The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 329: Destroy and Harvest (First Update)

The Wanshiwu now has a way out, and Lin Yi's tension and worry in his heart have eased.

At this time, the spider-like weird existence that was killed by Vodka and the other two in the lobby had already melted away.

Even the damaged ground and some furniture have been restored to their original state.

Lin Yi didn't know that a fierce battle had taken place in the lobby.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi left the two-headed dog and the bad doctor in the lobby to guard the door.

In case a new weird existence appears, he must not let the other party open the door of the Wanshiwu.

Otherwise, those terrifying existences outside will enter the Wanshiwu, and there will be no way out.

Thick corrosive smoke gushed out of the bad doctor's body and quickly filled the entire lobby.

The two-headed dog stood next to the bad doctor. They guarded the door of the Wanshiwu. Without Lin Yi's order, no one could pass through here.

Lin Yi led the weird child and the purple corpse monster to the underground maze.

Just two minutes later, they came to the ruins where the fierce battle had continued.

Most of the maze had been leveled, and the ground was covered with collapsed maze walls and scattered bricks and stones, and dark green silk threads were everywhere.

These silk threads were still slowly wriggling, constantly trying to repair the damaged parts of the maze.

But at this time, this area was too chaotic, and the power of the human immortal way was rampant here, and various forces were crisscrossed.

The weak maze guards around would be crushed if they were not careful enough to get involved.

The self-repair of the underground maze was also in vain.

After seeing this scene, Lin Yi's eyes showed a trace of cold murderous intent.

His eyes locked on the strange existence closest to him, and the purple corpse monster had already rushed up.

The body like a tank was full of huge oppression.

Instantly attracted the attention of a strange existence that was fighting a violent black dragon.

A purple fist fell from the sky and blasted down on the head of this strange existence.

This strange existence was covered with pustules, and there were eyes on the pustules.

From time to time, a strange black liquid flowed and dripped onto the ground, leaving a tiny pit.

His opponent, the violent black dragon, had pits of corrosion all over his body.

But the violent black dragon's body was filled with countless dark green threads, which quickly repaired the corrosion of his body.

The two monsters fought bare-chested, punching each other, and it was almost a draw.

But with the addition of the purple corpse monster, the situation was reversed in an instant.

The monster, which was covered with pustules and eyes, raised its left hand, and black liquid covered its arm.

It blocked the heavy punch from the purple corpse monster, but the result was very tragic.

The purple corpse monster's heavy punch was incredibly powerful, and it only blasted the left hand of this strange existence into pieces in an instant, as if it exploded directly like a bomb.

At this time, the violent black dragon also saw an opportunity, and punched out with both fists, pointing directly at the chest of this strange existence.

Bang bang.

With two muffled collisions, the chest of the strange existence exploded directly, and two deep pits appeared.

Its body also flew into the air under this huge force.

But the hands of the purple corpse monster had silently grabbed the legs of this strange existence in an instant.

The terrifying power erupted in an instant, and the body that flew out by inertia was pulled to a stop in mid-air.

Under an irresistible force, the purple corpse monster grabbed the legs and smashed it to the ground.

The vast power erupted vividly in an instant.

The purple corpse monster kept smashing this strange existence to the ground like waving a stick.

The strange existence was like a rag, and countless body tissues were smashed in the collision with the ground.

Pure violence, just a few times, smashed this strange existence into a pile of mud.

Lin Yi, who was watching this battle from behind, couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "The combat power of the purple corpse monster is too violent."

On the other side of the battlefield, the strange child had already taken action.

A series of black smoke tentacles went towards those strange existences and whipped them down in the air.

They had to be distracted to deal with the attack from the black smoke tentacles.

The result of this must be the dispersion of energy and more opportunities for their opponents.

Lin Yi did not take action, he just presided over the entire battlefield.

Mobilizing the power of the summoned creatures, targeted these strange beings to besiege.

The right way of military tactics - use the majority to bully the minority.

This is the most upright military tactics, pure strength crushing, and there is no way to turn the tables.

One after another, strange beings fell in the siege.

Whether they self-destructed, attacked crazily, or even exchanged injuries for injuries without dying, they could not save their fate.

With the fall of the third strange being, they had no possibility of turning the tables.

The strange beings became weaker and weaker, while Lin Yi's power became stronger and stronger.

With the rise and fall of one, everything was suspenseful.

In the end, all the strange beings were eliminated, and the Wanshiwu gained more power.

Lin Yi also gained a lot in this series of battles.

The third lotus seal in his body has been lit up with ten hand seals.

There are more than a dozen human immortals here, and they bring a lot of pure and strange power.

With the end of the battle, the underground maze began to repair rapidly.

Countless broken structures quickly returned to their original positions under the connection of dark green silk threads.

The damaged area was quickly turned into corridor walls again by connecting with dark green silk threads.

Lin Yi, who was watching this scene, did not stay here for long, but quickly returned to the hall.

Brandy was also called out of the safe house, and Vodka and Absinthe followed.

As for the maze guards, Lin Yi asked them to continue patrolling in the maze.

As the controller of the underground maze, he naturally knew that these maze guards had long lost human emotions, leaving only pure reason and human thinking patterns.

They were the most perfect tools, so he did not need to take care of their emotions like he did with Vodka and the others.

He only needed to give direct orders.

In the hall, Lin Yi looked at Vodka, whose breath was less than 30% of his prime, and a hint of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Is your energy consumption so serious?"

Vodka smiled bitterly, "Just now I faced a strange existence, and I almost fell."

"That was a spiritual series of strange existence, and I was confused."

"I was almost drained of my life by the other party, so I am now exhausted."

Lin Yi nodded and looked at Absinthe. This guy was full of energy and didn't look tired at all.

As for Brandy, he was even more cautious and huddled there without saying a word.

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