The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 413 Asking for help, Red Skin (Second update)

At this moment, the power of the wish shrine appeared again.

The door of the Wanshiwu was dyed red, like the light of blood.

A piece of A4-sized white paper floated out from it, with a piece of black text on it.

The strange child had come to the door silently and caught the white paper.

Lin Yi took the paper from the strange child and looked at the text on it, and was stunned.

This is a piece of text with very neat handwriting, even very beautiful, and there is a fragrance.

"Mysterious existence, my name is Kurorie."

"When the red door and the mysterious message appeared in my mind, I couldn't believe it."

"If you can really fulfill my wish, I hope you can save our company."

"Our company encountered a business trap. My father signed a contract, but because the company's production plant was destroyed, it was unable to ship. We need ten times compensation for this business, which will directly lead to the bankruptcy of the company."

"Mysterious existence, if you can save my father's company, I am willing to pay any price, please save me."

Looking at the content on the paper, Lin Yi's heart moved, and the light of the true destiny flashed in his eyes.

On this note of Donxiu, he saw the other party's breath.

At least it is the breath of the human immortal level, and he was thinking in his heart.

"The world where cultivators exist is not a completely ordinary world."

"That is to say, the resources for cultivation on the other side are guaranteed, which can allow me to continue to climb."

"As a substitute world for the Red Lotus World, it seems to be a good choice."

"But we must first find out how powerful this family's opponent is."

"It's a commercial issue. Since the contract has been signed, as long as the contract disappears, the matter will be resolved."

"After all, if the most critical evidence is missing in a lawsuit, then it will definitely lose."

Thinking of this, a faint sneer appeared at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth.

"And it's just right to use the power of this company to cover up the arrival of the Wanshiwu."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi already had a complete set of plans in his mind, perfect.

"But for the sake of caution, we have to investigate carefully."

Thinking of this, he picked up a pen and began to write down his questions on this paper.

"First, question one, what is the highest level of combat power of your enemy company? Write down the detailed power level of your world."

"Question 2, how many original copies of the contract you signed are there, and how many of them are in the hands of the enemy company."

After writing these two questions, Lin Yi handed it to the strange child.

The strange child took the paper and quickly threw it into the red door.

After doing all this, the fog in the Wanshiwu began to dissipate rapidly.

It is obvious that the crisis tonight has been resolved.

Seeing this scene, Lin Yi did not stay in the lobby any longer, turned back to his room, and began to continue practicing the skills of the Ghost Immortal Dao.

Although he condensed the Soul of the Swallowing Thief, Lin Yi was not familiar with it.

So he needed more time to get familiar with the Soul of the Swallowing Thief.

Time passed in a blink of an eye and it was a night. The Wanshiwu was busy early in the morning.

Especially Brandy, Absinthe, and Vodka, who cleaned and cooked, with clear division of labor and fast efficiency.

Only Whiskey was squatting in the backyard, looking up at the sky, which was gradually turning red.

Unlike ordinary strange beings, it was not harmed by the sun's radiance.

Because the entire Wanshiwu was shrouded in a force that isolated time and space.

Although the current Red Lotus Realm Sun has the mysterious property of burning all strange things.

But it cannot harm the strange beings in the Wanshiwu and the beings that descended from the other world.

It only has an effect on animals and resentful spirits infected by strange forces.

At this time, Whiskey's eyes flashed with a kind of wisdom.

He was observing the whole world in a daze, and from time to time he saw a big bird flying in the sky, revealing a trace of curiosity.

Since he swallowed the soul of the Earl of Bailie, his wisdom has increased day by day.

At the same time, he learned a lot of common sense from Absinthe and Brandy, and has gradually become a child-like person.

At least his wisdom has the knowledge reserve of a five or six-year-old child, but his ability to act is like a normal adult.

Unlike children, many things need to be taught many times before they can understand.

At this time, the strange child appeared beside him at some point.

Looking at Whiskey, he could clearly feel that he was different from the past.

He seemed to be more like a human.

The strange child stood in the yard, just looking at Whiskey quietly, not knowing what he was thinking, or thinking nothing.

At this time, a small head poked out from the corner of the backyard of the Wan Shi House.

This is a monster with red skin and a devil-like appearance holding a trident.

There was a cunning light flashing in his eyes, and it was obviously a thing with extremely high intelligence.

And it appeared in the Wan Shi House during the day.

His eyes saw the strange child and Whiskey, and fear appeared on his face.

The head that stretched out quickly retracted, but a pair of small eyes hid in the weird distortion of the corner and stared outside.

Seems to be waiting for them to leave before he goes out.

And at this time, as if hearing his wish, the strange child slowly disappeared.

Whiskey stood up and walked towards the corridor of the Wanshiwu.

He disappeared behind the curtain of the corridor in a few steps.

Seeing the two extremely threatening existences disappear, the red-skinned little devil got out of the twist in the corner.

He had a smile on his face, holding a small trident in his right hand, with his left hand on his waist, looking very proud.

He looked very smart.

But just when he looked up at the sky with pride.

A pair of dark eyes appeared above his head, looking at him coldly.

I don’t know when, the strange child has floated to his head, floating horizontally in the air, looking straight at him.

The red-skinned little devil seemed to be scared silly, with a dull face, looking at the strange child who appeared above his head at some point.

Then his expression changed very richly.

From dull to fear, it was just a moment.

Then he kept a terrified look on his face, and stretched his legs slightly backward.

At this time, he was only one step away from the twisted corner where he came out.

But at this moment, countless black smoke tentacles had already fallen from behind the strange child.

Cut off his retreat.

The red-skinned little devil froze, his eyes panicked on his terrified face, and his whole body was shaking, like a frightened quail.

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