The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 474 Observation, Return (Second Update)

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

A series of crisp and muffled sounds sounded, and the mental storm seemed to be poked in the weak spot, and it was completely shattered like glass.

After the mental storm was shattered, the terrifying existence in the giant egg was also slightly stunned, and there was a trace of doubt in his dark and cold eyes.

He was very surprised that his power was broken, and it was such a weak mental power.

This was a strange existence with high intelligence, and his eyes looked deeply at Lin Yi.

Lin Yi also looked at it quietly, without provoking it,

carefully looking at it and all its information.

Zhenming Daojie was analyzing it bit by bit.

However, because the level of this strange existence was too high, his spiritual waves were being consumed rapidly.

In about 30 seconds, Lin Yi consumed about half of his spiritual waves.

In this process, the strange boss continued to attack him at the spiritual level.

And the methods were different, some were directly mental storms.

There were also strange fluctuations that triggered negative emotions, and mysterious hallucinations.

But under the True Destiny Perseverance, all these attacks ended in failure.

Lin Yi also deeply felt the horror of True Destiny Perseverance.

This is a kind of completely ignoring all spiritual influences and ensuring absolute autonomy.

At the same time, it gave him an unimaginable perspective at the spiritual level.

In his eyes, there is no secret in any spiritual attack.

As long as he takes a look, he will understand what this attack does.

At this time, after collecting all the information, he turned around and headed away from the laboratory.

Soon he chose a safe room and walked in.

Only then did he release the power of True Destiny and began to quickly restore his spiritual waves and essence.

At the same time, he sorted out everything he observed through the True Destiny Daojie and thought about how to design the next thing.

About half an hour later, Lin Yi recovered to his peak state and also had a comprehensive plan.

"If everything goes well, he will at least pay some price."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi smiled coldly and left here quickly.

At this time, the people on the ground had been waiting for nearly 10 hours, and even the deputy director of the headquarters was a little worried.

"This guy wouldn't run away when he saw that things were not going well."

"But there is a space-time barrier underground, how could he run away?"

Just when everyone was getting impatient, Lin Yi walked out of the exit of the basement.

He looked calm and composed, and there didn't seem to be any fighting.

Looking at Lin Yi walking out calmly, everyone's eyes fell on him.

The deputy director's voice was a little cold and said, "You look like you have gained something?"

"Have you completed all three tasks?"

Hearing the deputy director's question, Lin Yi showed a trace of confidence on his face

"Of course, I have completed these questions and have clear answers."

Hearing Lin Yi's words, everyone's eyes fell on him and pricked up their ears.

The deputy director looked at him expressionlessly and mysteriously, "You say."

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, and he said slowly.

"The specific situation is as follows."

"In the center of the biological laboratory, an unknown strange existence appeared."

"After it appeared, it used a mysterious stone-like object to open a channel connecting to the other world."

"A strange black liquid is constantly drawn out from the other world."

"This liquid will grow and spread on any material such as walls, floors, ceilings, etc."

"After growing, the inside of the biological laboratory has become a huge nest."

"All areas covered by biological tissues will grow some aggressive tentacles."

"The power of each of these tentacles can reach the peak level of penetration."

"Almost one such tentacle appears every meter or so."

"And some black eggs will grow in many places in this nest."

"Those black eggs will give birth to strange existences with strong aggressiveness."

"This These strange beings are basically at the level of human immortals."

"But there are also ghost immortals among them."

"And all the people in the laboratory have disappeared."

"According to my inference, they have either been killed and devoured by these strange beings."

"Or they have been transformed into strange beings by these strange forces."

"When I went deep into the deepest part of the biological laboratory, I carefully observed the mysterious boss-level monster."

"It is in a huge black egg."

"For some reason, it seems that it cannot be fully activated. If we want to solve the trouble here, now is the most appropriate time."

"Once we wait for the other party to completely adapt to the Red Lotus Realm, I am afraid we will face a very huge danger."

"There is another thing. I got something left by the director of this biological laboratory-Lei Kongtong."

As he said this, Lin Yi took out a red paper crane from his arms.

A trace of essence was injected into it, and instantly an illusory picture rose on the paper crane.

"This picture records the mysterious boss-level weird existence I just mentioned."

"Dr. Lei Kongtong also explained this weird existence."

"But you need to be careful when watching."

"This strange existence seems to be able to launch a spiritual attack on the viewers through the phantom image left behind."

At this point, Lin Yi stopped talking.

He just looked at the deputy director quietly.

At this time, the deputy director narrowed his eyes, looked at the picture on the red paper crane, and listened to what Dr. Lei Kongtong said.

The picture changed quickly, and a black giant egg appeared.

At the same time, a pair of dark eyes appeared in the black giant egg, looking at the deputy director.

After hearing Lin Yi's words, Mrs. Rose and the other two all turned their eyes away quickly.

Only the deputy director was skilled and bold, and calmly looked at the picture on the paper crane.

But he also raised a little vigilance vaguely, secretly operating his own power to deal with any possible danger.

When his eyes saw the black eyes, he suddenly felt an inexplicable force descending into his spiritual world out of thin air.

The black cloud pressed down on the city and was about to be destroyed.

At this moment, he seemed to feel a mysterious magic sound, answering in his mind.

"Die, commit suicide, self-destruct."

The voice told him to die.

The deputy director had a cold expression on his face, and suddenly burst out a faint rebuke.


At the moment his voice burst out, a circle of faint spiritual light flashed on his body.

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