The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 607: Truth and Preparation (Second Update)

"But we don't have as much time as they do to prepare."

"It's a long way to go before we can enter the Heavenly Immortal Path."

"The gift from heaven and earth in the last war has allowed me to touch the threshold of the Heavenly Immortal Path."

"It's not a big problem to enter the Heavenly Immortal Path, but if you want to go further, it will take a long time to accumulate."

"But the situation in the Red Lotus Realm is in danger, and I must start looking for a way out."

"Then Lin Yi and the two soul hunters seem to know each other."

"The soul hunters descended to the Red Lotus Realm for the first time, and they appeared where Lin Yi was besieged."

"From this, it can be inferred that these two guys should have descended to the Red Lotus Realm by locating Lin Yi."

"And they knew each other before, which means that Lin Yi is very likely to have the ability to go to other worlds."

No one in this world is a fool, especially those who can reach the top of the world.

Everyone has deep wisdom.

This Huang Yuxian noticed that something was wrong with Lin Yi.

"If I can detect this problem, then the people in these sects may not have not noticed it."

"What they want is not the method of refining life span at all."

"What they want is the secret hidden deeper in Lin Yi."

"The way to go to the unknown world."

Huang Yuxian narrowed his eyes, thinking about something in his heart. He looked at the empire elders, the head of the black-clothed men, the president of the Guiyi Association, and the director of the hospital.

The eyes of several people secretly communicated, and they understood each other in their hearts. They were silent. They already had other ideas in their hearts.

Lin Yi, this mysterious person, once again entered everyone's sight.

And became a person that everyone must pay attention to.

Lin Yi didn't know that the fact that he could go to another world would be deduced by these people through clues.

But even if he knew, he wouldn't care. Now he doesn't need to care about anyone's eyes.

Early in the morning of the second day, Lin Yi enjoyed a rich meal early.

Sit quietly in front of the French window and watch the big sun in the sky.

Waiting for the time of the bet to come.

Absinthe floated to Lin Yi's side with a sinister look in his eyes.

"Manager, I want to ask you something."

Glancing at Absinthe, "What do you want to ask? Go ahead."

"Since you have such strong power, you should be able to get whatever you want."

"Whether it's money or life."

"You can force a contract with such people and take their life."

"Or find all kinds of treasures from those destroyed cities and become rich quickly."

"And your power should be able to go anywhere in the world and get anything you want."

"Why do you have to do business with others so troublesome to earn these things?"

A trace of incomprehension flashed across Absinthe's face. Why should people with power be bound by morality and rules?

After taking a look at the absinthe, Lin Yi said calmly, "It's very simple, because I am a human, not an animal."

"Only animals will abide by the law of the jungle, the strong prey on the weak."

"And the greatest thing about humans is that they have wisdom, have created civilization, and have built a world where the weak can survive."

"No matter how powerful I am, I am also a member of the human race."

"I have my own creed and I abide by my own creed. I am a proud and intelligent human, not an animal that relies entirely on instinct."

"Even if all the people in the world become animals dominated by instinct, I will not follow instinct like them."

"I will still maintain my identity and nobility as a human."

"Only in this way will I never change."

"A person who does not insist will constantly break through his bottom line when facing countless temptations or dangers, and eventually become no longer himself."

"Only those who have their own firm beliefs will always be themselves and will not be swayed by anyone."

"The reason why people are human is that we have our own beliefs."

"I am proud to be a human."

An inexplicable brilliance appeared on Lin Yi's face, a brilliance of belief that is different from that of most people.

"My principle is to take money from others and help them get rid of their misfortunes. This is my creed as a human being, my creed, and the meaning of the existence of the Wanshiwu."

"So I don't need to use these tricks to get what I want."

"What I want will eventually be obtained through transactions, it's just a matter of time."

When Absinthe heard this, he looked at Lin Yi's calm face and his mouth shrank, "Manager, you are such a boring person."

"Stupid human thinking."

"Hehe, you are no longer a human being, so you naturally don't understand."

Lin Yi sneered at Absinthe, he could sense the disdain in the other party's heart.

Look at the time, it's 11:50, and there are still 10 minutes before the bet starts.

The battle on the front line has never stopped, and the weird army and the empire's army are constantly erupting in one weird illusion after another.

It's like a meat grinder there, consuming the power of both sides.

The entire Red Lotus Empire has been fully operational, and a large amount of materials are being used to build altars and create more combat robots.

Prepare for the next decisive battle.

Today's front line seems a little different.

Six high-ranking members of the sect, except for Tongshenzi who was commanding the battle, all appeared.

They were suspended in the strange illusion, looking quietly at the direction of the strange army.

The strange army was now shrouded in endless fog, and Gu Huahui was hidden in the center of the fog.

Behind him was Ai Qing holding a scepter, and under their feet was a brand new strange pyramid.

However, this strange pyramid was still in an illusory state.

In the last war.

Two soul hunters unexpectedly broke the condensed strange pyramid and destroyed the source of power of the large alien gate.

Now all they have can only recreate the source of power of the large alien gate.

However, it takes time to form it again, and the empire will never let them complete a new large alien gate again.

Gu Huahui also knew in his heart that if there were only their two families, the situation would continue to stalemate.

But now there is still a soul hunter watching covetously.

As a pioneer of the Red Lotus Realm who is connected to the mystery, Gu Huahui has learned part of the truth through this connection.

"The men of the Eternal Civilization? They're a little hard to deal with."

His eyes passed through the endless black fog and looked at the six powerful men in the sky, "What do these guys want to do?"

Just as he was wondering, a figure came from afar and appeared in front of the six great celestial masters.

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