The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 692 Achievement, Painting (First Update)

, the latest chapter of the Wanshiwu I created is updated the fastest!

The young warrior's eyebrows jumped slightly, and he looked at Lin Yi with some doubts, "You let this woman help me?"

Lin Yi smiled, "Don't underestimate others, you can't take a move in front of her."

"This is an immortal earthly immortal master."

"Immortality?" Hearing this, the warrior's pupils obviously shrank, revealing a trace of shock.

In his world, immortality, there has only been one great enlightened person from ancient times to the present.

He is high in the deepest origin of the world, and no one has ever seen him.

Only his sect is spread in the world and rooted in various countries.

Now Lin Yi in front of him actually told him that the lady-like woman in front of him is also a great enlightened existence, he couldn't believe it.

With amazement, he looked at Sakuramiya Shirley. The other party was wearing a light blue dress and had a good figure. No matter how you look at it, she is just a lady from a noble family, and has nothing to do with a strong person.

Sakuramiya Shirley looked at the samurai in front of her, and a trace of aura leaked out from her body.

The aura of the earthly immortal level flashed by, and instantly shocked the young samurai's mind.

It was a terrifying force that he could never resist.

He was extremely shocked in his heart, took a deep breath, and calmed his inner restlessness.

He looked at Sakuramiya Xueli with a serious face, and stood up from his seat, "Miss, if you can help me provide enough military deterrence, I will do everything else."

"Although the Xuan Ye Kingdom has perished, my subjects and subordinates are not completely dead."

"As long as I kill the emperors of the Black Eagle Kingdom and the Great Xuan Kingdom, my name will naturally attract them to return to my command."

"I am sure that I can rebuild the Xuan Ye Kingdom within a month."

Sakuramiya Xueli nodded slightly when she heard this, and looked at Lin Yi, "How many contribution points can this treasure count for?"

Lin Yi thought for a while and said, "It is worth about 500 contribution points."

"If it is 55 points, you can get 250 points of task contribution points, which is more than enough to exchange for a clone."

"Okay, I'll take this task."

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's face, and then a note appeared in his hand.

"I have written the contract for you, and you can sign your own name."

After reading the content of the contract, the young warrior wrote down his name-Xuan Yeming.

Sakuramiya Shirley also took the note and signed her name.

The contract ignited without wind in the next moment, and a mysterious power connected to Sakuramiya Shirley and Xuan Yeming.

After the contract was successfully signed, Sakuramiya Shirley looked at Xuan Yeming with an indifferent expression on her face, "Let's go, start our contract."

Came directly to the door of the Wanshiwu? A key appeared in her hand, which was the key to the arbitrary door.

In the future, when she returns after completing the mission, she can return to the Wanshiwu through the power of the arbitrary door and the wish shrine.

Watching Sakuramiya Shirley and Xuan Yeming disappear in the door of the Wanshiwu? Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of joy.

From now on? Wanshiwu will become a place more like an intermediary.

Help people in need to fulfill their wishes? At the same time, it also helps their bounty hunters to gain contribution points.

"I can also sit and count money. Finally, someone has started to work for me."

A faint smile appeared on Lin Yi's face. No one would dislike their little wealth.

In the future, there will be more and more treasures in the Wanshiwu, and his business will be smoother.

Just then, the door of the Wanshiwu lit up a faint red light again.

Lin Yi was slightly surprised. He didn't expect that the wish shrine would be activated twice today.

The strange child appeared at the door, looking at Lin Yi with dark eyes, as if asking whether to open the door.

Lin Yi nodded slightly, "Open the door, get ready to welcome new guests."


The door slowly opened, and it seemed to be a bustling street outside.

The place where the Wanshiwu opened seemed to be in an alley on the street.

This alley was very dark. There was a destitute old man leaning against the wall of the alley quietly, sitting on the ground.

There was a tattered easel in front of him, and he was sketching something on the easel stroke by stroke.

The door of the Wanshiwu suddenly appeared next to him, which made the man stunned for a moment.

He turned his head to look at the Wanshiwu, with a hint of curiosity in his eyes, and a faint mist lingered in the door.

Absinthe stood in the Wanshimen in a neat uniform, smiling at the old man.

"Sir, welcome to the Wanshiwu, where your wishes can be fulfilled."

The old man was about 70 years old, dirty all over, and looked at Absinthe strangely.

But the next moment he turned his head and continued to face his painting, as if he didn't care about Absinthe at all.

Outside was a busy street with heavy traffic, and the old man's painting was depicting an alley.

At the end of the alley was the busy street outside, and an incomparable feeling of loneliness permeated from the painting.

It seemed that there was an extremely lonely person standing in an alley, watching the prosperous world, the two were incompatible, but harmoniously integrated.

This is a work full of emotion, and anyone who really understands painting will resonate when they see it.

At this time, Lin Yi frowned deeply, with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

Because in his true destiny, he saw an incredible scene.

In the spirit of the old man who was painting, he saw a trace of the structure of the Dao trace.

Although there is a huge gap between the Dao traces condensed by the masters of the martial arts peak and the saints in this world.

But their essence is the same, and they are all acquired truths.

It is the sublimation product of a person's entire spirit, will, cognition, and information, and can even affect the world.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes, because he found a new way to collect Dao traces.

Looking at the old man in front of him quietly, Lin Yi slowly stood up from his seat.

He stood at the gate and watched the old man concentrate on sketching his paintings stroke by stroke, with a hint of faint thinking in his eyes.

"There is no power fluctuation on this person."

"But his spirit has condensed the trace of Tao."

"Seeing him concentrate on painting, there is only one possibility to explain it."

"His understanding of painting has reached a state similar to that of a saint, and he has walked his own path."

"He has condensed his own trace of Tao in painting."

"There are so many heroes in the world."

Lin Yi sighed deeply, this person has obviously sublimated his skills to the level of Tao.

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