The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 341: Completion, Waiting (First Update)

At this moment, Lin Yi is already in a perfect physical state.

Without any flaws, a warm wave permeates from the pill.

This wave nourishes every cell and gene in his body, allowing his body to continue to move towards a perfect state.

In the next week, his body will undergo a complete transformation.

His life limit will also be extended to 150 years, reaching the limit of life state of human cell division.

The most important thing is that in this state, he will not even age.

Only in the last few days when his life span is exhausted, will some abnormalities appear.

For example, his hair will turn completely white overnight, which means that his life is about to come to an end.

The third level of the human immortal path has never appeared in ancient times, at least in ancient times when the sect was hidden.

With the changes in the world now, there are rumors on the Internet that someone has reached this realm.

Now Lin Yi has finally set foot in this realm, relying on his own efforts and various opportunities.

Taking a deep breath, Lin Yi slowly stood up from his bed, feeling the refreshment of his body, and all the fatigue was swept away.

Pushing open the door of the bedroom and entering the hall, he looked at the clock. It was already 11 o'clock in the middle of the night.

It had been 4 hours since he entered the bedroom.

He had completed the limit leap from the first level to the third level of the human immortal way.

This growth rate would probably scare countless people to death.

It was also thanks to his cultivation of the spirit pool to the extreme, and at the same time he obtained enough spiritual sources.

A trace of pure spirit was born, and his control of essence far exceeded that of ordinary practitioners.

At the same time, he completed all the accumulation of essence at the first level, so he could do all this.

In terms of the total amount of essence, he has definitely reached the limit of human beings.

Even the third level of the human immortal way Dan Dao master of the same level is definitely not as good as Lin Yi.

First of all, the 9-foot-9 limit spirit pool is not something that anyone can cultivate. It probably requires a certain amount of luck.

Secondly, you must obtain enough spiritual sources to improve the essence of life, thereby affecting all aspects of the body, and even the purity of the essence.

Lin Yi stood in the lobby, which was empty at this time.

Brandy, vodka, and absinthe all seemed to have returned to their respective bedrooms.

Lin Yi gently opened the door, stood on the street of Honglian City, and looked outside Honglian City.

The sky there was shrouded in a faint red light.

From time to time, a huge roar could be heard. It was obvious that the war was continuing there, and the strange beings had once again launched an attack on Honglian City.

"It has been four or five hours since nightfall, and the war there has not stopped at all."

"It seems that after the third world change, the number of strange beings has increased a bit."

Thinking of this, his heart was a little heavy, which meant that the future would be very dangerous.

If this high-intensity war continued for 10 days, I am afraid that the war resources stored by the entire Honglian Empire would be exhausted.

That was when the real danger began, and the industrial system would collapse under the invasion of strange beings.

The system of the empire would also collapse, and the world would be divided and fall into a state of fighting each other.

Only the strong can survive, and the weak can only rely on the strong to survive. Everything is like the doomsday novels on the Internet in the past.

It is almost a foreseeable future.

"So where should the Wanshiwu go?"

In his heart, Lin Yi does not want the doomsday to come at all. He is a person who likes peace and tranquility.

Watching the news every day, thinking about food or traveling around, counting countless money, what a pleasant life it is.

He has never been interested in fighting and killing, unless there are huge benefits.

However, the current situation does not allow him to make more choices. Once things go as he expected and slide towards a bad situation, he is afraid that he can only prepare and try to make the Wanshiwu move across the border.

"But the empire will also anticipate this situation, and the sects and the weird side are not easy to predict."

"So the possibility of entering the worst state is still very low."

"But we still have to prepare, and the Wanshiwu must accumulate more power."

"I need to lure more weird beings to come from the other world."

"These weird beings seem to like flesh and blood very much, maybe we can try it."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi already has a plan in his mind, and tonight is just the right time to try it.

12 o'clock is coming soon.

Coo coo coo~

The birds chirped again in the hall.

Brandy, vodka, and absinthe all appeared here.

Tonight's experiment might cause unpredictable threats, so Lin Yi called the three down directly.

He was still familiar with his own strength in the past hour.

As he entered the third level of the human immortal path, he had to be familiar with the impact of this realm on the true life source.

For example, would the random conversion of the technique affect the existence of the pill?

The final conclusion after the experiment was that it had no effect at all, and the true life source was really mysterious.

In theory, he condensed the pill of the "Great Power Vajra Seal Method", which naturally had its special characteristics according to the different structures of the life ring.

But after changing the structure of the technique energy through the true life source, the pill did not collapse due to the change in the energy structure.

However, relying on the true destiny solution, he also found the problem.

The deepest part of the pill still has the mysterious structure of the life ring. When he uses the true destiny root to convert the energy properties.

The energy that constitutes the life ring will also change, but the structure of the life ring will not collapse due to the change of energy properties.

Obviously, the life ring structure itself is not restricted by the energy properties.

After being thoroughly familiar with his new power, the time is almost 12 o'clock.

Lin Yi and Vodka, Brandy, and Absinthe sat on the sofa, waiting for the alien existence that might appear today.

As the time reached 12 o'clock, wisps of mist slowly floated out and quickly spread throughout the Wanshiwu.

Strange fluctuations are rapidly appearing.

The door of the Wanshiwu also began to emit red light, and a snow-white paper slowly floated out from the door of the Wanshiwu.

The strange child quietly appeared, took the snow-white paper, and put it in front of Lin Yi.

Picking up the paper, Lin Yi saw the words on it, which were written in blood.

"Please save my family. I am willing to pay any price."

"Great existence."

Looking at the letter for help, Lin Yi thought for a while, picked up a pen, and wrote below.

"I can save you. Write down in detail what happened to you."

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