The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 423: Highest and Responsible (3rd update)

There is also countless air incorporated into this water, which quickly floods all laboratory spaces.

All the experimenters were submerged in the liquid, but they did not die.

They can also breathe in this water, which seems to incorporate air directly into their lungs.

But the mysterious gas blended into the water made them all lose consciousness, even the summit climbers and human immortal warriors.

At the same time, the three new monsters were also submerged. They were very calm in the liquid and seemed completely unaffected.

They were not unconscious or dead, they were just submerged calmly and then continued to move towards the next gate.

However, they move much slower in water.

In Lei Kongtong's office, this place was not flooded by the mysterious liquid. It was obviously a special place.

After seeing this scene with his eyes, he was not surprised.

His eyes were very calm, "Sure enough, things that are useful to humans have no effect at all on unknown things like this."

"Weird existence is completely different from the life forms we normally recognize."

"Various solutions and measures developed for humans or research organisms are not of much use to them."

"It seems we still need to activate the highest defense system."

His eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at the second button behind his seat, which was a blue button.

He suddenly smashed the box outside the button and pressed it.

Then, strange changes began to occur in the laboratory.

Some blue liquid was released from various corners of the laboratory and merged into the pale yellow liquid.

Then the liquid solidified rapidly, began to cool down rapidly, and became like ice cubes.

After condensation, these liquids become very strong and even as indestructible as steel.

And this change obviously caused a huge obstacle to the three strange beings.

They are also blocked by frozen liquid and unable to move.

At this time, in another laboratory, countless black liquids were floating in the solidified light yellow liquid.

These liquids seemed to have consciousness and life, spreading towards the closed glass window of the laboratory.

Like a virus, it covered every corner of the glass window, forming spider web-like filaments.

These black liquids are eroding the special tempered glass.

But a sudden change in condensation disrupted their steps.

Their erosion stopped abruptly in an instant, and the entire laboratory became completely quiet, with no movement of any kind.

But it doesn't end that simply.

The laboratory that contained the black liquid was significantly restricted when the liquid initially condensed.

But these liquids soon underwent strange changes, seeming to mutate rapidly, disintegrating the structure of this solidified substance.

The temperature of these solidified substances has already dropped to several dozen degrees below zero, freezing everyone inside.

But these strange black liquids quickly adapted to this change.

At the same time, it began to spread again in this frozen structure.

Click click click.

Numerous cracks appeared in the tempered glass of the laboratory, and black threads spread out from it.

Spreading towards the outside of the laboratory.

In his office, Dr. Lei Kongtong, who was monitoring all this, had a huge change in his expression.

He did not expect that this strange existence that appeared mysteriously would have such a change.

The current closed state of the laboratory has completely become the opponent's hunting ground.

It is absolutely impossible to unravel this without outside interference.

Even he can't do it. It's only a matter of time before this place falls completely.

"Damn it, I hope the empire reacts faster, otherwise something big will happen."

At this time, not only the laboratory, but the entire laboratory that was frozen could not even send out a single message and was completely isolated from the outside world.

In the Red Lotus Empire Council Hall.

One after another virtual projections appeared here, and immediately, the top people in the empire were connected here.

The Prime Minister said with a serious face, "The biological laboratory at the bottom of Xicheng District just issued an alarm."

"According to the content initially circulated, unknown creatures have mutated, and it is initially determined to be related to strange existences."

"Currently, the laboratory has initiated the highest isolation procedures and has completely lost contact with the outside world."

"Now we need to start responding immediately."

"The first step is to establish an isolation zone outside and arrange spatial-level partitions."

"Prevent problems within the laboratory from spreading to the outside world."

"At the same time, personnel will be sent inside to investigate the details."

"This matter will be carried out by the man in black responsible for special events."

"Do you have any other opinions?"

The people projected at this time were all members of the empire, and they had heard more or less about the biological laboratory.

It contains the most advanced and dangerous biological research, and any leakage would have disastrous consequences.

The reason why this laboratory is placed in the west area of ​​Honglian City is that the empire can send the most sophisticated beings at any time to control the area and prevent the disaster from expanding.

No one rejected the Prime Minister's proposal and everyone voted in favor.

Then the matter began to be implemented quickly, and the headquarters of the men in black received the order from the parliament.

In the base of the headquarters of the men in black in Red Lotus City, the chief and deputy chief were all here. At this time, 13 projections appeared in front of them.

They are the ministers of the 13 teams of the men in black.

The head of the headquarters is an old man who seems to have no deterrent power, but everyone has the greatest respect for him.

The hoarse voice of the head of the headquarters sounded, "There is a problem in the highest biological laboratory of the empire, and you need to go and solve it."

"Currently, the blood department, the flower department, and the black department are staying in the imperial capital. This matter will be solved by your three departments together."

"Keep in touch with the headquarters at any time. If there is something you can't solve, report it immediately."

The three ministers of the blood department, the flower department, and the black department nodded and answered seriously, "Yes, Mr. Headquarters."

The projections slowly disappeared, and the face of the head of the headquarters was slightly gloomy.

"One wave has not yet settled, another wave rises. The matter of the sect envoy group has not been completely resolved, and this kind of thing has happened again."

"The war at the North Pole is still going on, and the power of the empire is beginning to be stretched."

"Mr. Deputy General Manager, maybe this time you need to move your muscles to prevent the disaster from expanding."

The deputy general manager looked at Bibi with concern, smiled slightly and said, "Mr. General Manager, please rest assured that when you need me, I will not be stingy with my strength."

The general manager nodded slightly, slowly stood up from his seat, and disappeared into the passage on the side.

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