though they were angry, they had no choice but to do it because they had already seen the horror of those mutated monsters.

Can they deal with ordinary monsters? But as long as the degree of mutation is slightly higher, there is nothing they can do.

Among the five people, one is You Sihai from Youlong Martial Arts School. He has been here for 8 days, and his face is getting more and more serious.

He is a warrior who has touched the spiritual level. He knows the horror of those monsters.

Those monsters are different from humans and have no fear.

When fighting with those monsters, he used his spirit to attack, intending to influence the judgment of those monsters.

But the result was useless. Those monsters have no spirit at all and attack completely based on instinct.

In other words, he, a boxing master who has mastered the spirit, has no difference from ordinary boxing masters in facing these monsters except for his control over himself.

This is what makes him feel the most heavy.

"This is a big trouble. The boxing spirit has no effect on them."

"I don't know what's going on outside now?"

There was silence in the underground vault. Everyone had a dead face. They didn't know what their fate would be.

Everyone was uneasy.

A female bank employee suddenly broke down and cried.

"I can't stand it anymore, I can't stand it anymore, I want to get out."

As she said this, she ran madly towards the exit.

However, You Sihai flashed behind her and tapped her shoulder lightly, and she fainted.

She didn't have the slightest chance to resist.

You Sihai caught the female employee, dragged her back to where she was, and threw her on the ground.

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