The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 281: Resolve and Wait (First Update)

"This is really interesting. Such a strong resentment is not something that ordinary resentful spirits can do."

"How strong is the guy hiding here?"

"Manager, when will you arrive? I feel it is getting more and more dangerous. That thing is about to come out." As if sensing the danger, Absinthe began to call Lin Yi.

Lin Yi heard Absinthe's call and turned to leave the small courtyard where the killers were.

He strode towards the house where Absinthe was, but in just a few minutes he had climbed over the wall and entered.

A trace of solemnity appeared in his eyes, watching the resentment that kept appearing, like spring water bubbling out from under the ground.

The light of the true destiny in his eyes kept flashing, looking at the resentful space underground.

The violent power was surging wildly, and the white-clothed resentful spirit locked by the iron chain was struggling wildly, taking advantage of the arrival of night.

The yin energy of the whole world has been raised to the extreme, and this is the only time she can move during this period of time.

The three people in the house, the mother-in-law, the daughter-in-law, and the grandson, were completely trapped in the fear of nightmares.

They kept shaking on the bed, even struggling slightly, and had already entered a nightmare.

Absinthe sensed Lin Yi's arrival, and hurried out, looking at him and said.

"Manager, you are here just now, my heart is beating with fear."

Absinthe said, while gently patting his chest with his right hand, just like a beautiful girl who was frightened.

But he used Lin Yi's appearance to do this disgusting action, which made Lin Yi feel unprecedented discomfort.

Staring at Absinthe, "If you use my face to do these disgusting actions again."

"I promise you will be very, very happy."

Hearing the threat from Lin Yi, Absinthe immediately stood at attention, and never dared to make any weird movements again.

He knew that Lin Yi was definitely not joking, as long as he said it, he had to do it.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at the ground, "That thing is down there."

"At least it's at the level of a human immortal, you can't deal with it."

As he said that, a cold light appeared in his eyes, and the Earth Seal appeared in front of him, and at the same time, his body was transformed into the essence of the "Great Power Vajra Seal".

The golden light quickly enveloped the Earth Seal, and the root of the true name was activated.

In the surrounding void, countless energies quickly covered the magic weapon, and a golden hill fell down and rushed to the ground.

This attack was invincible, and the entire ground sank in an instant.

Endless golden light penetrated the ground and penetrated the ground, and the terrifying light was like a meteorite hitting the ground.

The white-clothed resentful spirit in the resentment space roared violently.

But it was all to no avail. Under the cover of countless golden lights, it broke into pieces and turned into countless resentful black smoke.

An extremely powerful resentful spirit went to destruction in Lin Yi's hands.

It fell without even having time to exert any power.

No one will even know what she has experienced and what she has encountered in the past.

The world is always so cruel, death is always around, resentment and tragedy are everywhere.

In the end, they will all be consumed in time, leaving no trace.

After dealing with the root cause of the incident, Lin Yi turned around and looked at Absinthe.

"Let's go, there is nothing for us here, and we have to solve our worries next."

"There is still a big show waiting for us to sing."

As he said, a deep sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

At noon the next day, Lin Yi and the three killers returned to Honglian City.

They came back by train because they were sealed by Lin Yi's power.

The three killers didn't dare to leave at all, so they could only do what Lin Yi asked.

They followed Lin Yi back to Honglian City quietly along the way.

Honglian City is very beautiful at night.

The brightly lit neon lights flickered endlessly, illuminating the entire city very brightly, like a city that never sleeps.

Orchid Street Bar No. 2, this is a special name.

A small bar located in a dark corner of Orchid Street.

The three killers usually take missions here, and it is also a gathering place for many killers.

Lin Yi, who was sitting in Bar No. 2, showed a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Interesting, you killers are really bold, and you actually opened a place to take missions here."

The killer of the human immortal way was named Guanqu, and said with a bit of embarrassment.

"We can't do anything about this. The boss here is quite powerful. He opened a bar here, so we came here naturally."

"Do you know who the boss here is?"

Guanqu shook his head and said, "I don't know."

"The boss here is mysterious and has never really shown his face."

"And no one comes here to make trouble."

"Even if there are some unruly killers, if they make trouble here, their bodies will definitely appear in the slums the next day."

"This is a place that everyone will be in awe of."

Lin Yi nodded and continued, "How can you open a killer bar here without strength?"

"After you complete the task, that person will come to you."


"According to the rules, if he finds us here to accept the task, he must come here to pay us the money to finish it."

"This is the boss's rule, no one can violate it."

"Otherwise, the murder will be exposed."

Lin Yi was very interested when he heard this, "You can just transfer the money directly, why would he do this?"

Looking at Guanqu with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

"I don't know about this either, because this boss is very mysterious, and no one knows what he is thinking."

Lin Yi seemed to have guessed the purpose of this person.

"Is it to leave some handle to blackmail these people in the future?"

"If this person is really as powerful as Guanqu said, there is a strong force behind him."

"By finding the handle of these task issuers through this method and cooperating with their own business, then they can do a lot of things?"

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel a sense of admiration in his heart.

"It is indeed very powerful, and the forces behind it must be able to suppress these task issuers."

At this time, the other two killers sat here, looking a little anxious, with a look of embarrassment on their faces.

Lin Yi glanced at them.

"Don't be too anxious, since you failed, this is the result you should bear."

"I will see this person later, and you can fly away."

Guanqu and his two companions showed more and more embarrassed smiles on their faces.

Today they were caught and gave away the mastermind behind the incident. From now on, there will be no place for them in the killer circle.

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