The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 647 Search, Miyamoto

He took out a few banknotes from his pocket, put them on the table, and slowly pressed them with a fork.

He stood up from his seat and nodded slightly to Lin Yi, "Thank you!"

After that, he turned and walked out, leaving the Wanshiwu in the sound of rain.


The sky was covered with dark clouds at some point, and a heavy rain was pouring down slowly.

The entire Wanjin City was shrouded in darkness, and several warships were cruising in the distant sea.

An inexplicable atmosphere permeated this sea area.

Below this sea area is the underwater gold mine.

There is an underwater mountain range on the seabed, and the top of the mountain range is less than 5 meters away from the surface of the sea.

And this gold mine is located at the top of this underwater mountain range, with an area of ​​about 10 square kilometers.

If you want to mine it, you need to isolate this area from the surrounding seawater.

It takes a lot of manpower, but compared with the harvest, there is still huge profit.

At this time, the three fleets surrounding this area are monitoring each other, and no one wants to easily cause trouble in this area.

There are about a dozen warships in this area, half of which belong to Wanjincheng, and the other half belong to Yingzhou and Dahan.

In the dark wind and rain, all ships are on alert.

Everyone is afraid of the other side, and they will suddenly attack at night, and a war may break out at any time.

Wanjincheng is one of the largest outlets, and it is only 30 kilometers away from the border between Dahan and China.

Yingzhou, located in the east, is only about 300 nautical miles away, and there is an endless sea to the southeast of the port.

Once a war breaks out, this place may become a battlefield at any time, which is an inevitable problem for all ports.

Therefore, one of the most elite fleets, the Northern Fleet, is stationed here.

It is composed of an aircraft carrier group, with extremely strong combat power, shocking the surrounding waters.

Tang Long came to the headquarters of Wanjincheng Port at this time.

He is a senior agent of the Special Service Department and has quite a lot of privileges, such as entering various important facilities to investigate some special cases.

This time, Wanjin City was already in a state of panic, and their authority was increased again. They could search any place in Wanjin City, and no one could stop them.

Tang Long entered the port base expressionlessly and began to observe various departments of the port base.

He did not do anything out of the ordinary, but just calmly patrolled one department after another, his eyes constantly searching for all suspicious adults, as if looking for something.

There were also special people accompanying him in the port base, paying attention to his every move.

After all, it was an important place, even if he was a member of the special service department, he had to be monitored to prevent betrayers from causing trouble.

Tang Long did not care about the people following him, but occasionally chatted with the people around him during the observation process.

As a member of the special service department, he was often trained to observe and collect various information, especially the movement of secret materials.

After more than an hour, he had collected almost all the information he wanted to collect.

He turned around and looked at the port base officer next to him and said, "I have finished checking here and am ready to leave."

"I will report to the special service department when I go back. There is nothing abnormal in the port base of Wanjin City, and no one will come here to investigate again."

The officer nodded and said, "Okay, please be careful on the road."

After leaving the port base, Tang Long quietly came to a mansion in Wanjin City.

This is the property of a wealthy businessman from Yingzhou Country in Wanjin City.

As a port city, it naturally gathers businessmen from many countries, and purchasing real estate is also a very common thing.

Tang Long entered from the back of the mansion. At this time, he was wearing a sweater and a hat tightly on his head. His eyes were alert and he looked around.

He walked around several times before coming here to make sure that he was not being followed.

He appeared at the back door of the mansion, knocked lightly three times, and then the door slowly opened a gap.

After seeing Tang Long's face, he quickly widened the gap in the door.

Tang Long flashed into it and disappeared.

A few minutes later, he appeared in the living room of the mansion, and the servant next to him had brought him a pot of tea.

Sitting on the sofa in the living room, Tang Long's face was a little depressed, and complex colors kept flashing.

He seemed guilty and helpless.

But a few minutes later, a loud laugh sounded from the second floor.


"Mr. Tang Long is indeed a man of insight."

"I got what I wanted so quickly."

A man wearing a black Yingzhou kimono came down from upstairs.

There were cherry blossom patterns on his black clothes, and it seemed to form a cherry blossom dragon pattern.

He was the owner of this mansion, the leader of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce - Miyamoto Yuichi.

The Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce is one of the largest chaebol companies in Yingzhou, and behind it is the Black Dragon Society, the largest gang in Yingzhou.

Miyamoto Yuichi is not only the leader of the Black Dragon Chamber of Commerce, but also the leader of the Black Dragon Society.

And he also has another identity, the biggest spy chief planted here by Yingzhou.

He was a 40-year-old man with a rough complexion, a small moustache and a height of only about 1.6 meters, but he moved with the gait of a dragon and a tiger, looking quite imposing.

Behind him followed a man in black, about 1.7 meters tall, wearing a red and black kimono, with a samurai sword hanging from his waist. There seemed to be a flash of sword light between his eyes.

The first master of the Black Dragon Society - Sasano Wuxin, who killed thousands of people.

Miyamoto Yuichi walked down slowly from the second floor, sat on the sofa, facing Tang Long, with a smile on his face.

"Mr. Tang Long, as a first-level agent of the Special Service Department, it is a great honor to join my Yingzhou."

"In the future, I hope we can cooperate deeply to complete my Yingzhou's great cause and dominate the world."

"My Yingzhou will not treat meritorious officials unfairly."

Tang Long's face was still indifferent when he heard this, and he took out a folded white paper from his arms.

"This is the defense schedule of the Northern Fleet in the past three days."

Miyamoto Yuichi took the schedule and opened it to take a look.

With a smile on his face, he nodded slightly and handed it to a servant beside him.

"Do you think this is true?"

The servant was one of the people who had been serving him.

Hearing what Miyamoto Yuichi said, he instinctively froze for a moment, then he suddenly moved, reached out from his sleeve and took out a gun, and pointed it at Miyamoto Yuichi.

But Sasa Wuxin, who was standing behind Miyamoto Yuichi, had a gleam in his eyes, and then his left hand, which had been holding the hilt of the knife, suddenly flashed.

A brilliant knife light had already passed through the servant's right hand.

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