The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 239 Investigation, Visit (3rd update)

That kind of existence, he felt a deep fear from the bottom of his heart, obviously the power of the strange creature has exceeded his imagination.

He looked at the three people and waved his hand, "There should be no more strange existence tonight, you all go to rest."

After receiving Lin Yi's order, Brandy and the third person all had their own thoughts and walked towards their bedroom on the second floor.

Lin Yi returned to his room and sat on his chair, with a trace of thinking in his eyes.

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"It is obvious that there is a huge conspiracy in the north of the city. I hope you don't find me, otherwise it will be troublesome."

"You can ask Zhang Ling tomorrow if there is any conclusion to the matter."

The situation in the north of the city has basically been settled.

After Lin Yi eliminated the corpse mutant monsters in the three areas, he did not intervene again.

Occasionally, he would take action when he encountered some lone corpse monsters.

When all the corpse mutant monsters involved in the entire city were cleared, he called Zhang Ling to inform him that his mission was over.

Today, he spent a lot of energy.

After thinking about his actions for the day, a black slate appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

The slate was not big, and it was engraved with a strange thatched house, a mysterious strange object.

"Put it in the yard tomorrow and have a look."

"Move the thatched house."

Lin Yi was a little concerned about this strange object, because he felt that he seemed to have caught something.

He took a deep breath, and a trace of worry about the future appeared in his eyes.

In the Prime Minister's Mansion of Honglian City, Donggong Taiyu had a gloomy face and listened to the report below.

On the screen in front of him was the information summary report from the Security Bureau.

"This time, all the monsters that appeared in the north of the city are mutated corpses, which is related to the last missing corpse case in the suburbs of the north of the city."

"The first types of these corpse monsters were all monsters with red hair all over their bodies."

"But after that, the people and ghosts killed by them all mutated and formed new corpse monsters."

"According to our investigation, there are obvious traces of human beings behind the first batch of corpse monsters."

"But it is unclear which force it is, and no organization has claimed responsibility for this matter."

"The total number of deaths in this incident is more than 300, all of whom are poor people in the slums."

"All the corpses have been secretly transported to the crematorium for incineration."

"Purchase and clean up to the maximum extent, and there won't be too many traces left on the surface."

"The external propaganda will use fire and attacks by unknown organizations as information confusion to avoid causing panic."

Donggong Taiyu nodded with a gloomy face, "You go and do it."

The screen dimmed, and there was a tablet in front of Donggong Taiyu.

He was looking at a post on the screen at this time.

The above is a description of the influence of Feng Shui and luck on people like the emperor.

At the same time, what happened tonight has been written down to verify the Feng Shui and luck.

Many people left messages below, speculating that the Prime Minister of the Empire, Donggong Taiyu, is unworthy of the position and should step down.

Only in this way can we avoid the recurrence of these things that shake the entire empire.

Moreover, this post has linked various recent events to Donggong Taiyu.

This is obviously planned and premeditated, and a hint of gloom appeared in his eyes.

His voice rang out in this empty office, "How is the investigation going?"

A person walked out of the shadows, his whole body wrapped in black.

You can't see his true appearance, only a pair of eyes are exposed, and the murderous aura is overwhelming.

"We have investigated, this is just an ordinary person."

"Although he studies Feng Shui and various ancient histories, he has no power at all."

"This information is indeed researched by him. He is a history professor at Honglian University."

"He published a paper on this subject a long time ago, although it was rejected by the paper institution."

Donggong Taiyu frowned when he heard this, "Have you investigated his origins? Have other forces contacted him?"

"We have used all our connections and conducted investigations on his family and three generations of his family."

"There is nothing strange. He is just an ordinary native of Honglian City."

Donggong Taiyu nodded, "Keep watching this person. There must be something wrong with this person."

"Also investigate the people who answered and reposted this post. Maybe someone is using this person's knowledge to add fuel to the flames."

"Yes, sir."

The secret guards of Donggong Taiyu's family are also his truly trustworthy subordinates. Each of them is an elite person who has spent countless funds and energy to train, involving people from all aspects.

The black figure disappeared in the shadows and had obviously left.

Donggong Taiyu's eyes showed a trace of solemn light, "The theory of Feng Shui luck is false, but the theory of dragon veins and dragon energy is true."

"According to Tongshenzi, my dragon energy has weakened due to the changes in the world, which led to this series of events."

"Then I must find a way to increase my dragon energy, otherwise if I continue, I will not be able to bear this matter."

In a short period of time, Donggong Taiyu has lost at least 1/10 of the people who were originally loyal to him.

This is his 30 years of accumulation, and he lost 1/10 in such a short time.

It was very difficult for him to accept, but he had to accept it. He wanted to find a way out now.

Thinking of this, Donggong Taiyu slowly stood up and walked towards another courtyard of the Prime Minister's residence.

Soon he came to a delicate courtyard.


He knocked on the door, and a voice came from the courtyard.

"Come in."


Donggong Taiyu pushed the door open and saw Tongshenzi lying on a recliner, his face very calm.

"Prime Minister?"

Tongshenzi stood up from the recliner, with a faint smile on his face, looking at the gloomy Prime Minister.

"This way."

Tongshenzi said and went to the corridor of the ancient house next to him, where there was a small table and cushions.

This corridor looks very similar to the corridors of ancient Japanese courtyards, where people can sit and rest.

Donggong Taiyu and Tongshenzi sat on the cushions on both sides of the small table.

Tongshenzi waved his right hand gently on the small table, and a set of tea sets appeared out of thin air.

He picked up a jade pot from the tea set, and a faint blue glow appeared on his hand.

Countless mists gathered quickly around him and flowed into the jade pot.

In just a few seconds, the jade pot was filled with clear water.

At this time, a faint flame appeared on Tongshenzi's left hand holding the jade pot.

The water in the jade pot quickly boiled after a minute.

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