The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 339 Breakthrough, Transformation (3rd update)

"This is a big guy."

Although surprised, Lin Yi had no intention of taking action.

Outside the House of Everything, his power has not increased, and he might die if he fights against such a big guy.

However, he would not leave this kind of thing alone, so he directly took out the phone and dialed a number.

"Mr. Lin, what's the matter?"

"Bang bang bang."

Lin Yi heard gunfire from the other side of the phone, and Huang Yiming obviously seemed to be in the middle of a fight.

Lin Yi kept his story short and said, "I discovered a strange existence on the human-immortal path in a mountain col dozens of kilometers away from Red Lotus City."

"I know that Red Lotus City's elite troops are dealing with these strange existences."

"So I'll send you an address and you can come and have a look."

After speaking, Huang Yiming hung up the phone without waiting for a reply.

Then a satellite positioning address was sent.

After smiling, Lin Yi turned around and rushed in the other direction, starting to continue his cleaning work.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon it was midnight, and the afterglow of the setting sun enveloped the entire world.

Lin Yi has returned to the border of Honglian City.

Looking back, as the sunset in the sky faded, countless black gases rose from the earth.

Apparently a new night of chaos is about to begin.

Lin Yi did not stop at the border and returned directly to the House of Everything.

We returned to Wanshiwu in ten minutes.

After fighting outside for a day, he didn't eat lunch or dinner.

Sitting in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of Wanshiwu, five plates of thick steaks were already served in front of him.

The knife and fork danced in his hands, and he devoured all the food in just ten minutes.

Feeling the warm feeling in his stomach, he couldn't help but let out a deep breath.

He didn't plan to do anything else tonight, but focused on practicing.

With a whole day's harvest, he pushed the brilliance of the lotus mudra to 54, which was half done.

He estimated that this time the chaos would last at least another week.

Only then would it be possible to clean up all the weird existences outside.

After finishing dinner, Lin Yi ignored Vodka and the others.

Instead, he went directly back to his bedroom and began to practice the last step of the first level of human immortality.

Refined liquid.

This is a somewhat peculiar realm that requires condensation of liquefied essence.

The method of condensation is rather strange.

At this time, Lin Yi was sitting cross-legged on his bed, running the "Powerful Vajra Seal Technique".

The rich essence flowed in his body, roaring like a river.


You can even hear the sound outside, like a real river.

At this time, a spiritual flame enveloped every corner of his body.

He could feel the changes in his body every moment, and the spiritual fire was forging the essence of his life.

This is a slow and long-lasting process, and I don’t know how long it will last.

But these are not important to him now.

According to the operation method of the first level of the "Powerful Vajra Seal Technique", he began to refine the liquid.

All the energy returned to the spiritual pool, and then Lin Yi looked inside at his heart and kidneys.

A move of will.

Two streams of essence separated from the spiritual pool and rushed into the kidneys and heart.

Then these two spirits quickly returned to the spiritual pool.

After returning to the spirit pool, the colors of these two essences changed slightly.

The essence leading to the heart has a faint red light, while the essence flowing into the kidneys exudes a faint black light.

The two spirits collided in the spiritual pool, and a wonderful change occurred in an instant.

It's like thunder in the sky and fire in the earth.

There was an inexplicable sizzling sound, a sound that directly sounded at the soul level.

A mysterious vortex was created where the two spirits collided, swallowing both spirits completely.

This vortex exists stably in the spiritual pool, and the essence in it seems to be undergoing a change.

Lin Yi did not stop after seeing the vortex appear.

Instead, he continued to mobilize the liquid essence in his body, continuously flowing into his heart and kidneys, and finally rushed into the vortex.

With the continuous infusion of essence, this vortex became larger and larger, rapidly expanding to the entire spiritual pool.

All the liquid essence in the spiritual pool was eventually integrated into it.

A hazy golden light was gestating in the whirlpool.

I don’t know how much time has passed.

At this time, the vortex seemed to have a mysterious attraction.

From the kidneys and heart, wisps of faint mysterious light slowly flowed out and poured into the vortex.

The vortex turned red and black, like the sea and flames, water and fire blending together.

At this time, the spiritual flames all over Lin Yi's body seemed to be attracted by this whirlpool.

A trace of spiritual flame flowed from the body into the vortex.

With the inflow of spiritual flames, the vortex rotates faster and faster.

The essence inside seemed to be stimulated by something, and it made a thunderous roar.

It kept ringing in Lin Yi's mind, causing his whole body to be enveloped in a kind of mental shock.

Lin Yi looked inside and could feel the essence changing.


Like thunder exploding from the sky, the vortex suddenly collapsed under the illumination of a pure golden light.

It was a ray of light rising from the deepest part of the vortex.

This radiance is filled with the nature of a diamond, and there seems to be an eternal mystery hidden in it.

The light expanded to the entire spirit pool in an instant.

The spirit pool looked like a golden orb under the light.

The golden light rushed out of the spirit pool quickly and spread to the whole body along the meridians.

Lin Yi was like a statue emitting golden light at this moment.

He was also like the Buddha in the West, emitting a golden and eternal temperament.

At this moment, Lin Yi broke through the first level of the human immortal path, the realm of liquid refining.

He entered the first small realm of the second level of the human immortal path - light transformation.

There are three realms in the human immortal path, and each realm has three small realms.

The second level is divided into light transformation, light refining, and life ring.

He has now entered the realm of light transformation, and all his essence has undergone a qualitative change again, turning into light.

The speed of essence mobilization in this state is faster than that of liquid essence, and it can be spread all over the body in an instant.

At the same time, it will also increase the upper limit of power output to a certain extent.

Originally, Lin Yi's upper limit of power output had reached 15% of essence, and now it has reached 17% with the essence turning into light.

As for the next step, it is to practice light.

The so-called practice of light does not mean to improve the quality of light essence, but to improve one's control of light.

Only when the control of light reaches a certain level can one start to impact the third level.

Whether the practice of light is successful depends on whether it can form a life ring.

The so-called life ring is actually a mysterious structure of essence and energy transportation. The structure of the life ring is found from various mysterious skills or inscriptions.

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