The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 611 End, List (Second Update)

"Then, that's the end of today."

After speaking, Lin Yi took a deep look at Xing Yuezi, turned around and stepped out. A crack in the void appeared in front of him.

It disappeared in a flash, leaving behind six immortal masters in the sky.

Dao Tianxian and others glanced at the direction where Lin Yi disappeared, and then turned and left.

A sudden battle also ended suddenly, and most people didn't know what happened.

But soon, the inside story spread throughout the Red Lotus world.

For the first time, Wanshiwu Lin Yi's name appeared in the ears of all living beings in the entire Red Lotus World.

They learned that this was a place where they could collect rewards and complete entrusted tasks.

Suddenly, quite a few mysterious people appeared in front of the Wanshiwuwu in Honglian City.

They all seem to have different identities, and they are all observing the Wanshiwuwu.

There is a terrifying existence that rivals the level of immortals living inside, and he was unscathed despite being attacked by six immortals. It is earth-shattering and its origins are mysterious.

And the most important thing is that as long as you pay enough, you can get something from him, or even ask him to help.

For many forces, Lin Yi is the only person who can solve their dilemma.

The frontline battlefield is still in a state of anxiety.

At night, Dao Tianxian and Huang Yuxian came together and arrived at Lin Yi's house.

Looking at Huang Yuxian who came to Wanshiwu for the first time, Lin Yi's eyes were very deep.

Huang Yuxian looked at Lin Yi calmly, with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

"Hello, Mr. Lin Yi."

"This is our first time meeting, but I've heard a lot about you."

"He is indeed a young hero. He has grown to where he is now in a short period of time, which is amazing."

Lin Yi looked at Huang Yuxian with a hint of doubt in his eyes, "Are you the Huang Yuxian of the empire?"

"Yes, I am the director of the Weird Object Management Department."

"If you want something weird, you have to get it through my hands, so naturally I have to come and take a look."

Lin Yi smiled slightly and said, "The two of you, please take a seat."

Dao Tianxian and Huang Yuxian sat across from Lin Yi. Huang Yuxian took out a foot-thick book and placed it in front of Lin Yi.

"These are the catalog of weird objects kept by the Weird Management Office."

"It contains detailed data and patterns on these strange objects, as well as some of their origins."

Lin Yi looked at this one-foot-thick book with several large characters written on it.

"Record Book of Weird Objects"

Lin Yi quickly flipped through the contents. At a glance, the front of the catalog was filled with the names of various strange objects and their corresponding page numbers.

He turned directly to the end of the catalog. There were a total of 1,300 weird items, and the levels of weird items were also divided into 4 levels.

The most dangerous among them are level 1 weird objects, which can cause the destruction of an entire city.

They are as threatening as immortals and are sealed in the deepest part of the strange management office. There are two of them in total.

Then there are various level 2, level 3, and level 4 weird objects, with different numbers, origins, and functions.

Lin Yi doesn't really need anything for fighting right now. What he needs is weird items that can build a master house.

He raised his eyes to look at Huang Yuxian, "What value is exchanged for weird objects from level 1 to level 4?"

A faint smile appeared on Huang Yuxian's face, "Weird objects do not belong to strange existences. They are things that were accidentally born in the Red Lotus World."

"According to our many years of research, most of the weird objects are related to humans."

"In other words, it has something to do with human emotions. The stronger the emotion, the easier it is to resonate with the power of strange objects."

"In the end, a strange object was formed due to various coincidences."

"From the beginning of the distant era, there are about hundreds of thousands of strange objects that have appeared in the Red Lotus World."

"But because of the weird side's power cultivation method, most of the weird items will temporarily disappear during the training process."

"They only reappear when the person using them dies."

"Therefore, weird items are still relatively cherished, especially the higher the level and the greater the danger, the more they are cherished."

"If it's a first-level weird object, you have to use at least 10,000 years of life in exchange for it."

"Level 2 weird objects also have a lifespan of 5,000 years."

"Level 3 weird objects have a minimum lifespan of 1,000 years."

"Level 4 weird objects have a lifespan of 500 years."

"This is the price I offer, because all weird objects are non-replicable."

Lin Yi nodded after listening to the other party's words, "The price is neither too high nor too low. It's just right."

The most amazing thing about the strange object is not how powerful it is in combat.

It's because many strange objects have strange abilities.

This ability can even work regardless of level, and in some cases, is even more useful than the top-level magic weapon.

Now Lin Yi needs to perfect his Wanshiwuwu and turn it into an indestructible fortress.

Of course, the empire will not take out these strange objects for nothing, because it is the sect that needs these things, not the empire.

Therefore, there will be a new negotiation between the empire and the sect. This content has nothing to do with Lin Yi, and he doesn't care.

At this time, he was looking through these weird items, looking for weird things that would be useful for his house of knowledge.

The Wanshiwu will be his base for traveling through countless worlds in the future, so it is natural to build it into a fortress.

The Wanshiwu is too fragile now.

Without him, he can't do anything, and even the Earth Immortal Dao is difficult to resist, which is very unfavorable for his long journey.

After all, he may receive all kinds of strange wishes in the future, and it may be impossible to solve them in a short time.

Then the strength of the Wanshiwu must be put on the agenda.

First of all, the abyss has been mastered by him, and it will be applied to vodka and whiskey in the future.

And the Supreme Divine Body can be applied to brandy. At that time, the Wanshiwu will have at least three more masters who can rival the Earth Immortal Dao.

In addition to these new weird objects, it will be able to cope with various situations, making the Wanshiwu impregnable.

Lin Yi wants to choose these weird objects, naturally there must be no danger, and they must be 100% under the control of the user.

When Lin Yi was browsing the list of these weird objects, he found an amazing thing.

Most of the weird objects will have side effects after long-term use.

For example, there is a strange object called the Peering Eye, which will forcibly merge with the host's eyes.

The host with this eye will be able to see all kinds of unknown existence.

But this information will oppress the host's brain, and eventually even make the host go crazy, mentally collapse and die.

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