The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 677: Earth Madness, Fighting (Second Update)

With the true destiny, Lin Yi is increasing his understanding of the world every moment.

Time, space, energy, matter, soul, in his eyes, are constantly releasing a little bit of information.

When one day in the future, he can understand all this information, it will be the time when he truly moves towards eternity.

But this will take a very long time, so long that he dare not imagine it.

So now he can only take shortcuts and practice the Heavenly Immortal Dao step by step, and use the understanding of the world's composition as an aid.

This will greatly increase the possibility of breaking through the 5th level of the Heavenly Immortal Dao.

Oh~ Oh~

Time has come to 6 o'clock in the morning, and the crowing of roosters continues to sound.

Wanjin City is about to usher in a new day, but the roaring explosions have not stopped at all.

In the war zone, many high-rise buildings exploded with fireworks one after another.

The sniper points arranged by the Wanjincheng team above are being removed one by one.

A large number of sniper teams have been eliminated, and the situation has begun to deteriorate rapidly.

On a tall building, a shadow appeared here silently.

A member of the Tianren Special Team - Di Kuangxing.

His eyes were filled with indifference, and the last string of grenades on his waist was held in his hand.

This is the third high-altitude stronghold he has solved.

Without the support of these strongholds on the tall buildings, the battle line below will be broken through one by one more easily.

At this time, the Wanjincheng soldiers on the rooftop of the tall building were already very alert.

They naturally knew what was going on with the series of explosions just now, and the strongholds of other teams had been pulled out.

There were unknown enemies who were carrying out a targeted sneak attack on them.

Everyone had gathered together, and two people were always paying attention to the direction behind them.

The moment Di Kuangxing appeared, he was captured.

Da da da da da.

Bullets gushed out from the hands of the two people who were monitoring, covering Di Kuangxing.

Di Kuangxing threw a string of grenades at them in mid-air, at an astonishing speed.

At this time, everyone in the team had seen the mysterious enemy and the string of grenades he threw.

The team leader, a man in his 30s, had a drastic change of expression, "Get out of the way."

On this platform, the power of 4 or 5 grenades exploding is very terrifying, enough to flatten an area of ​​more than ten meters.

With the captain's roar, all members of the team quickly dispersed to the surroundings and fell to the ground in an instant.


Violent explosions continued to sound, and the raging shrapnel and the shattered ceiling splashed countless fragments.

The five-man team lying on the ground covered their heads tightly.

They didn't raise their heads until the chaotic sound completely disappeared.

A black shadow silently touched the front of one of the soldiers, like a ghost.

The soldier just raised his head and saw the black shadow in front of him, and his face changed drastically.

Instinctively raised his hand to attack with a gun, but the speed of the black shadow was too fast.

A kick had already been kicked out, and it hit his forehead in an instant.


His head exploded like a watermelon. This kick seemed to contain a thousand pounds of force, which was not something that a flesh and blood body could resist.

At this time, the scattered team members had already turned over and climbed up one by one, raised their guns, and aimed at the strange figure.

But at this moment, the strange figure suddenly raised his head and chest? A violent inhalation sounded in their ears.

Then there was a loud bang, like thunder in the clear sky, and a huge roar sounded instantly.

The four team members' heads roared? As if they were hit by a heavy hammer? They were dizzy.

At the same time? Di Kuangxing's eyes were cold, and four fine needles in his hand suddenly shot out.

Puff puff puff.

A series of muffled sounds exploded, and the four members of the team were stiff all over? Four blood holes appeared between their eyebrows.

The flying needles directly pierced their heads? Killed them on the spot.

Having strangled all the soldiers in this stronghold with one blow, Di Kuangxing was very proud and his eyes were full of disdain.

"Humans? So fragile? Hehe."

At this time, a noble and cold voice sounded behind him? "Are you the celestial beings?"

"What a strange existence."

Di Kuangxing's face suddenly changed? He turned around and looked behind him.

I don't know when? A person appeared there? He was filled with a noble and cold aura, as if he was the overlord of the four seas.

Indistinctly, it seemed to see a dragon wandering in the sea, controlling a sea.

Instantly, Di Kuangxing realized something was wrong, "Martial artist?"

"Hehe? It's a good food."

"If I swallow you? I will probably make great progress."

The celestial beings like to use human spirit as food? By swallowing, they increase their strength.

And among them, humans with strong spirits are their favorite food.

They even use various methods to cultivate humans with strong spirits? As their food.

This is what they like to do most in distant times.

Li Jingtian stepped on the eight-character step, without even a sway in his body, and walked gently towards Di Kuangxing in front of him.

The strength in his body was flowing slowly. The next moment, his body seemed to grow 30 centimeters out of thin air.

The originally smooth membrane turned black, and the skin became rough in an instant.

The muscles of the arms expanded nearly twice, including the muscles of various parts of the body.

At this moment, he went from 1.8 meters tall to a giant of about 2.3 meters.

His heart beat in his body, thumping.

He was wearing a special battle suit that covered his neck. During his drastic physical changes, the battle suit fit his body perfectly.

It did not break as his body expanded, and its softness was terrifying.

Five fingers crossed the sky, flashed across several meters, like a claw that tore everything apart, and came directly in front of Di Kuangxing.

The five claws pointed directly at the center of the eyebrows. As long as they were caught, there would be 5 blood holes immediately.

Di Kuangxing looked indifferent, and his body also shook, and his whole body seemed to have undergone drastic changes.

The muscles swelled, the skin was purple-black, and the face became hideous and terrifying.

In an instant, he turned into a mighty giant of the same height. He raised his left hand, turned it into a knife, and slashed towards Li Jingtian's right arm.

The sharp knife brought up a pure white knife aura, and the air was torn apart in an instant.

But Li Jingtian didn't care at all. He moved his right claw slightly and grabbed the knife.

His five fingers trembled slightly, and the air exploded in an instant.

His palm was covered with a layer of white air, which was the air wall formed by the extreme compression of air.


A violent collision sound exploded between the knife and the claw.

Crack, crack, crack.

The sound of bones breaking sounded, and the five fingers held the knife like steel.

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