The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 506 Rescue, Alarm (First Update)

They were all imprisoned in a cell.

The five of them sat on the ground, in silence, and no hope could be seen on anyone's face.

Obviously, they were all afraid of their future, as if death would be their only choice.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes were fixed on a beautiful woman in palace clothes. Her face was the only one in the group that was still calm.

But it could not hide the fear in her eyes.

The bandits in Black Wind Mountain were well-known, and everyone in the ten miles knew about this place.

But she never thought that she would be abducted to the mountain one day.

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I heard that the gangsters in Black Wind Mountain have always been cruel and inhumane, and I don't know how many people died in their hands.

She was not sure whether she had a chance to get out alive, even if her master was willing to pay for ransom.

But Black Wind Mountain had torn up tickets, and no one knew how they would treat themselves.

The beautiful woman sighed quietly, "I hope they can ask for ransom tomorrow."

"Otherwise, I can only die to keep my innocence."

In this era, women attach great importance to chastity, especially women from wealthy families like her.

She has been a scholar since she was a child, and has been bound by the Three Bonds and Five Constant Virtues, and she will not allow her reputation to be damaged.

And she doesn't want her daughter to be affected by her in the future.

Few people are willing to marry the daughter of a person who has lost his virginity.

But just when she was sad, a figure walked out silently.

Lin Yi walked through the cell and appeared directly in front of the five people.

Everyone was shocked when they saw Lin Yi in strange clothes.

Some people thought they saw a ghost and were about to scream on the spot.

But when Lin Yi looked at him, the other party seemed to have his throat pinched and cast a fixed body method, unable to make any sound, dared not move, and fear enveloped his heart.

This was just the mental pressure from Lin Yi's thoughts.

The existence of the peak level of the ghost immortal way, every move can affect ordinary mortals.

The whole cell was silent, and everyone looked at Lin Yi in horror.

They couldn't help but think of some horrible legends.

Mountain spirits and ghosts specialize in devouring mortals.

As long as mortals see them, they will have no ability to resist, and they can't even scream.

And these prisoners, even if they die here, no one will care.

At this time, Lin Yi's thoughts came to the mind of the beautiful woman in palace dress.

"You are Lingling's mother, right?"

Lingling's mother nodded and said, "Yes, I am."

"Excuse me, who are you?"

Lingling's mother looked at Lin Yi and asked, she didn't know what the relationship between her daughter and the man in front of her was.

Maybe something bad will happen, this is the common sense of being a parent.

Once he is related to his children, he will always think with a scrutinizing eye.

Lin Yi said calmly, "It's your daughter who asked me to save you."

"No more nonsense, come with me."

Lin Yi walked towards Lingling's mother, grabbed her shoulders and made her stand up from the ground.

He didn't give him any chance to answer. The power of the boundless destiny enveloped her and disappeared in the room in a flash.

Only four stunned people were left watching all this.

And with Lin Yi's departure, the mental pressure that suppressed them disappeared instantly.

One of the men shouted.

"Come on, come on, someone ran away."

There was a madness in his eyes, and it was obvious that his heart was full of jealousy.

He was madly jealous, why this woman had someone to save him, but no one came to save himself.

And he resented, resented that Lin Yi only saved this woman and not them.

So the moment Lin Yi took Lingling's mother away, he started to make a fuss.

He hoped to alarm the bandits on the mountain in this way, and then let the bandits intercept Lin Yi and Lingling's mother.

He even wanted the bandits to kill them viciously, and the ugliness of human nature was fully revealed in him.

At this time, the two bandits who were on night watch outside the cell heard the roar from the cell, and hurriedly opened the door and walked in.

"What are you arguing about? Are you looking for death?"

This crazy man was dressed in silk and satin, and he was obviously rich or noble.

He looked at the two bandits who came in, and there was a trace of fear in his eyes, but then he said, "A woman ran away. The woman you caught today ran away."

The two bandits heard this, and their faces froze, and their eyes swept the cell.

He shouted at the man in a stern voice, "What's going on? Why is the person gone?"

"Tell me, what's going on, or I'll chop you up?"

The bandits looked at these people fiercely, as if they were going to kill them if they disagreed.

The man immediately said with fear on his face, "Someone, a mysterious person just entered the cell and took her away."

"She disappeared in a flash."

The bandits who were exploring the cell suddenly looked grim when they heard this.

Then he waved the knife in his hand to scare the man.

"How dare you lie to me? Tell me, where did you hide her? She disappeared in a flash. Do you think it was a ghost?"

At this point, a trace of fear flashed across his face.

Because he saw that everyone else had a look of fear on their faces.

Apparently, his words seemed to have stimulated them.

A few minutes later, the whole bandit den was noisy, and three people in a team began to search the bandit den.

It seemed that they wanted to find the missing woman.

But unfortunately, Lin Yi would not wait for them.

She had already taken Lingling's mother away from there and came to the main road.

After arriving on the main road, Lin Yi let go of Lingling's mother.

"Okay, now you are free, go back to your home."

The woman was still surprised at this time, and had no idea what had happened.

But seeing that she had escaped from the bandit's territory, she was indeed free.

She took a deep breath, looked at Lin Yi, and bowed respectfully, "Thank you sir for saving me, I am grateful."

Lin Yi waved his hand casually, "Okay, let's go."

After that, Lin Yi's body was shining with the light of true destiny, and he sank into the ground and disappeared.

Standing alone on the road, Lingling's mother suddenly felt a little scared.

Looking at the Black Wind Mountain not far away, some firelight could be vaguely seen flickering.

A trace of fear appeared in her eyes.

"The bandits have started searching the mountain. I have to leave quickly and not be caught by them again."

After saying that, Lingling's mother identified the direction and quickly walked towards home along the official road.

Lin Yi actually did not leave, but kept watching the woman underground.

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