The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 365: God of the Sun (3rd update)

With the arrival of the sect, these people began to exert their strength at the same time.

In just a short period of time, the sect had penetrated deep into the upper echelons of the empire and controlled less than half of the empire's power.

It has to be said that Runyu Xisiwu has penetrated so deeply into the sect's terror and centuries-old layout.

This is one of the reasons why the Red Alliance Empire's cabinet reached an agreement with the sect so readily.

Because if it is not achieved, it will be the collapse of the empire. Although it can be controlled to a certain extent, the determined result is almost inevitable.

Fortunately, politicians always have the art of compromise, and fighting without breaking has become the tone of the entire world.

In fact, both sides have concerns. The sect has not yet recovered its vitality, so it does not dare to start a real war.

The empire did not want to start a war that would tear the entire empire apart, and many people in the empire were already connected to the sect.

Internal constraints also made it impossible to fight this war, and the sect had already tried to integrate into the empire's system.

Then the way of struggle can still be carried out according to the original way of the empire.

Human beings will always choose to compromise because of interests.

Under the glare of countless cameras, Tongshenzi with a decent smile on his face became the governor of the northern province.

When he returned to his governor's office, a black token lay on the table in his office.

With a slight twitch of brows, Tongshenzi immediately picked up the token and injected a burst of energy into it.

In a split second he knew what was happening, a flood of information flowing into his mind.

His face suddenly became horrified, and he knew that a big battle was coming.

At this moment, a phone rang on his desk.

He frowned and pressed the hands-free button. A beautiful female voice sounded, "Mr. Governor, video link from the empire, please access."

Tongshenzi nodded, "Connect."

The next moment, the entire room dimmed, and a three-dimensional screen appeared in front of him.

The content of the picture is the entire cabinet hall, and all the members have arrived.

His position is exactly in the center circle of the parliament hall, surrounded by eight screens, representing the governors of the other eight provincial capitals of the Red Lotus Empire.

At this time, the voice of the Prime Minister of the Red Lotus Empire sounded in a low voice, "Members of the Governor-General, according to the latest report from the Imperial Intelligence Agency."

"The position of the North Pole has changed dramatically, and there have been abnormal space-time fluctuations."

"According to our satellite photography, there are a large number of strange existences there, and there is also a large amount of strange fog shrouding the area."

"According to the information we received from the sect and Weird Side, it was an invasion from another world."

"It's a disaster that can destroy the world."

"Now I order all provinces to enter the first level of alert."

"At the same time, all cities must begin mass production of weapons and supplies, and mobilize large armies to the north for blockade."

"Be prepared to face the impact of alien invasion, and at the same time increase the expansion of the world's military deployment plan."

"This is a global crisis. I hope everyone understands that no matter what forces are behind you or what the involvement is."

"The ultimate goal of everything is to repel the invasion from another world."

"If anyone violates this rule, or causes trouble, or colludes with other worlds, it will be regarded as a crime of treason against humanity and will be punished by death."

"This is the power of prime minister in wartime, I hope you understand."

"At the same time, based on the current situation, we will carry out the first wave of powerful strikes."

"Suppress the momentum of invasion by beings from other worlds."

"Please watch carefully. The next scene is one of the empire's newest and most powerful weapons, the God of the Sun."

At this time, in the parliament hall, all the members and governors of the Red Lotus Empire looked at the new prime minister with some confusion.

He was expressionless, and next to him was a very handsome long-haired man, wearing a black robe, very elegant, and seemed out of place with the entire venue.

But when Tong Shenzi watched the video, he noticed his presence at first sight.

Because he felt the same majesty from this person as the sect master.

A huge alarm went up in his heart, and every cell in his body was telling him not to go against this person, otherwise he would definitely die.

This person is Huang Yuxian of the Weird Object Management Department, a mysterious and legendary figure.

At this time he placed a suitcase in front of the Prime Minister.

The Prime Minister slowly opened the suitcase. Inside was a simple control console, consisting of a screen, keyboard, and red buttons.

The Prime Minister entered several passwords on the keyboard and then pressed the red button.

No one knew what the Prime Minister was doing, and an illusory projection appeared in the center of the venue.

Just listen to the Prime Minister's voice saying calmly, "This is the God of the Sun. It is a weapon produced by our study of the burning principle of the sun."

"The power of elemental fusion explosion can destroy everything."

At this time, a satellite picture appeared in the middle of the parliament. Under an ordinary mountain peak, a roof was slowly opened, revealing a large black hole.

A huge, flaming missile flew up from it.

The huge thrust caused it to explode at a terrifying speed, straight across the sky, like a sharp sword piercing the sky.

Its speed is getting faster and faster, and the satellites are always locked on the picture staring at it, and an illusory arc streaks across the sky.

It was heading north, and countless lives looked up at the sky.

A trail of burning smoke divided the entire sky in half.

No one knew what it was, and everyone just had an instinctive fear in their hearts.

At the North Pole, at this time, an area of ​​hundreds of kilometers in radius was already shrouded in black fog.

Although the sky continued to fall violent thunder, quickly dissipating the black fog.

But these black fogs continued to spew out from the cracks in the center, like a spring that would never stop.

No matter how much thunder fell from the sky, it would never be able to clear this endless black fog.

At this time, an invisible force was spreading from all directions of the entire Red Lotus Realm.

It madly suppressed the expansion range of these fogs, so that they could never break through the 100-kilometer area.

And at this moment, the missiles that crossed the sky finally arrived here and fell towards the center of this fog.

That was a speed that almost no human could ever reach. Inside the space-time crack, Ai Qing's eyes flashed slightly.

A huge sense of crisis rose from his heart. The moment the missile entered the range of the fog, he realized something was wrong.

With a wave of the scepter, the huge space-time crack in front of him slowly closed.

But at the moment of closing, the whole world seemed to stop at this moment.

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