The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 350-2 Everyone, outside the city (third update)

True Destiny Unlimited was activated, and a green light spread out from Lin Yi's body.

It spread to the three boys, making them shrouded in a hazy green light.

The three boys looked at their amazing changes with great surprise in their eyes.

And Lin Yi had already pulled them towards the wall.

When True Destiny Unlimited was activated, everything would lose mass and shape.

Even if Lin Yi held an elephant in his hand, it would be no different from holding a small stone.

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Before the three boys could react, they had already crashed into the wall and fell into darkness.

In panic, they held their brother's hand even tighter.

Lin Yi's voice rang in their ears, "Remember not to move, if you let go, your brother will die."

Hearing this, the three dared not be careless.

Lin Yi didn't lie to them. Under the cover of the boundless destiny, they can travel anywhere at will.

But once they let go, they will fall out of the boundless destiny state immediately.

If they are in the soil or various substances, they will be stuck in it immediately.

The overlap of external substances and the body will kill them in an instant.

The boundless destiny is not only a power to travel through everything, it is also a very dangerous means of killing.

About a few minutes later, Lin Yi and the earl's three children floated out of the ground together.

The earl looked at Lin Yi bringing his three children.

Suddenly, the worries in his heart were swept away, and his eyes were filled with unprecedented joy.

He immediately greeted him, bowed respectfully to Lin Yi, and bowed with one hand on his chest to thank him.

"My lord, I am so grateful to you."

Looking at the earl who was full of etiquette and aristocratic style.

Lin Yi waved his hand and said, "Nothing, this is just the content of the contract."

"Don't worry, according to the contract, your family will definitely be rescued."

"Then I'm going to save your wife now."

After Lin Yi finished speaking, he turned and disappeared on the ground, without stopping for a moment to waste time.

Soon he returned to the cell again, and this time he began to look for the place where the female prisoners were held.

A few minutes later, he found the location of the female prisoners.

He shuttled through the mud area behind these cells without being noticed by anyone.

Under the true destiny, he only needed to observe the eye position of each female prisoner.

Whether there was a faint flow of power there, he could determine who was the count's wife.

In a few minutes, he found his target.

In a flash, he walked out of the wall and stood in front of a woman.

This woman was about 40 years old, and there were already many wrinkles around her eyes.

From her appearance, it can be seen that she must have been a beauty when she was young.

Her hair was scattered, and she was wearing a white prison uniform, but her mental state was unexpectedly good.

Sitting upright, she maintained her ladylike appearance, and was obviously well educated.

Although she was in prison, she also maintained her noble dignity.

When Lin Yi appeared in front of her, she did not show any nervousness.

Instead, she looked at Lin Yi calmly, "Who are you?"

"I am the person your husband found, and my mission is to rescue you."

"Will you come with me?"

The Countess was delighted when she heard this, and nodded quickly, "Okay, what should I do."

"You don't have to do anything, just stay still."


The Countess agreed, and Lin Yi walked over and put one hand on the other's shoulder.

Being touched by other men, the Countess obviously felt a little uncomfortable.

The next moment, she was shrouded in a green light.

The shackles in her hands broke away from her body and fell to the ground.

Lin Yi pulled her and rushed into the wall.

The Countess looked at the wall head-on and instinctively closed her eyes.

After a few seconds, nothing happened, and there was no pain from the collision.

When he opened his eyes again, he saw darkness.

Lin Yi's voice rang in his ears, "Wait a moment, you can see your husband and children."

The Countess's tense body relaxed immediately.

For a woman, her husband and children are what he cares about most.

Lin Yi took her to the warehouse, and the moment she emerged from the ground, she saw her husband and three children.

The tense anxiety in her heart disappeared instantly, and then she was sad from the heart, staggering towards her husband.

At this time, the Earl also hugged her instantly, and the three children surrounded them and hugged them together.

The Countess cried faintly, and it was obvious that the fear and forced calmness of the past few days made her very scared.

Until now, when she saw the Earl and had a backbone, she dared to expose her sadness.

Lin Yi watched the family reunion, and said in a faint voice, "I'm sorry to disturb the reunion of your family of five."

"My time is limited, I need to send you to a safe place as soon as possible."

"Let's leave the city first."

At this time, the earl immediately comforted his children and wife.

He stood in front of Lin Yi and said, "Sir, I'm sorry, we are reunited after a long time, so I am a little excited."

"You still have time later, let's leave now."

"Hold each other and don't let go."

"I'm going to take you away from here."

The Earl nodded quickly, "Yes, sir."

As he said that, he looked at his children and wife.

"Everyone, stand in a circle and hold on tight."

They have all seen Lin Yi's methods and know what will happen next.

They held hands and held the people next to them tightly.

Lin Yi walked over and grabbed the Earl's shoulders, and True Destiny Without Boundaries and True Destiny Dao Jie opened at the same time.

He sank into the ground with the family of five and rushed to the border of this city.

His left hand made a speed seal, and it flashed hundreds of meters.

After about a few minutes, they had arrived at the outskirts of the city.

Emerging from the ground, Lin Yi turned his head and looked at the city behind him.

This is a huge city surrounded by towering walls.

The city is built on the mountain and is all white.

Countless buildings are built with white rocks.

Various magnificent palaces were erected in this huge city.

The brightly lit night made the city seem like a city that never sleeps.

At the highest point built on the mountain, there was a very dazzling palace, which was the king's palace.

There was no moon in this world, and the sky was filled with endless stars.

The starlight was very strong, making the night world slightly brighter.

At this time, Lin Yi and his team were facing this city directly.

Lin Yi looked at the earl, "Where is the direction of the Northland? How far is the territory of the Duke of the Northland from here?"

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