The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 435 Patrol, Arrival (3rd update)

Time flies and it is night again. After Lin Yi finished his delicious meal, he sat in front of the French window to rest.

He was waiting for the reply from the last communication with the supplicant named Kurorie from another world.

Brandy and others began patrolling in the Wanshiwu, and this time Brandy also joined the patrol.

As a master of the human immortal level, he is qualified to deal with these strange beings descended from another world.

Even if he is not an opponent, dodging is his forte.

Playing assist is also good.

At this time, Brandy also followed Vodka with a heroic spirit.

It seems that he wants to show his skills and power.

Lin Yi looked at the excited Brandy and narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Brandy, don't get too excited. These strange beings are different from the humans you met during the day."

"Each of them is a killing machine. If you don't pay attention, you will die in their hands."

Brandy, who was originally a little excited, stiffened when he heard the warning from Lin Yi.

Turning his head to look at Lin Yi, he said with a bitter face, "Manager, you said that, my slightly excited heart sank again."

"Can you please not hit me like this?"

Looking at the bitter-faced Brandy, Lin Yi smiled and shook his head and said.

"I just want you to be more cautious. I didn't hit you. Remember that your power is very strange."

"It will give you the ability to dodge naturally."

"But don't ignore the initiative to avoid danger because of this ability."

"Because since there are shields in this world, there are naturally spears."

"No power is absolutely invincible. Once the flaw is found by others, relying too much on one ability will end up in death."

The warning from Lin Yi not only made Brandy feel stern, but also made Vodka and Bitter Love Wine cautious.

The comfortable life in the Wan Shi Wu recently made them a little careless.

And the successful several expeditions against the beings from other worlds also made them feel that these beings from other worlds were not as terrible as they imagined.

But looking at Lin Yi who was still cautious in this situation, they both felt ashamed and admired Lin Yi's rationality.

An idea suddenly came to Absinthe's mind, "It's not without reason that this guy can become the owner of a store and grow to this point."

"Be cautious enough."

And Vodka has been in the Wan Shi Wu for a long time, and gradually began to adapt to this world.

The more he knows about this world, the more he is in awe, because this world is very chaotic.

Under the seemingly calm surface, there is a deep darkness.

It is not much different from the world he used to live in.

At this time, Brandy said with a drooping face, "I know, store manager, I will be very careful."

As he said that, he was already cautious, holding a large alloy machete in his hand, and followed Vodka and began patrolling.

Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the classical clock in the lobby. It was already past 12 o'clock in the morning.

Seeing that the time was almost the same, Lin Yi did not ask these guys too much.

Concentrated on waiting for the power of the wish shrine to connect to the other world.

At this time, the shadow of Lafite Red Wine would appear from time to time in every corner of the Wanshiwu.

He carried his trident, like a patrolling soldier, meticulously spying on the appearance of any snakes, insects, rats and ants.

It must be said that among the several alien beings under Lin Yi's command, Lafite Red Wine is still a more loyal guy.

There is a feeling of making the best of it.

And this is a super funny guy. What he likes to do most is to wave his trident, show off a few gestures, and pose a few cool poses.

Especially when he successfully stabbed a few cockroaches and rats to death, he would even pose as if he was fighting bravely.

Every time, Lin Yi felt very funny, so maybe this is the nature of Lafite Red Wine.

But there is another possibility, that this is a strange existence of wisdom.

All the actions of the other party were just acting to confuse him, and when the time was right, they would launch a fatal attack on him.

Lin Yi and Lafite Red Wine signed a simple slave agreement, and he could not know what Lafite Red Wine was thinking through this slave agreement.

And through observation, he found that every attack of Lafite Red Wine was very secretive, and he killed it with one blow before his prey found it.

Then these prey would be dragged to the corner by him and eaten bite by bite.

The essence of Lafite Red Wine is still a cruel and weird existence, and it did not become a good person because of becoming Lin Yi's slave.

Looking at the various performances of Lafite Red Wine, Lin Yi had a new understanding of weird existence in his heart.

"The existence of evil is evil in nature, and it will not change because of his performance."

"This Lafite Red Wine is a typical example."

Just as he was thinking, the door of the Wanshiwu suddenly began to emit a faint red light.

The power of the wish shrine was activated again.

A piece of white paper slowly floated out of it.

The strange child immediately walked up, took it in his hand, and brought it to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi took the white paper, looked at the words written on it, and nodded with satisfaction.

"Mysterious existence, I am willing to offer the price you ask for."

"Please save my family and group."

Lin Yi smiled and stood up, "Okay, the work can begin."

"This time, let's try whether the Acacia Bell can successfully let the Wanshiwu cross the other world."

Lin Yi still didn't bring anyone this time. After writing the four words "Contract Achieved" on the reply letter.

The white paper turned into a faint flame.

A mysterious force contacted him.

One step forward, he had already pushed open the door of the Wanshiwu.

Across the way was a dark world, the sky was filled with thick dark clouds, and a pungent smell of dust came to his nose.

Lin Yi couldn't help but frowned and looked up.

There were red brick and black tile buildings everywhere, stretching endlessly, as if it was an older city.

It looked very similar to the Earth during World War I, when red brick buildings were everywhere and were the mainstream of the world.

At this time, Lin Yi appeared on the top floor of a building.

After he entered, the door behind him slowly disappeared into the air.

One after another huge chimneys rose from the north of the city.

Puffs of black smoke were spreading out of the air.

The thick dark clouds in the sky and the pungent smell were all caused by the black smoke from the chimneys.

I have to say that all this looked so strange but familiar.

Heavy banging sounds were spreading everywhere in the air.

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