The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 487: Means, Stealing (Second Update)

They squirmed frantically, surging towards the direction where the weird boss was.

The dense tentacles completely blocked the passage and pushed down the wall that blocked their progress.

A large black mass of weird tentacles twisted strangely like poisonous snakes.

They rushed into the flames without hesitation, and countless tentacles frantically drilled into the gaps of the flame network.

Although they were quickly torn apart by the flame network and burned to ashes.

But their number was too large.

One after another, the front was not burned out, and the back had already rushed in.

The naked eye can see that the flame field network is rapidly extinguishing layer by layer.

At this time, the deputy general manager was shrouded in a black bell, and the falling light blocked the attacks of the weird tentacles around him.

The black flying sword has returned to his side, slowly rotating around him.

He looked at the situation in the flame field, and his pupils shrank.

"Not good, there are too many of these strange tentacles, and the tentacles of the entire biological laboratory have gathered here."

"With the power of the current flame matrix, it can only hold on for a dozen seconds at most."

"This guy is going to get out of trouble."

At this time, the deputy director of the headquarters also felt a little anxious.

He almost exhausted most of the strange power and a small part of the power of cultivation.

Once the formation is destroyed, the strange boss regains his freedom. It is hard to say whether he can defeat this strange boss in the end.

"It seems that I can't boil the frog in warm water. I can only kill it with one blow, otherwise there is absolutely no chance."

"This guy's regeneration ability is too strong."

"And it is very tenacious."

With a decision in his mind, he put his jade bottle on the ground.

The flames continued to pour out of it, seemingly endless.

Then his hands began to form mysterious seals.

A total of ninety-nine and eighty-one mysterious hand seals.

Every time a seal is formed, his essence will be injected into it, forming a strange mysterious rune floating in front of him.

When all the 9981 hand seals were completed, 9981 complex runes appeared in front of him.

Then his black flying sword trembled and came to him.

The deputy general manager gently pulled with both hands, and the 81 runes seemed to be pulled, and merged into the black flying sword one by one.

The flying sword was blessed by the runes, and a mysterious pattern slowly emerged, covering the entire sword body.

At the same time, the deputy general manager stretched out the index finger of his right hand, put it into his mouth and bit it gently.

A drop of bright red blood emerged from the wound.

The deputy general manager suddenly waved his right finger and drew a mysterious pattern in front of him.

This pattern was completely composed of blood filaments, and it seemed to be a blood-colored Tai Chi Bagua diagram.

When the Bagua diagram was formed, the infinite energy in the void was converging towards this Bagua.

Finally, a Bagua shining with countless brilliance appeared in front of him.

The deputy general manager pulled the sword with his left hand, and the black flying sword covered with mysterious patterns lay horizontally, stabbing towards the center of this bright Bagua.

The moment the flying sword pierced the Bagua, the Bagua began to wrap around the flying sword.

Infinite power seemed to be integrated into the flying sword.

The flying sword, which was originally only the size of a palm, also changed at this time.

Pure black light diffused from the flying sword and turned into a three-foot ancient sword.

Countless symbols were densely flowing on the ancient sword, as if it was filled with mysterious and beautiful brilliance like stars.

If these countless symbol patterns were unfolded, it would be a mysterious Bagua map.

After watching this magical scene, Lin Yi had already silently arrived at the feet of the deputy general manager.

He recorded everything that happened during the whole process in his mind through the true destiny.

He didn't know what method the deputy general manager used.

But he could feel that the power contained in this flying sword had reached the limit of 20 times the deputy general manager's own power.

His heart jumped vaguely and he knew what was going on.

"This seems to be a method of using magic tools and Taoist power."

"A 20-fold increase is incredible."

"But this one consumed half of the Deputy General Manager's energy."

"Without the certainty of victory, it will never be used easily, and the process takes a lot of time."

"It is definitely not a power that can be used at will. You must make good preparations in advance."

Lin Yi looked at the method of using this power and roughly understood that it requires some harsh conditions to work.

First, there must be preparation time, and secondly, the prey must be trapped and have no time to stop him.

These two points are very difficult to achieve in a fierce battlefield.

Unless it is a large-scale war, there are other people to help you resist various attacks, so you can calmly use this mysterious method.

However, Lin Yi came to the deputy general manager's feet, not just to watch him use this method.

He came for the strange original stone, and he would not really let the deputy general manager take the strange original stone away.

The power of true destiny covered his body.

At this time, the deputy general manager was concentrating on controlling the flying sword in his hand, and seemed to be completing this last step.

At this time, Lin Yi held the Destruction Cane, and a force of destruction spread out from the tip of the cane.

But this force was covered by the power of the True Destiny, silent and without any fluctuations.

It suddenly pierced into a space under the deputy general manager's feet.

A black raw stone was covered by this force.

At the same time, under the cover of the power of Zhenming Wujiang, it was dragged out of that space and time without any fluctuations.

In an instant, it fell straight into the ground.

And all this happened silently. The deputy general manager, who was concentrating, did not notice the change in this moment.

Lin Yi's eyes looked at everything, not only tangible things, but also intangible forces.

So he was sure that the deputy general manager's mind did not cover his whole body when he performed this mysterious Taoist method.

And this gave him the opportunity to take action.

Silently brought the strange raw stone under his control.

At this time, Lin Yi's eyes fell on the jade bottle on the ground.

A hint of indifference appeared in his eyes, "I'll give you another exciting one."

At this time, Lin Yi could see that the flame covering dozens of square meters was constantly annihilating.

At most 10 seconds, the flame will be completely extinguished, and the strange boss in it will be completely released.

He wanted to speed up the process because he wanted both sides to lose, not for the deputy general to win.

At this time, the deputy general's flying sword and Taoist magic were almost finished, and he was about to launch an attack.

Lin Yi came to the bottom of the jade bottle silently, and the Destruction Cane reached out silently.

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