The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 645: Absorption and Discovery

"A large gold mine was discovered in the sea 100 kilometers outside Wanjin City. According to exploration, the gold reserves are at least 100 tons."

"This area is close to the sea and is located in a shallow sea area. Our country's detectors have clearly detected it and are ready to exploit it at any time."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's brows jumped slightly, "Interesting, the first news we saw was actually a gold mine."

Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐š๐š ๐š”๐šŠ๐š—.๐šŒ๐š˜๐š–

โ€œWhen will gold mining be news on TV?โ€

โ€œShouldnโ€™t we dig deep into this kind of gold mine?โ€

There was a trace of strangeness in his eyes, but he soon understood why?

โ€œBecause this sea area overlaps the sea areas of Dahan State and Yingzhou State, the two countries have declared ownership of the mineral deposits.โ€

"Our country has also issued a solemn statement claiming absolute sovereignty over that sea area."

"Currently, all three countries have dispatched warships, and the risk of war is rapidly increasing."

Looking at the contents of the news, Ginjiu on the side smiled and said.

Lin Yi smiled when he heard this and said, I see, "Hehehe, the gold mine is just an excuse."

"I'm afraid these guys are eyeing China and want an excuse to invade by force."

When Ginjiu heard this, his expression suddenly changed, "It's impossible, Wanjin City is the most important city in China."

"This is an important port for economic and foreign trade. Dahan Country and Yingzhou Country want to stir up trouble here? That's just asking for death."

"The millions of soldiers in China will never agree."

Hearing this, Lin Yi shook his head slightly and said with a smile, "It's not that simple."

"I'm afraid it's not just these two countries behind it, but also the shadows of the Rakshasa Empire, Britain and America, the Kingdom of Bavaria, and the Ayin Kingdom."

"Perhaps these countries have reached a certain level of agreement and are preparing to carve up China."

When Gin heard this, his face was full of disbelief, "How is that possible?"

"Nothing is impossible, based on the information you told me."

"The most powerful countries in the world are basically white."

"The only country that can truly be called a powerful country among the yellow people is China."

"Yingzhou Kingdom and Dahan Kingdom are just two second-rate countries in a corner of the country. They have small land and limited resources, and their future development will definitely have huge restrictions."

"As long as China is defeated, the entire world will become the territory of white powers."

"All yellow and black people will become slaves of the white people."

"Serve their strength."

"If I were the ruler of the white race, I would do the same thing."

"Eliminate the most threatening countries of other races, dismember each other into small countries, check and balance each other, and sow discord."

"Ultimately, these countries of other skin colors are completely trapped in a confrontation and unable to extricate themselves."

"Without huge amounts of land and resources, these countries will always be second-rate."

"And the first-class countries will always have only white people, and they will become the masters of the world."

After hearing Lin Yi's description, Gin Jiu's expression changed drastically, and he even said a little pale, "No way."

"Do these countries really dare to do this?"

"Why don't you dare?"

"There are no weapons of destruction in this world."

"Without the deterrence of weapons of mutual destruction, war can break out at any time."

Lin Yi, who has experienced the era of peace on earth, is naturally very aware of the development of the world.

From World War I to World War II, war broke out whenever the economy was not going well.

By passing on internal conflicts and plundering external resources to survive the crisis.

According to Gin's description, it seems that the economies of various countries have encountered some problems in recent years, and the basic conditions for the outbreak of war have been met.

The emergence of the current gold mine just gives everyone an excuse. A reshuffled war may come at any time and affect countless countries.


Lin Yi was sitting at the desk in the bedroom, looking at the computer quietly.

He is looking up various technologies, physics, chemistry and other knowledge in this world.

Lin Yi looked at this information and an idea flashed in his mind.

"A lot of the knowledge I have is in line with the rules of this world."

"However, there is a certain degree of difference from the scientific knowledge learned on Earth."

"Although the overall difference is not big, it represents a different world and different rules."

"For example, the speed of light in this world is 400,000 kilometers per second."

"On the earth, it is 300,000 kilometers per second. There is a direct difference of 1/3, which is purely caused by the differences in the world."

Lin Yi quickly absorbed it and revised his understanding of the world.

With the source of true life, all this knowledge will be understood by him.

To put it simply, Lin Yi can learn all the scientific knowledge currently known in the world in a very short time.

Not just memory, but complete understanding, he himself is equivalent to an almighty scientist who can engage in research in any field.

However, when browsing various information on the Internet, what interested him most was not the science and technology, but the history of the world.

This world also has myths and legends, the heaven and earth mountains, the home of all gods.

The Mountain of the Gods in the West, the Great Fault in Prehistoric History, and the history of countless wars in ancient times were all quickly absorbed and understood by Lin Yi, while piecing together a rough history.

Then he discovered a lot of things that didn't make sense.

In some ancient battlefields, there are often records of one person leading thousands of troops to defeat tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of troops.

And the frequency of this record is very high. Basically, no matter in the East or the West, there will always be four or five times in a hundred years.

This is obviously abnormal. According to the history of the earth, this is impossible to do.

In the historical development trajectory of the earth, although there have been thousands of troops defeating 100,000, it was achieved under special conditions.

There may be only one or two times in a thousand years.

But it is not the case in this world. There are hundreds of records of leading thousands of troops and defeating 100,000 troops in a dignified manner.

Such people are called gods in the East and heroes in the West. There are also special titles in history.

When Lin Yi saw this content, he was very shocked.

Because this world devours all spirituality, that is to say, it is absolutely impossible to allow the existence of supernatural power.

At present, all the powers he has come into contact with, except for the weird power,.

All of them need to absorb external energy and transform it into their own power to produce supernatural power.

And there is a key that cannot be bypassed in all these powers, that is, spirituality.

Even if it is a strange power without spiritual existence, using it in this world will increase the consumption by a hundred times.

And the God General is a completely supernatural existence, which should not exist according to reason.

"Is it unique to this world? A supernatural power that adapts to the rules of this world?"

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