The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 363: Suppression and Insight (First Update)

The lake was constantly shaking in the sound waves, and countless weak strange beings were instantly killed.

Taking advantage of his illness, a colorful divine needle with an incomparable penetrating power pierced towards the eyebrows of the octopus strange being.

There was the human head face of the octopus strange being, and it was also the core position of its power.

However, at this time, the octopus strange being was struggling madly, and its eyes were pierced all over its body, causing it great damage.

It was shaking its body madly because of the severe pain.

Lin Yi's five elements divine needle suddenly launched a fatal attack, making this strange human face aware of the danger.

It waved its octopus legs wildly, stirring the entire lake bottom into a daze.

The violent power destroyed everything around it crazily, and the five elements divine needles were hit by a tentacle and bounced more than ten meters away on the spot.

This violent octopus strange being, except for the eyes, its tentacles were too tough, and the five elements divine needles could not pierce them.

Lin Yi frowned when he saw it.

The Five Elements Divine Needle in his hand is basically a medium-grade magic weapon. After being injected with the power of the Earth Immortal Dao, its penetration is very strong.

But it cannot pierce the skin of this strange octopus.

Thinking of the strange boss that the deputy general manager Fei Jian could not kill in the underground laboratory of Honglian City.

It can only leave scars on the other party.

He thought in his heart, "These ghosts and strange beings at the level of Earth Immortal Dao are very difficult to kill."

"This level of strange beings seems to have undergone some kind of body changes."

"It is completely different from the strange beings at the level of Ghost Immortal Dao."

The light of the true destiny in his eyes kept flashing, and he carefully observed the secrets of the body of this octopus.

It is necessary to find the weakness of this level of strange existence in order to kill it with one blow, otherwise it will be too passive to deal with it.

He must have a fatal and effective killing method.

At this time, Lin Yi was in the state of true destiny without boundaries, controlling the earth seal to continuously gather the power of the void.

The Earth Seal completely turned into a dark hill, emitting a huge force field, pressing down on the strange octopus.

The tentacles of the strange octopus hit the mountain above frantically, trying to knock it down.

But Lin Yi spent at least 30% of the power of the Earth Immortal Dao to inject it, and also used the root of true life to absorb the energy of the void.

The superposition of the two almost raised the power of the Earth Seal to the limit of the treasure.

A wisp of mysterious power continued to permeate from the Earth Seal and connected with the land at the bottom of the lake.

At this moment, this Earth Seal is merging with the force field of the earth.

This treasure was obtained from Lao Wei, and its origin is mysterious.

It was not until he stepped into the Earth Immortal Dao that he could fully develop all its power.

This is a genuine top-grade magic weapon, and it is unknown what era it was left over from.

It has a special effect, that is, once it is pushed to the extreme.

It will resonate with the power of the mountains and rivers, and suppress the enemy with the power of a nearby piece of land.

The enemy cannot escape from the restraint of the Earth Seal, which is its greatest function - suppression.

At this time, the octopus weird existence was undoubtedly suppressed.

The power from the Earth Seal has been connected to the bottom of the lake, forming a huge force field that makes it unable to escape.

Lin Yi stood in front of it, quietly watching the crazy struggling octopus-shaped weird existence.

The brilliance of the true destiny in his eyes was exerted to the extreme, constantly observing the essence of this octopus weird existence.

Soon, he saw all the secrets of this octopus weird existence, and transformed it into information that he could understand through the true destiny.

"Interesting, the strange existences at the level of Earth Immortal Dao, their bodies have indeed changed and turned into a strange network structure."

"All the material structures condensed by the strange power are intertwined to form a dense network."

"When the strange power is actively gathered on these networks."

"Their bodies will become more resilient and can resist strong physical and energy shocks."

"The most important thing is that their material structure has completely surpassed the body structure of ordinary strange existences."

"To put it simply, it is similar to a pure mechanical structure and no longer has any life structure properties."

"Whether it is cells or other biological tissues, they no longer exist. The mass of the body is ten times that of the existence of the same size."

"It is really a strange life form."

Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of complexity. He has seen the secret of the strange existence of Earth Immortal Dao.

"It will become more and more difficult for practitioners to kill them."

"Every time you need to exert all your strength and completely defeat their defense system."

"This is something you have to do desperately to do."

After understanding it, his eyes showed a hint of solemnity.

"My spiritual waves have always had a huge targeted killing power against strange beings,"

"Maybe my thinking should be changed back to using spiritual waves as the main force to kill strange beings."

Thinking of this, a trace of spiritual waves, along the mysterious connection, was injected into the Five Elements Divine Needle.

The next moment, the Five Elements Divine Needle, which was running with colorful flowing light, was covered with a pure green light.

Then Lin Yi controlled the Five Elements Divine Needle and flew towards the center of the octopus's head.

There was a hideous, painful, and weird human face, looking at Lin Yi viciously, as if wanting to eat him alive.

Looking at the oncoming green five-element divine needle, it danced its octopus tentacles, trying to knock the five-element divine needle away again.

But something that frightened it happened. The spiritual waves covering the five-element divine needle seemed to be its nemesis.

The indestructible tentacles began to disintegrate the moment they touched the five-element divine needle.


In an instant, several intercepting tentacles were all pierced, and the five-element divine needle appeared in front of it, fiercely piercing into the center of the eyebrows of the hideous human face.

Without any resistance, the face of the center of the eyebrows solidified.

A green light spread from the center of the eyebrows to the body of the weird octopus.

From the pierced eyes, a series of green light shone out.

At this time, the weird octopus was shrouded in endless green light from the inside out.

Its body began to swell violently, and its tentacles slapped around frantically.

It seemed to want to make a final dying struggle, but its power was so small.

The earth-suppressing seal on its head shrank along with its power, and then pressed down heavily.

At this time, the black mountain had expanded to cover an area of ​​10 meters in radius.

It pressed down heavily on this strange octopus.


A huge explosion sounded, and this strange octopus shattered directly into countless fragments.

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