The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 680: Changes and Site Selection (First Update)

Along with this wonderful energy, Zhang Quandan was injected into his body.

The wound on his abdomen began to heal at an alarming rate.

The cells and tissues also grew at an alarming rate. In just a few minutes, all the wounds and even organs had regrown.

Zhang Quandan looked at the healed wound on his abdomen with disbelief on his face.

"Is this good? It's amazing."

He slowly stood up from the ground and touched his intact body with a smile on his face.

At this time, Lin Yi's voice sounded in his ears.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“‰๐“Œ๐“€๐’ถ๐“ƒ.๐’ธโ„ด๐“‚]

"Now that your injury is healed, our contract is over."

"It's time for you to go back."

As Lin Yi finished speaking, traces of milky white lifespan floated out of Zhang Quandan's body.

The white mist gathered in front of Lin Yi and turned into a crystal.

Zhang Quandan looked at the things floating out of his body, with a trace of fear on his face.

Instinctively he felt that it was something crucial to him, that it was his life span.

At the same time, he also heard Lin Yi's eviction order.

Zhang Quandan trembled all over, with a hint of fear in his eyes.

There are no weapons on the battlefield. He was targeted by YZ's snipers just now and almost died.

He could never allow himself to fall into this state again.

Thinking of this, he looked at Lin Yi and said, "I want to go to a safe place. Can you help me realize this wish?"

A smile appeared on Lin Yi's lips, "Of course there is no problem."

"If I send you to a safe place, then I have to leave Wanjin City. The price you need to pay is about five years of life."

Zhang Quandan's eyes bulged when he heard this, with a hint of anger on his face, "Just going to a safe place will cost you five years of life. Are you a black shop?"

Lin Yi smiled when he heard this, "If you think it's dangerous, you don't have to make a deal with me."

"Then get back to where you were and get out on your own."

When Zhang Quandan heard this, his expression changed again. He knew that it would be difficult to get out of there based on his own words.

Taking a deep breath, he looked at Lin Yi and nodded firmly.


"I'm willing to pay the price."


Seeing the contract turn into ashes in his hands, Zhang Quandan took a deep breath.

He already knew from Lin Yi that he had less than 35 years left to live.

Thinking of this, he felt slightly bitter in his heart. But thinking that he could leave the hell-like battlefield alive, he was still very satisfied.

Lin Yi came to the door of Wanshiwu and gently opened the door.

Outside is a gentle road that stretches into the distance.

Zhang Quandan looked at the door of Wanshiwu with a surprised expression? His eyes were full of shock.

Lin Yi stood at the gate and smiled at Zhang Quandan.

"Please, you can go home now."

Zhang Quandan's expression changed, and he slowly walked out of the Wanshiwu Room.

Standing on the road, he couldn't hear any explosions, only the croaking of frogs on both sides of the road.

The world is completely peaceful, as if the war never happened.

At this time, he turned his head and looked behind him. Lin Yi looked at him quietly inside the gate of Wanshiwu. "From now on, our contract is over."

Once again, milky white light slowly floated out from Zhang Quandan's body and turned into a crystal in front of Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at Zhang Quandan with a slight smile on his face.

โ€œWelcome to patronize us again.โ€

As he spoke, a business card flew out of his hand and landed accurately in Zhang Quandan's pocket.

Zhang Quandan involuntarily lowered his head towards his breast pocket. When he looked up again, the door in front of him had disappeared.

As if it had never been there? Nothing.

Zhang Quandan's eyes were full of shock and disbelief. Finally, he spotted a direction, quickly moved along the road, and disappeared into the darkness.

In the Wanshi House, Lin Yi raised his head and looked in the other direction of Wanjincheng.

His eyes were shining with the brilliance of his true destiny, and a huge cloud of smoke was rushing toward Wanjin City from a distance.

"Are reinforcements coming?"

His eyes continued to look at the fighting area? The armies on both sides of Wanjincheng were completely trapped in a brutal battle.

Heavenly men and warriors were constantly fighting in the dark corners of the battlefield.

The soldiers are also competing with each other for every inch of territory.

However, Wanjincheng's guard team is at an absolute disadvantage, with less than 1/3 of the original number remaining.

Lin Yi thought for a while and summoned everyone in Wanshiwu.


A few minutes later, everyone in the Everything Room had arrived in the lobby.

"The current situation is very complicated. The reinforcements from Country H have arrived, but if we want to recapture Wanjin City, I'm afraid there will be a lot of fighting."

"It doesn't make sense for us to stay here anymore."

"Next we will go to Landscape City."

"As for the city of God, I won't go there. It is the center of Country H, and it will definitely be a place of turmoil in the future."

"It is not suitable for the development of Wanshiwu."

Brandy, Absinthe and others nodded without speaking, and Sakuramiya Shirley naturally didn't care either.

Only Gin's eyes flashed with a complicated look, because Wanjincheng was the place where he had stayed for decades.

Now he is leaving here, and he doesn't know when he will have another chance to come back.

"Everyone, everything is as usual. I'll go to the Landscape City first."

As he said that, Lin Yi's clone had already arrived at the door of the Wanshiwu, and then he opened the door. There was a rooftop outside.

The arbitrary door connected to a building.

Lin Yi walked out a few steps, stood on the rooftop, and smelled the moist air in the air.

He took a deep breath.

Then he walked a few steps to the edge of the rooftop and looked down.

A huge city, it looks very prosperous, not like an inland city at all.

However, in this city, there are several areas that look like ancient buildings, which should be some kind of scenic spots and historical sites preserved in the city.

It was already past 7 o'clock in the morning, and the city was still very empty. Most people hadn't gone out yet.

Lin Yi's eyes kept sweeping around, looking for a suitable area.

Soon he found a remote corner in the north of the city.

There were some dilapidated old buildings on the street, which seemed to be the so-called village in the city, so the layout was very complicated and unplanned.

The place he was looking at was at the intersection of this area and the prosperous streets outside.

There was a wasteland of more than 200 square meters, and almost no one went there.

That wasteland was at the end of a road.

Lin Yi was delighted. This kind of place was the best place for the Wanshiwu to stay.

He turned around and entered the Wanshiwu, then used the arbitrary door again and stood on a wasteland.

He looked around at the three sides of the wasteland, all of which were dilapidated old buildings without windows.

There was only one road leading to the outside, about 10 meters long.

[2000 Novel Network, update the latest chapters and fix the wrong chapters as soon as possible, support simplified and traditional reading and search]

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