The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 415 Slaves, Red Skin (First Update)

The next moment, the note was back in Lin Yi's hand.

At this time, it is entangled with the power of the wish shrine. Lin Yi held the note in his hand.

I immediately understood the message contained in the evil words above.

What he explained was exactly word for word, and Lin Yi showed a trace of satisfaction in his eyes.

Then I wrote a few words under the text.

"Contract reached."

As the writing was completed, the note naturally turned into ashes without wind.

A mysterious force instantly enveloped the little red thing.

A contract like vodka was formed between Lin Yi and him.

At this time, the little red monster also noticed the problem, and his face became incredulous.

He blurted out the language of the Red Lotus Realm.

"Items of the law of cause and effect, how is that possible? Damn it, I've been tricked."

But then he suddenly understood and looked at his hands in surprise.

Apparently he noticed that he was speaking of an unknown prophecy. Originally, he could only understand Lin Yi's words but could not speak them out.

Lin Yi looked at it and said in a low voice, "It seems you can speak the language of the Red Lotus Realm."

"Then let's have a good chat."

"First of all, let me introduce myself. I am your master, Lin Yi, the store manager of Wanshiwu."

"And you, little red-skinned monster."

The little red-skinned devil had been completely released by the strange child and fell to the ground.

Although he became Lin Yi's slave, he still had a bad face when facing Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at Lin Yi with a displeased expression, but when he thought of the contract on his body, he squatted on the ground dejectedly like a pickled eggplant.

He looked up at Lin Yi and said helplessly, "My name is Hong, and I am a red-skinned person from another world."

"I ran away secretly, you'd better let me go back."

"Otherwise you will be in danger of being unable to fight when my people come for me."

Listening to Hong's threat, a happy smile appeared on Lin Yi's face.

"Your threats are not a deterrent at all."

"Then now tell me what the other world is all about."

"Why do you frequently appear in the Red Lotus World?"

Hong looked at Lin Yi and said with contempt, "There is no way you can know information about other worlds from me."

"It's impossible even if we sign a contract."

"Everything in the other world represents mystery, and mystery means unknowable."

"Even if it's us, as long as we leave the other world."

"Any important information related to the other world will naturally disappear from our memory."

"The only thing I remember is the information about our family."

"Unless I return to another world, I can get back my memories."

"So you don't have to waste your time with me, I don't know anything."

Hong seemed very proud as he said that, with his hands on his hips as if he was great.

When Lin Yi heard this, he was indeed a little surprised, because what Hong said was true.

He can sense everything the other person is thinking in his mind.

I couldn't help but be a little surprised, "The other world is really mysterious, it actually has such strange rules."

"Okay, then I won't ask you about the information about the other world. You can always tell me the information about your red-skinned people."

Hong's eyes looked at Lin Yi, with a trace of anger in his eyes.

But there is no other way, he can only come as it is.

"All the members of the red-skin tribe are red-skinned. We have mastered the evil writing and the method of making the Trident of Pain."

"We have our own country and civilization, and we dominate the world."

"I'm just the weakest newborn among the redskins."

"The powerful beings in our tribe are thousands of meters tall and can destroy any world."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's heart skipped a beat. What the other party said was true.

This means that the strange existences in the other world that he saw are just the tip of the iceberg of the other world that is exposed.

Thinking of this, the worry in his heart became more serious.

Because there seems to be no one in the Red Lotus world who can compete with this kind of existence.

Lin Yi looked at the little red-skinned monster and said in a low voice.

“What is the power level within your race?

The red-skinned monster glanced at Lin Yi and said in a low voice, "The newborn, the mature, and the final."

"What is your social structure like?"

"Our civilization consists of kings, great nobles and common people."

"All the newborns are commoners, all the mature ones are great nobles, and there is only one finalist in each kingdom."

When Lin Yi heard this, he understood in his heart, "Does this mean that once a new Ultimate is born, your kingdom will split into two?"

Hong nodded and said, "Either the two ultimates fight to determine the final winner and become the new king."

"Either the new Ultimates leave the kingdom and establish their own kingdom."

"Generally, the finalists will leave with their closest subordinates and former subjects."

Hearing this, Lin Yi's eyes showed a hint of thoughtfulness.

"Generally, how many redskins are there in a kingdom, and how many are there at each level."

Hong Wenyan thought for a while and said, "Our kingdom usually has 1,000 tribesmen."

"Usually there are 5 big nobles, each big noble has 200 people, and there is a king."

Hearing this, Lin Yi nodded, "So do you know how many kingdoms your race has?"

Hong stared at Lin Yi when he heard this. He seemed to feel that Lin Yi had ill intentions towards his race.

"We currently have 12 kingdoms in total."

"Are the kingdoms in a cooperative, competitive, or other relationship?"

"Have any organizations been established between the kingdoms?"

Hong looked at Lin Yi in surprise, as if he was surprised that the other party had guessed the key point.

"The kingdoms are in an alliance relationship. We have established an organization called the Kingdom Council."

"That is a meeting that only the king and the nobles can attend."

"The meeting will determine the territory and development direction of all kingdoms, etc."

Lin Yi continued to ask, "Then what level am I in your race?"

As he spoke, the power of the Ghost Immortal Way and the Human Immortal Way permeated Lin Yi's hands, and he even opened the true source of life and forcibly absorbed the energy in the air.

Instantly raised his own combat power to the peak.

Looking at this scene, Hong showed a trace of horror on his face, as if he had seen something incredible.

Lin Yi knew his level in the eyes of the other party from Hong's mind.

"A great noble?"

"That is to say, a great noble is only at the level of Ghost Immortal Dao, which is already the middle level in the Red Clan."

"Then the king must be above this, much stronger, and can destroy the world."

"Could it be Heavenly Immortal Dao?"

"Then it can be judged that the Red Clan is definitely not weak."

"How powerful does it have to be to destroy the world?"

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