The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 520 Chaos, Escape (First Update)

He didn't realize that he was undergoing strange changes.

His skin was turning pale, and his eyes were gradually turning darker.

He was still holding a pen, writing something on his notebook, his expression was stiff, and he seemed to be lost in thought.

At this time, Huang Yiming didn't notice his changes at all.

Many people around the world are quietly undergoing this kind of change, and the unknown and weird are coming.

The entire Red Lotus Realm is leaning towards an unknown dangerous state.

Lin Yi was thinking in the Wanshiwu, with a trace of solemnity in his eyes.

Zhenming Daojie has conducted a comprehensive observation of Red Lotus City.

The result of the analysis is very dangerous. He has a hunch that this time, it will not be as easy to solve as the previous weird invasion.

This is an all-round invasion and penetration within the city, not outside the city. Various heavy weapons are basically unable to be used in the city.

They can only rely on combat robots and martial arts masters to fight.

This will cause a large number of casualties, and there are many ordinary people in the city who have no martial arts.

There are still a lot of low-level weird things in the sewer, and the real crisis has not yet erupted completely.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi looked at Brandy.

"Brandy, we have to sign a contract with power."

"In this way, you will be tacitly become a part of the Wan Shi Wu, and then we can go to the unknown world."

"You will not be destroyed by the power of the unknown world."

Brandy was standing aside and was stunned when he heard Lin Yi's words.

But he immediately reacted, smiled and said, "No problem, whatever you say, manager."

Lin Yi raised his hand and waved, and a note appeared in his hand.

He quickly wrote down some treaties and handed the note to Brandy.

"Take a look at the treaty above. Once it is concluded, it cannot be violated."

After Brandy took Lin Yi's note, he carefully read the treaty above.

The content is actually very simple, it is a pure employment contract.

Lin Yi hired Brandy to work in the Wan Shi Wu, the time is unlimited, and a certain amount of remuneration is paid every month as salary. Unless Lin Yi agrees, he cannot terminate this contract privately.

After reading it, he took a pen from the counter and wrote his name.

Lin Yi nodded when he saw this scene, "Since it has been decided, let's do it."

As he said this, the note spontaneously combusted without wind and turned into ashes, and a wonderful power connected to Brandy.

In Lin Yi's sight, all the items of the whole Wanshiwu have been stained with the power of the strange core and become a whole.

"All preparations have been made, and we can jump to Kuroe's world at any time."

"Let's take a look, time is running out."

With the strange invasions in various cities of the Red Lotus Empire, the world is shrouded in the breath of impending storms.

During the day, the sun of the Red Lotus Realm shines on the whole world, and the heating sunlight contains wonderful power.

All the strange beings dare not be exposed to the sun, because they will be evaporated by the power of the sun.

During the day, they will only hide in dark corners, waiting for an opportunity to attack passers-by.

At night, the strange beings will appear from the dark corners, triggering one terrifying killing after another.

A day always passes quickly. In the blink of an eye, it was 8 o'clock in the evening and the sun had completely set.

In Honglian City, wisps of strange power began to emerge.

"Ah, help me."

"There is a ghost."


The terrifying and shrill cries sounded in every corner of Honglian City.

After a day of fermentation, these strange existences finally began to appear on a large scale.

The streets were full of warriors and combat robots.

The moment they heard various screams, they had already rushed out.

Some rushed to other people's homes, some rushed to the dark corners of the streets and houses, and some rushed into various buildings.

A chaotic fight began, and in an instant, Hongliancheng seemed to have become a battlefield.

There was even a house that collapsed completely within a few minutes, and a strange existence that was more than ten meters long and looked like a giant centipede lifted its body from the ruins.


The terrifying and strange voice sounded in Honglian City, and countless people heard the howling outside.

At the same time, a huge roar was heard outside Honglian City, which was the sound of various heavy weapons.

Apparently, the strange beings hidden in the outside world seemed to be attracted and launched an attack on Honglian City.

This was a very terrifying scene, full of killing and destruction everywhere, and the world became noisy in an instant.

Lin Yi stood at the door of the Wanshiwu, quietly watching the figures of various combat robots swaying left and right on the street, and fell into a trace of silence.

In the Wanshiwu, it was not peaceful at this time.

Distorted space-time barriers began to appear continuously, and strange beings would come out from time to time.

However, what awaited them was the siege of the maze puppets, and occasionally there would be ghost fairy-level beings.

However, at this time, the Five Elements Divine Needle would suddenly appear and kill all the strange beings.

Relatively speaking, the Wanshiwu is one of the safest places in Honglian City.

Time passed by minute by minute.

Suddenly, the ground of Honglian City shook violently.

Lin Yi looked towards the ground, and a mysterious figure emerged from the deepest hole.

At this time, a man in an imperial uniform had appeared there.

He was full of the terrifying aura of the earthly immortal.

The second marshal of the empire - Yuan Long.

However, his cultivation aura was very low, but he was at the peak of the human immortal.

His strength lies in the strange power. He is a strong man with strange power.

His body swelled rapidly, and countless black substances flowed out of his heart, covering every corner of his body.

A huge layer of armor covered his body, and at the same time, his bones, muscles, and internal organs were all changing.

The next moment, he had turned into a terrifying humanoid monster as tall as 5 meters, with deadly weapons all over his body.

The thing that came out of the hole opposite him was a humanoid with a pair of wings.

His whole body was smooth, like black metal, his eyes were pitch black, he had two horns on his head, and there were at least hundreds of eyes on his body.

But these eyes were covered with a layer of smooth skin, which seemed to be a kind of defense.

After seeing it, the Imperial Marshal Yuan Long exerted force on his feet.

The terrifying speed directly tore through the air, bringing up a huge white airflow, and arrived in front of this strange existence.

A huge sonic boom sounded, and the huge fist hit the strange monster head-on.

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