The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 546 Imperial Spirit, Treasures (First Update)

Lin Yi saw a trace of energy, which was attracted by her innate ability and gathered in front of her, turning into an illusory energy bird.

The high priest gently pointed at the top of the illusory energy bird, and it began to tremble slowly with the naked eye.

Its eyes seemed to have consciousness and spirituality. After flying around the high priest for a circle, it spread its wings and flew into the sky and disappeared in the distance.

Lin Yi's true destiny and Taoism had already understood what was going on.

He found that the high priest's soul seemed to be very active and could differentiate a trace of active spiritual power.

When this spiritual power extended to the outside world, it would cooperate with her blood talent in her body.

It quickly absorbed the energy around it and turned into a wonderful energy creature under the restraint of his spiritual power.

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This energy creature is composed of her spirit and is naturally under her perfect control. It can convey various information and even launch attacks.

In simple terms, there are some magicians similar to those seen on Earth, in Western fantasy novels.

"This is really amazing. They don't have any power, but they can exert this kind of magic-like power just because of the activation of the soul and talent."

At this time, Lin Yi fully activated the true destiny solution and carefully observed the soul level of the high priest.

Then he was surprised to find a problem.

The soul of the high priest spread all over her body, full of activity, producing a trace of spirit, and gathered in her brain.

And all these mental powers are operating according to a wonderful structure.

But this is not the most amazing thing. The most amazing thing is that there is a mysterious and invisible power in the high priest that controls everything.

Controlling the operation of the spirit, Lin Yi soon noticed a trace of the source.

"Mind, she is using the mind to control her own soul and spirit."

Lin Yi was very shocked, because in the cultivation system of the Red Lotus Realm, there is no cultivation of the mind.

This is a completely different path from the cultivation method of the Red Lotus Realm.

His true destiny is all things at the spiritual level, an intangible level, not existing in the current material world, as if in another dimension.

In the Red Lian Realm, he had never seen anything like this, but he saw the shadow of similar power in the high priest.

However, the high priest's power was only the control of the spirit and soul, which was far less powerful than the "Yi Ling Jing", and it didn't even have one ten-thousandth of the effect.

But this involved the power of the unknown spiritual level.

Lin Yi looked very seriously, with a solemn look in his eyes, "Maybe I can get something related to the spiritual level from her."

As the energy bird left, the high priest returned to the Wanshi House and looked at Lin Yi calmly.

"Next, it's just waiting. Soon my Yuling will return with treasures."

"Yuling? Is it the artificial life form formed by the fusion of energy and spirit?"

"It's a bit of strange power, very sophisticated means."

"It involves the use of the spiritual level."

The high priest's eyes showed a trace of shock when he heard this. This Yuling secret method is the highest secret of their race.

It is the power conveyed by the gods, and only the high priest can master it.

And this secret, she has never told anyone.

"Indeed, as you guessed, this is the power of the mind."

"Are you also proficient in the power of the mind?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "No, I am not proficient in the power of the mind, I just know this kind of power."

"This is not the power of energy and matter, it should have something to do with the soul."

"But this power is very mysterious, and it is not easy to master."

"You don't have any power, but I am surprised that you can master the power of the mind."

"Is this the power given to you by the gods behind you?"

The high priest calmed down and nodded, "Yes, this is the power given to me by my god."

Lin Yi nodded, looked at the high priest and said, "Your gods are really interesting, they can actually master this kind of power."

"But have your gods ever shown the advent of miracles?"

The high priest nodded, "Yes, my god will send down miracles on the first day of every year and bless all my people."

Lin Yi nodded, "If I have the chance, I would like to get to know your gods."

The high priest took a deep look at Lin Yi, and her heart could see the faint breath of Lin Yi.

It was a kind of power that she had only felt in the breath of gods.

Boundless, divine power like the sea.


The sound of wings flapping continued to sound, and the imperial spirit released by the high priest flew back.

It passed through the door of the Wanshiwu in one go and landed in front of the high priest.


The moment it landed on the table, it emitted a faint light, and then it broke into countless light mists and disappeared without a trace.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of solemnity.

A square crystal appeared on the table.

Looking closely, this crystal is about the size of a thumb, and the side of the cube is about two centimeters.

The high priest said calmly, "This is the treasure of the universe. It is very magical. No object or any power can cause any damage or change to it."

"No matter whether it's swords, guns, swords, fire or ice, it can't produce any change."

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi felt a little interested. He looked at this wonderful crystal carefully, his eyes shining with the light of the true meaning of life.

The next moment, he felt the rapid consumption of spiritual waves, and at the same time he also saw what was in the crystal.

There are countless levels of time and space dimensions, as well as the infinite universe and starry sky. This small crystal seems to contain a universe.

The most important thing is that in this crystal, he saw almost endless information transformation.

His brows twitched, and he felt as if he had encountered something unprecedented.

"This thing might actually be the treasure of the universe."

"But why didn't the gods of this world take it away?"

"Is it really just because of greatness? A state of mind like a saint?"

Lin Yi didn't think there really were saints in this world.

The reason why saints are saints is probably because ordinary desires cannot satisfy them, so they behave without desires or desires.

When something truly moves their hearts appears, they may no longer be saints without desires, but will become like common people.

Looking at the mysterious square in front of him, Lin Yi glanced at the high priest solemnly.

"This thing is indeed very expensive, and it is enough to be used as the equivalent material for this transaction."

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