The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 399 Arrival and Arrangement (First Update)

"Sealing time and space, it seems something terrible has appeared."

"But they should be able to handle it."

Thinking of this, he continued to sit in his seat and began to sip tea leisurely.

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"If the sky falls, there will be tall people who can hold it up. Old man, I'd better spend the rest of my life in peace."

Black Thorn took the space-time chessboard and left the headquarters of the men in black, then got into a shared black car and drove quickly towards the diplomatic residence.

At this time, the mansion was peaceful and nothing happened, because no one knew that another elder had died.

Lin Yi stayed in the ceiling on the third floor, staring at the foreign affairs elder who was corroded by the mysterious existence.

His eyes were operating to the extreme, and he was carefully observing the palace of the parasitic foreign affairs elder.

At this time, subtle changes are taking place there.

That wisp of dreamlike smoke was eroding and spreading bit by bit in the soul of this elder.

What surprised him the most was that this foreign affairs elder didn't feel anything at all.

He didn't even realize that his soul was being eaten.

This is a very amazing phenomenon.

You must know that the soul is the condensed thing of the soul and represents the entire essence of a person.

And this kind of thing was damaged without even noticing it. Logically speaking, this is completely impossible to happen, but it did happen again.

That's why he carefully observed the mystery of this change.

And through continuous observation, he finally understood what was going on.

The function of True Fate Interpretation is extremely powerful. As long as he observes carefully, nothing can escape his analysis.

In his sight, he could clearly see the smoke transformed by this strange existence when it came into contact with the basic unit of the soul.

A basic unit that will blend into the soul like a wisp of smoke.

Then the part of this weird existence that is integrated into it will slowly begin to merge with the basic unit of the soul structurally.

There is nothing harmful about this fusion, just like sugar water dissolving into water.

Although its properties have changed, it is still a liquid and still has the same shape.

At this time, the strange existence is integrated into the basic particles of the human soul.

The basic particle appearance of this soul has not changed, but its essence is changing into something else.

And this process is very slow and will not cause alertness or rejection of the soul.

And this creates the ability of this strange existence to invade the soul silently and swallow it completely.

Lin Yi admired the ability of this strange existence, which meant that this strange existence could hardly be detected and was the top assassin.

And he was vaguely aware of this strange existence, which seemed to be intelligent.

Because when this strange existence was completely integrated into every particle of the soul, he seemed to have truly become this parasitic existence.

Because it can control the person's behavior exactly as it was during his lifetime.

During the meeting this morning, he didn't find anyone unusual, which could support his suspicion.

"It's really troublesome to have a weird existence with intelligence and be so secretive."

"Unless it can be taken down at once, there will be endless trouble if it escapes."

Just thinking about it made him feel terrified. This strange existence was invading human bodies on a large scale and silently, devouring human souls.

Then these swallowed people still live in the city like normal people.

Leave others unaware.

Until the entire city is devoured, the city will be completely destroyed.

Although Lin Yi didn't want to meddle in other people's business, this existence had threatened the stability of Wanshiwu's environment and was a huge time bomb for him.

This kind of thing must be cleaned up, and there was a hint of cold murderous intent in his smart eyes.

Time passed by, and soon Black Thorn's car arrived at the mansion.

Mrs. Rose had already arrived at the gate. She looked at Black Thorn stepping out of the car with a hint of surprise in her eyes, "Even though it's you."

Black Thorn looked at Mrs. Rose with an inexplicable smile on her face, "What? Don't you expect me?"

"I followed the commander's instructions and brought you what you need."

Mrs. Rose snorted coldly, "Stop talking nonsense, take out the things and arrange them quickly."

Black Thorn seemed to be used to Mrs. Rose's cold words, and a strange smile appeared on his face, "You are still so irritable, hehehe."

"Let's go to the rooftop."

Mrs. Rose walked with Black Thorn with a cold face, boarded the elevator, and went directly to the rooftop.

Standing in the center of the rooftop, the place was currently being monitored by seven or eight immortal masters sent by Madam Rose.

Not to mention people, not even a bird can fly in from here.

After the two arrived, the monitors just glanced at them and then continued their duties.

This black thorn took out the chessboard and placed it in the center of the rooftop.

Then he placed the black and white chess basins on the left and right.

First, he took out a sunspot and placed it directly on the central Tianyuan.

The next moment, a faint black light filled the chessboard, spreading from the rooftop to the entire mansion.

In just a few seconds, the mansion was covered in a black film of light.

Then he picked up a white piece and directly surrounded the black piece of the central Tianyuan.

The next moment, a faint white light quickly diffused from the chessboard, wrapping up the black area again.

The white light quickly dimmed, and the outside of the entire mansion was distorted.

At this time, from the perspective of time and space, the entire mansion has been isolated from the outside world.

This is very amazing. Such a large-scale time and space interference cannot be achieved by ordinary means.

After doing everything, Black Thorn's face turned slightly pale, and his energy and soul thoughts were almost consumed by 99%.

He looked at Madam Rose tiredly and said, "I can only do this much, and the rest depends on you."

Madam Rose's face eased a little, "Don't worry, we will deal with it next, just keep an eye on the chessboard."

As she said that, she turned and left the rooftop, and picked up the intercom in her hand.

"Huang Yiming is ready here, and the time and space isolation has been activated."

At this time, Lin Yi had already discovered the time and space fault outside the entire mansion.

"Are you ready?"

"Then you can get ready to start."

Thinking of this, he slowly stood up, left the ceiling, and walked out of the blind spot of the surveillance.

A few minutes later, he came to the monitoring room and looked at Huang Yiming.

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