The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 405 Purpose, Capture (First Update)

Originally, everyone had tried their best to resist the compressed air pressure.

The sudden attack immediately put them under greater pressure.

Bang, bang, bang

The violent collision sound continued to echo, and everyone was attacked.

At this time, Lin Yi was also attacked.

There was thick smoke from all directions, rushing towards him.

But at this time, he had already used the boundless true destiny, and no force could touch him.

He walked on flat ground in the smoke, and the light of the true destiny in his eyes kept flashing. He was carefully observing any wrong places.

A total of 29 elders, as well as Madam Rose, were all under attack.

But he soon realized the problem.

Most of the smoke was just entangled with those elders and Madam Rose.

The real power was concentrated on attacking one elder, and the power of that elder was the weakest among the group.

It was only about the peak level of the first level of the Ghost Immortal Dao.

And Lin Yi was very keenly aware of the problem, and he knew what this weird existence wanted to do.

He immediately walked to the side of Madam Rose.

In this dark place, other people had no idea what the other party was doing or where they were.

Only Lin Yi could perceive all this.

When he came to Madam Rose, Madam Rose was surrounded by a faint space-time barrier.

When Madam Rose saw Lin Yi walking out of the mist, a glimmer of surprise appeared in her eyes.

Because at this time, Lin Yi gave him the feeling that he was not in the same space-time level, but in an unknown state.

She couldn't even detect Lin Yi's existence through his breath.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at him and said, "Madam Rose, you need to compress the space-time barrier immediately and isolate all the smoke."

"Because the goal of these smoke is to concentrate its strength to attack one person and then invade the other person's body."

"I'm afraid that as long as a part of this monster is outside, it can escape."

"This is its real purpose."

Hearing this, Madam Rose immediately knew what was going on, and a look of realization appeared in her eyes.

Without any hesitation, she directly mobilized all her strength.

The space-time distortion outside the conference room quickly compressed into the conference room.

The strange existence in the smoke state also noticed the actions of Lady Rose at the first time.

He immediately launched a more violent attack.

Especially the weakest elder in the team, whose attack was even more crazy and high-frequency.

At this time, Lin Yi stepped back and disappeared in front of Lady Rose.

When he appeared again, he had come to the weakest Ghost Immortal Elder.

After seeing Lin Yi, the Ghost Immortal Elder immediately showed a trace of vigilance.

This is a female elder, wearing a plain white feathered dress.

At this time, the feathered dress was emitting a faint cold white light, resisting the crazy attack from the smoke around.

Her face was slightly pale, and it was obvious that the consumption of her energy was very huge.

Facing an opponent who had no idea where to start, all she could do was to resist the attack.

Seeing the other party exhausted, Lin Yi walked up and grabbed her with one hand.

The woman did not hesitate at all, and a snow-white needle suddenly flew out of her hand, like a beautiful jade, flashing an extremely cold light.

It flashed through Lin Yi's forehead, but something surprised her.

Her fatal blow did not cause any damage to the person in front of her.

Lin Yi's hand had silently rested on his shoulder.

A faint voice sounded in his ear.

"Elder, don't panic. I'm here to help you."

"You are the one being attacked by this strange existence because your cultivation is the lowest here. He wants to invade your body and then escape."

At this time, as Lin Yi touched the feathered elder, a faint green light enveloped her.

Then the elder was surprised to find that all the attacks disappeared at this moment.

Or these attacks could not touch her, and passed through where she was.

This scene made her unbelievable. She had no idea what was going on.

At this time, after hearing the warning from Lin Yi, she also stopped the attack in her hand.

She looked at Lin Yi in disbelief. He had never encountered such a power as Lin Yi.

She couldn't even feel any power enveloping her, but she knew that the detective in front of her must have done something to save her from being attacked.

At this time, a distorted space-time wave slowly swept across the elders.

Almost every one of these elders wore defensive robes and magic tools, and these robes were made of special materials.

They could withstand the power of space-time distortion, otherwise they would be exposed naked outside.

But even so, all their underwear had been shattered.

Every elder had a strange look on his face, but they couldn't care about it at this time. Surviving first was the most important thing.

At this time, Lin Yi and the female elder also felt the space-time distortion that swept past.

Under the compression of space-time distortion, the smoke quickly condensed towards the middle of the conference room.

Finally, a distorted sphere the size of a human head appeared.

The entire sphere is formed by the power of time and space, and it is filled with countless smoke, which is constantly swirling in the narrow space inside.

The naked eye can see countless smoke constantly changing its appearance in the sphere.

Sometimes it is a hideous human face, and sometimes it is a weird monster face, which changes constantly and has no fixed form.

Seeing this weird thing, everyone is horrified.

If this thing invades your body and devours your soul, it would be a terrifying scene.

Everyone fell into a slight silence.

At this time, their eyes fell on Lin Yi.

After all, it was this great detective who pointed out all the traces of this weird existence, otherwise they might really die one by one in the hands of this weird monster.

Although the elder of the Red Lotus Immortal Sect wanted to plant all this on Lin Yi's head.

But he also knew in his heart that the credit for their survival was all on this great detective.

At this time, Lin Yi had let go of his hand on the shoulder of the feathered elder.

Looking at the people who had completely resolved the crisis, he smiled slightly, "Then the mission ends here."

"I'll take my leave."

At this time, the elder of the Red Lotus Immortal Sect said coldly, "You can't leave now, you are the biggest suspect in the whole thing."

As he spoke, the other elders had vaguely surrounded Lin Yi in the middle of the conference room.

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