The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 294 Spread and Reaction (Second Update)

Soon, Absinthe took a USB flash drive with 9 evidence videos copied into it.

They were all made by Lin Yi and packaged into a folder.

Absinthe will appear in various Internet cafes and pass this information to the Internet.

Lin Yi sat in the Wanshiwu, waiting for the whole incident to ferment.

"So I have already made a move, how do you respond? Donggong Wudi."

With a sneer on his face, Lin Yi almost saw the other party's anger and helplessness.

"Your seven generals will most likely be sent out by you. As long as they come to kill me, you have made a big mistake."

Lin Yi had already made all preparations, just waiting for these seven generals to fall into the tiger's mouth.

It has to be said that these evidences will be the last straw that breaks the camel's back, as well as the anger from the Prime Minister of Donggong towards Donggong Wudi.

This is bound to make Donggong Wudi completely lose his mind and make wrong judgments.

Everything is to stimulate him. Angry people are most likely to make wrong choices in anger, which will eventually cause huge losses and failures to themselves.

From Donggong Wudi's various deeds, Lin Yi has roughly figured out this person's character.

Although this person seems fierce and domineering, he is very cautious, and conspiracy is his favorite means.

He likes to spend the least effort to get the greatest results, no matter how cruel the means are, he will use them.

And it is very difficult to calculate this kind of person with ordinary methods, because he will first think that this is a conspiracy, and then he will start to trace the source.

For this Donggong Wudi, Lin Yi will not despise him at all, he has made all preparations.

And the Wanshiwu is the battlefield he chose, and he wants his opponent to have to step into it.

An hour later, the network of the Red Lotus Realm exploded instantly.

One video after another began to spread on the Internet, the content was horrifying and terrifying.

Everyone who saw the content was completely shocked.

They never thought that someone could be so vicious.

Suddenly, the Internet was flooded with things about Donggong Wudi.

At the same time, Donggong Taiyu, the Prime Minister's residence, also received the news.

He was watching one video after another on a tablet at this time.

After seeing the content inside, veins popped out on his eyebrows, showing how much fluctuation he had in his heart.

"What on earth is this guy doing? I warned him not to do this kind of thing a long time ago."

At this point, there was a trace of indescribable anger in his eyes. He could almost see that his political enemies would make a big fuss about this matter and then throw all the dirty water on him.

The father is the fault of the son. With such a son, what qualifications does he have to be the prime minister?

This is the biggest attack on his reputation.

Although the propaganda department is under his control, it is useless for him to suppress the news now, because the news has already spread thoroughly.

The downloads that should be downloaded have already been downloaded, and even if it is stopped, it cannot be stopped.

At this time, the door of his office has been urgently pushed open.

People with panicked faces walked in one by one, all of them were from his faction.

"Prime Minister, what happened? How could your son do such a thing? And these contents were actually filmed and posted online?"

"The Deputy Prime Minister has contacted many people and is submitting an investigation request to the Congress."

"Request a thorough investigation of all group companies under Donggong Wudi's name."

"Even Prime Minister, the company where your family is located has been targeted."

Hearing this, Donggong Taiyu's face was gloomy, "Damn guy, he is really an ungrateful wolf."

"We just reached an agreement last time, and he can't wait to backfire so quickly. This is a fence-sitter."

Although Donggong Taiyu was angry about the Deputy Prime Minister's backhand attack, his expression was still calm and he didn't show it.

Looking at the members of his faction, he said calmly, "Now we will do our best to suppress the spread of this matter."

"Second, tell our people immediately and let them arrest Donggong Wudi and temporarily detain him."

"I will deal with it later, after this matter is over."

Hearing this, everyone understood in their hearts that this was a delaying tactic.

It has calmed down the Internet craze and cooled down the heat. At that time, you can find some evidence to clear your name.

Capital society is so realistic.

"What are you still standing there for? Why don't you do it quickly?" Looking at the people in front of him.

Donggong Taiyu looked at him like a goose, and a trace of anger appeared in his eyes.

He couldn't help but yell at them, scaring them.

It took them a long time to react, and they crawled out of Donggong Taiyu's room and started to make arrangements.

"These people are trash, none of them are useful."

Thinking of this, he picked up his mobile phone and dialed a familiar number.


"Old man? What's the matter?" An impatient man said.

It was Donggong Wudi.

Donggong Taiyu frowned when he heard Donggong Wudi's words. He and Donggong Wudi have never gotten along well. Their relationship is very tense, but after all, he is his son, and he has to ask about everything.

"Have you seen what happened on the Internet? All the things you did have been exposed."

"I have someone to take you to the police station. You stay there for a while. When this is over, I will find someone to get you out."

"What? You want me to go to the police station? Live with those trash? Are you kidding?"

"This is an insult, an insult to me?"

"How can I be the same as those trash?"

"I will definitely find out who posted those things online."

"I will cut him into pieces."

"Don't even think about letting me in."

Donggong Taiyu's eyes flashed with a cold light when he heard this, "Do you think I'm asking you? Am I ordering you?"

"You've made such a big mess this time. If you don't go, no one can save you."

"Even if it's me, I can't do it. No one can violate the laws of the empire."

"This is an agreement reached by all families. Do you think our Donggong family can withstand the hostility of all families? This is not playing house."

Hearing this, Donggong Wudi roared like a lit firecracker.

"Don't worry about my business. I'll fix my own mess. Get out of here."

After saying that, Donggong Wudi hung up the phone without hesitation.

He showed unbearable anger in his eyes, "Why? Why do you care about me?"

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