The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 390-2 Causes and Current Situation (Second Update)

After thinking for a while, he said, "First tell me the whole thing in detail, including everything that happened from the first negotiation to now."

Huang Yiming nodded, pointed to the seat in front of his desk and said, "Mr. Lin, please sit down and we'll talk slowly."

Lin Yi nodded and released the True Fate Wujiang.

At the same time, the whole body's energy is locked in the body, without revealing anything, as if the whole person does not exist.

He took a few steps over and sat in front of Huang Yiming's desk.

Just listen to Huang Yiming say, "The first time the sect officially came into contact with the empire was in the early morning of the first day after the third change of the world."

"There are 33 sects in total, including the demonic path, the righteous path, and many branches."

"The person who presided over the entire meeting at that time was Mr. Huang Yuxian of the Weird Object Management Office."

"Huang Yuxian? What level of existence is he?"

Huang Yiming shook his head and said, "None of us know how strong this gentleman is."

"But he has been guarding the management office where weird things gather all year round. You can imagine how powerful he is."

"There are hundreds of strange objects there, and powerful strange beings come almost every night."

"But Master Huang Yuxian has been guarding there for at least 80 years."

"There was never any danger."

Lin Yi felt awe-struck when he heard this.

In 1980, it meant that the other party had been a strong person a long time ago, and the power he had should be on the weird side.

After all, the improvement of martial arts practice has only become possible after the changes in the world in recent years.

Lin Yi was thoughtful and looked at Huang Yiming, "Is this adult cultivating a strange side of power?"

Huang Yiming thought for a while and said, "I don't know."

"Because this lord's power is always kept secret, and he has never made a move, at least not seen by others."

"But what I can confirm is that he is one of the most powerful beings currently known to the Red Lotus Empire."

"It is precisely because of his existence that we can protect the order and stability of the entire Red Lotus Empire."

"You must know that the empire's biggest enemy was the terrifying and mysterious White Gloves organization in the past."

"If the empire didn't have the ability to compete with it, I'm afraid these white gloves would have destroyed the empire long ago."

Lin Yi nodded when he heard this, "I probably understand the whole incident."

"Go on, did anything happen during this process?"

Huang Yiming thought for a while and said, "The first round of negotiations was actually very tense at the beginning."

"Based on what I saw at the time, these sects were very arrogant."

"The conditions put forward are also very intolerable."

"They demand that all rights in various regions of the Red Lotus Empire be directly handed over to their sect."

"Otherwise they will use force to carve up the entire Red Lotus Empire."

"To know the Red Lotus Empire at that time, we also had to suppress those strange and mutated existences."

"The military strength is greatly restricted, and we are doing our best to maintain the stability of the empire."

"And these sects want to divide their rights and territory when they come up, which naturally angers the leaders of the empire."

"However, the people of these sects are indeed very powerful. Almost every foreign affairs elder has 1 to 2 magical weapons."

"The existence of the Ghost Immortal Dao, after mastering the magic weapon, the increase in combat power is very astonishing."

"As long as the magic weapon is properly equipped, it can even fight a small military organization of hundreds of people alone."

"The empire has already conducted various studies on the power test of the Ghost Immortal Way, so it has a clear understanding of their combat power."

"Although we know that the sect is powerful, it is impossible for the empire to allow this to happen."

"So the empire also showed some of its power at that time, which made these sects feel the pressure."

"After that, the negotiations continued. Under the auspices of Master Huang Yuxian, an agreement was finally reached with the sect."

"The sect can send its own disciples or supported forces to join the Red Lotus Empire's campaign."

"But everything must be run according to the rules of the Red Lotus Empire, and seizing control of the city by force is not allowed to happen."

When Lin Yi heard this, he immediately understood what the Red Lotus Empire meant. If the sect wanted to intervene in the affairs of the Red Lotus Empire, it was okay.

But intervention must be done in accordance with the laws of the empire, which means that the sect must abide by the rules.

Huang Yiming continued, "Now that we are here, the first round of the agreement has been completed."

"And in order to show its sincerity, the sect also sent its own strength."

"Joined the army in various cities in the empire to clean up those strange objects."

"With the agreement reached, the first round of the agreement is fully concluded."

"However, within a few days after this, various provinces and cities held re-elections for governors."

"What the empire didn't expect was that all the governors of the other eight states were members of the sect or forces."

"It was only after this incident that the upper echelons of the Red Lotus Empire became aware of the sect's conspiracy."

"It turns out that these sects have already laid out their plans, even going back hundreds of years."

"At that time, they had already sent their own people from their hidden secret realm into the Honglian world for support and layout."

"Even the upper echelons of the Red Lotus Empire have some people standing behind them."

"After an urgent study, the upper echelons of the empire invited the sects to hold a second agreement."

"The content of this agreement is very unfavorable to Zong Wen, and they originally did not intend to accept it."

"But the incident of the Sun God at the North Pole made them change their minds."

"Faced with the power of the Sun God, even these sects have to consider the risk of directly turning against the empire."

"However, before the second agreement was held, this mysterious murder occurred."

"Two sect elders died the day before yesterday and yesterday."

"The sects are very dissatisfied now. They think this is intentional by the empire and want the empire to give an explanation, otherwise this second agreement will be a big deal." The agreement cannot be held."

"In fact, it is just a prelude to making a big deal and asking for a high price, and they want the empire to make concessions."

Lin Yi was thoughtful when he heard this, and looked at Huang Yiming and said, "What is the main purpose of this second agreement?"

Huang Yiming looked at Lin Yi and said, "Mr. Lin should have guessed it."

"This time the agreement requires all the agents of the sects in the upper echelons of the empire to resign. This is the bottom line of the empire."

"At the same time, it requires the sects to give up the positions of deputy governors of each state and hand them over to the direct personnel of the empire."

When Lin Yi heard this, he immediately knew what was going on, "That is to say, the upper echelons of the empire want to save the situation."

"Are you going to take deterrence?"

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