The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 596 Lao Wei, Tian Qing (Second Update)

At this time, the wooden box was opened, and Lin Yi said calmly, "There are 20 longevity crystals inside, each with a life span of 50 years."

"If you need it, I can split these life coins, and the minimum can be divided into one for 20 years."

When Dao Tianxian heard this, his brows jumped, and a hint of joy appeared on his face, "This is just right."

"I hope you will divide all these longevity crystals into one piece every 20 years."


Lin Yi did not refuse. With a thought, all the longevity crystals in the wooden box quickly merged into one, and then divided into 50 crystals.


Dao Tianxian looked at the changes in the longevity crystal in the wooden box, with an inexplicable look in his eyes.

"It seems that these longevity crystals had a deep connection with Lin Yi before they were used."

Lin Yi seemed to understand Dao Tianxian's thoughts, "This is the power of the contract."

"When I hand it over to you, my contract with these longevity crystals will end."

"These longevity crystals will belong to you according to the contract signed between us."

"I can no longer influence them either, so you can rest assured."

After hearing Lin Yi's explanation, Dao Tianxian nodded, "That's good."

After saying this, Tianxian raised his hand and waved, and a strange gravitational force burst out from his cuffs.

Gravity quickly covered the box of Shouyuan Crystal, and the box flew up gently, fell into his cuff and disappeared.

After getting what he wanted, Dao Tianxian smiled and said, "Then farewell."

"Go slowly, don't send me away."

Watching Dao Tianxian leave, a thought flashed through Lin Yi's mind, "It's time to start preparing for other things."

"Currently, Sakuramiya Shirley is the only one appointed as the bounty hunter of the All-in-One House in the future."

"Lao Wei is also a good candidate."

"He also has a son, and this is his only chance to avoid destruction."

"He would never give up for his son."

Thinking of this, he made a phone call.


"Lin Yi? What happened?"

"I have a deal that might interest you."

"What deal?"

"A deal that will save you from future death."

Opposite the phone is a very ordinary house.

Lao Wei and his son are here, and they seem to have moved out of their original house.

This house is very dilapidated and doesn't look very good.

But this house is in the center of Honglian City, and there are soldiers from Honglian City guarding it outside 24 hours a day.

Lao Wei has also encountered a lot of troublesome things recently, especially the last time there were large-scale strange existences in Honglian City.

If he hadn't spent a lot of money to buy some pills and entered the Immortal Dao level, he would have died during that change.

After barely surviving, he immediately sold all his assets and bought an old house in the center of Honglian City.

Now he is very worried about what the future will bring. His own underground network has been completely shattered in the last chaos.

His current situation is that he is basically sitting on his back, even though the funds he retains are not small.

Even if he doesn't have to work, he and his son can still live a relatively high-quality life, at least for more than 30 years without any problems.

But the premise is that prices are stable and there will be no other problems in Honglian City.

Especially the empire's army cannot be defeated.

He had heard about the war on the front lines, and although his own intelligence system was mostly broken, he could still receive some news.

And all this news made him feel frightened.

Tens of millions of strange beings are heading towards Red Lotus City, and the empire's army is trying its best to intercept them.

This is a real battle of life and death. Once failed, no one can escape, including him.

He was actually already preparing to escape from the city once the empire failed.

You can live as long as you can at that time. As long as you leave Red Lotus City, at least you won't die immediately in a short period of time.

Unless he is unfortunately attacked by a strange being outside the city.

Although this probability is actually very high, it is at least better than waiting to die in Red Lotus City.

He had no choice but to consider his options.

However, Lin Yi's phone call at this time gave him another kind of hope.

He thought for a moment and looked at his son who was watching TV in his room.

Taking a deep breath, his eyes showed a trace of solemnity, "I won't let you die."

He came to his son's room and said with a relaxed face, "Dad went out to buy you something. You have fun at home and don't go out."

Lao Wei's son turned to look at him, nodded and said, "Yeah, okay."

After confessing his son, Old Wei left home and quickly headed towards the Wanshiwu House.

At this time, in the Everything Room, Shirley Sakuramiya has arrived.

He sat opposite Lin Yi and said with a happy face, "Thank you for your longevity crystallization. My grandpa is fine for the time being."

"This is a piece of lapis lazuli that I spent a lot of effort to find."

"I heard that you asked various major sects for a lot of refining magic weapons, talismans, and elixir classics."

"This piece of lapis lazuli is a very precious material, a material for refining the highest quality magical weapons."

"If you want to refine your own natal magic weapon in the future, these things are essential."

"Its main function is to strengthen it. Even if you use Taoist real fire, it will take seven, seven and forty-nine days to soften it."

"Once it is refined into your natal magic weapon, it will not be able to damage your magic weapon no matter how powerful the attack is."

"The natal magic weapon is the top priority. Almost every one of the major Celestial Masters has their natal magic weapon fused with lapis lazuli."

"In the sect, only the true masters of Earth Immortal Dao can have access to this material."

"I spent a huge price to get this thing."

"Exchange this piece of lapis lazuli for 100 years of life,"

"They should be of equal value."

Lin Yi's eyes swept over the lapis lazuli, and there was a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

This lapis lazuli is very wonderful, it contains a large number of wonderful particles, and these particles are connected to each other by a strange magnetic field.

It formed an extremely stable state. Under the analysis of the True Fate Daojie, although Lin Yi could see the secret of its formation, he could not find a way to crack it.

"The Dao Sect's true fire has been refining for seventy-seven and forty-nine days. It seems that the quantitative change during the refining process caused a qualitative change, which ultimately had some effect on the lapis lazuli, causing it to melt."

A hundred-year longevity crystal appeared in Lin Yi's hand, and he placed it in front of Yingong Shirley.

“It’s definitely worth the price.”

Sakura Gong Shirley took the longevity crystal and slowly breathed a sigh of relief.

Getting what you hoped for means that grandpa is saved.

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