The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 302: Disappeared, Wanted (Fourth Update)

"Sure enough, there is something nearby, and it attacked Donggong Wudi after he died."

Thinking of this, Tongshenzi gradually sketched out a picture in his mind.

Someone fired a shot at Donggong Wudi while he was driving from a distance.

The bullet hit his chest accurately, piercing him.

The gushing blood dyed the entire car blood red.

At the same time, something waiting outside enveloped Donggong Wudi.

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It devoured his resentment and fragments of consciousness, so nothing was left at the scene.

It even cut off the possibility of Donggong Wudi turning into a resentful spirit.

"It's a perfect layout, it's a planned murder."

"Then the next step is to find out who it is."

"You probably wouldn't have thought that someone from the Ghost Immortal Dao would intervene."

"The Ghost Immortal Dao has long been in touch with the truth and essence of this world."

"Many things cannot be seen by mortals, so they will not leave traces, but they will be very clear in front of us."

Thinking of this, the first thing he did was to track down the person who made the sniper.

Following the traces of death to the source, he soon came to a street corner in the distance.

Then he caught two faint breaths here.

A sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and his palm was shrouded in a mysterious wave, grabbing the two breaths.

The two breaths were like physical objects, and he was caught in his hand.

I saw him use some mysterious seals with his left hand, and a faint power spread out from his body, quickly enveloping the two breaths.

The next moment, the two breaths turned into two shining ghosts.

The two little ghosts were all black, but their eyes were very smart, as if they had wisdom.

They jumped on Tongshenzi's hand, then seemed to sense some gaze, and finally looked in one direction.

Tongshenzi understood, turned into a puff of smoke, and flew in the direction the two little ghosts were looking at.

His speed was very fast, without the limitation of a physical body, and he was almost a hundred meters away in a flash.

He looked like a vengeful spirit, not blocked by the material world.

And the power permeating his body was not inferior to that of a master of the immortal level.

In just a few minutes, he had chased out of Honglian City.

But less than a few hundred meters away from Honglian City, he stopped.

"Have you left Honglian City? You walked so decisively, this was planned long ago."

"What a pity, my current realm can only leave the body 10 kilometers away at most."

Thinking of this, he could only shake his head, return the same way, and soon returned to the crime scene.

The two little ghosts in his hand also slowly dissipated at this time.

His eyes were fixed on the car, which had a faint black gas left on it.

After thinking for a while, he reached out his right hand towards the black gas, but frowned slightly after he grabbed it.

"Isn't it the breath of the living?"

He shook his head slightly. The Taoist method he used to track the sniper just now was called "Little Ghost Tracking".

But Little Ghost can only find fresh life, and it is impossible to find the existence of a simple vengeful spirit.

Thinking of this, Tongshenzi couldn't help shaking his head, "It seems that I have to wait for the investigation report of these people to come out, and I will take a closer look and analyze it."

"But there is still one thing to do now."

A trace of cold light appeared in his eyes, and he turned into a puff of smoke and left here quickly.

When he returned to the Prime Minister's Mansion again, he directly summoned the butler of the Prime Minister's Mansion.

Wang Meng, the butler of the Prime Minister's Mansion, also served as a secretary and could use many official relationships.

Wang Meng naturally knew who Tongshenzi was. Hearing his call, he hurried to Tongshenzi's courtyard.

At this time, a map appeared in Tongshenzi's hand, with many places circled on it.

He handed the map to Wang Meng, "This is what I found after investigating the crime scene."

"Go and call up all the surveillance cameras in these places. I want to check them carefully."

As the chief secretary of Donggong Taiyu, Wang Meng naturally knew what happened tonight.

After hearing Tongshenzi's order, he immediately said with a serious face, "Yes, sir, please wait a moment."

"I will collect this information as quickly as possible."

Tongshenzi nodded, "Go."

Wang Meng disappeared in the small courtyard and used his own connections.

About half an hour later, he came to Tongshenzi with a tablet.

"Sir, this is the surveillance camera of those places tonight. They are all in this tablet. You can see it by opening it on the desktop."

Tongshenzi took the tablet handed over by Wang Meng and quickly opened the video and began to check it one by one.

Soon he found his target. The two female figures passed by the streets where these videos were shot after the time of the crime scene.

The last scene in the video was that the two women left Honglian City and disappeared.

"Women?" There was a hint of doubt in his eyes.

He returned the tablet to Wang Meng, "Go get someone to analyze it."

"Who are these two women? After collecting their information, we can issue a wanted order."

"It was these two people who used sniper rifles to kill Donggong Wudi."

Wang Meng's face suddenly froze when he heard this, "Yes, sir, I know."

This night was destined to be very special. Donggong Wudi's death spread all over the Internet at the first time.

Thinking of the things he had done, some people immediately commented on conspiracy theories on various forums.

Thinking that he was killed by his enemies in revenge.

He had done things in the past very secretly, so many people didn't know who was messing with them.

But now that all this has been exposed in broad daylight, naturally some people have a boundless resentment towards Donggong Wudi.

Even if they attacked him, it would be very normal, not to mention that Donggong Wudi's father Donggong Taiyu is caught in the problem of public opinion.

When he is busy with his own affairs, it is even more difficult to take care of Donggong Wudi's affairs. Naturally, it is a great opportunity.

Many people speculate that Donggong Taiyu, the prime minister, will never let it go so easily and will definitely avenge his son.

"Now many people are speculating who is the one who attacked Donggong Wudi."

But this question was soon answered for them.

The official wanted order from the government listed the two sisters, Zhang Lingfang and Zhang Linghua, as the primary criminals in the murder case.

When the two beautiful twins were seen, the entire network exploded.

And according to insiders, the two sisters were also the personal bodyguards of Donggong Wudi, or even mistresses.

This incident quickly became gossip in the social circle and began to spread widely, and countless people were looking for the truth.

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