The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 236 Horror, Kitchen (Fifth Update)

Although there are also constraints of the summoning album, his wisdom tells him that this world is full of dangers.

Seeing the three strange figures outside the French window at this time, he instinctively felt a huge threat, a threat that could make him fall directly into death.

At this time, Vodka slowly stood up from the sofa and walked slowly to one meter away from the French window.

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The blood in his body surged in his body, and a layer of black light shone through his body.

It made him look like a statue like a black iron tower.

He could feel the dangerous pressure from the three figures outside the French window.

But he was not afraid. He stretched out his right hand and raised his thumb, and drew it horizontally towards his neck.

It seemed to be provoking the three figures, and he would kill them if they dared to come in.

The three figures seemed to be stimulated by this action. They suddenly took a step forward and walked out of the fog.

His head was pressed against the glass of the French window, staring at the three people inside.

Brandy looked at the three figures who had revealed their true bodies, trembling all over, with a look of fear on his face.

They were three strange beings with only muscles all over their bodies. One had six arms, and the lower body was made of soft tissue like tentacles, and the eyes were two huge black balls.

One was covered with dense pustules, with no head, and a ball-like body.

Spider-leg-like limbs extended from the side, and green eyes looked at them.

There was also a human figure, a strange headless body covered with pale skin.

Two blood-red eyes were on his chest, staring at the three people in the room.

Absinthe, Vodka, and Brandy, the three people looked at the three figures outside the French window, and they all froze involuntarily.

The eyes of the three strange figures seemed to have some kind of magic, making their consciousness seem unable to control their bodies.

They walked towards the French window involuntarily, and Vodka was closest to the door.

He looked at his body constantly walking towards the door in fear, and his right hand grabbed the door handle.

His hand even fell on the door handle, and the door would open as long as he turned it gently.

Absinthe and Brandy behind him looked at him with fear.

The two of them were also walking towards Vodka, controlled by the eyes of three strange beings outside the French window.

At this moment, a huge shadow rushed out from the right side of the French window and instantly swallowed up the three strange figures.

Brandy and the other two were freed at the same time.

Feeling that his consciousness could control his body again, Vodka instantly stopped turning the door handle.

He rolled and crawled away from the door quickly, and the three of them looked out of the French window.

There was a huge eye there, and I don’t know when it appeared there.

It was a dark eye with a blood-red animal pupil in the center, and it was looking at the three of them.

A huge fear that had never been imagined spread from their hearts.

This fear madly hit their nerves, making them seem to explode in an instant.

At this time, the huge eye slowly disappeared in the mist, and the three of them vaguely saw that it was a huge head.

The three strange figures just now were obviously swallowed by this huge head.

At this time, Vodka and the other two were sweating all over, and even Absinthe, the vengeful spirit, felt trembling all over.

It was an instinctive fear of lower creatures against higher creatures, and they had no resistance at all.

The three were still shrouded in boundless fear at this time. They were afraid that something would break through the window directly from outside.

And when they were controlled just now, the feeling of powerlessness made them feel even more terrified.

Vodka no longer had any confidence. He didn't dare to imagine his own strength at all, and he couldn't even get rid of the control of the monsters outside the window.

Vodka panted and looked at Absinthe and Brandy, "What should we do now? These things are too scary."

Absinthe's distorted face also became very ugly, "From now on."

"Don't stare at the outside, there's something wrong with those strange eyes."

"Just look at us, we noticed their gaze, just like being controlled."

The three reached a consensus, and they didn't dare to look directly out of the French window, but looked into the hall.

A strange sound came from the TV in the hall, and the original news program became more and more distorted.

In the studio, all kinds of furniture and walls were twisted and rotten, and strange changes were taking place.

The three people also noticed the pictures, especially the female host.

Her face was becoming hideous, and the corners of her mouth continued to extend to the corners of her eyes.

The teeth in her mouth became sharp, like spikes.

The eyes became dark, with a little red light in the middle.

All kinds of strange crawling worm-like things grew in the skin.

This scene made the three people's scalps numb. Brandy immediately picked up the remote control and pressed the power switch.


With a light sound, accompanied by the sound of the power off, the TV screen instantly went black.

At this time, seeing the strange phenomenon on TV disappear, the three people quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

The strange changes tonight seemed to be very serious, and Absinthe had no interest in teasing the other two.

As a vengeful spirit who patrolled the Wanshiwu every day, he was naturally very aware of some changes in the Wanshiwu.

The strange phenomena that appeared today have surpassed his recent understanding of the Wanshiwu.

At this time, there was a sudden bang in the kitchen.

The three people's faces suddenly changed, and Absinthe's eyes sank, "Vodka, you go ahead, this is not a joke."

Vodka took a deep breath, and his two-meter-tall body lit up a faint black light.

He took the lead and walked towards the kitchen in the corridor.

Absinthe followed him, and Brandy followed behind with some trembling all over.

The three of them came to the kitchen door in a few steps, and then they saw a strange creature about the size of a palm.

It was a body that looked like a mouse, furry, but with a human face and two human hands on its back.

At this time, its two human hands each held two kitchen knives.

Seeing Vodka and the other two appearing at the departure door, they screamed violently.


The horrible scream produced a mysterious sound wave, which made the heads of Vodka and the other two feel as if they were hitting steel, causing a sharp pain.

At this time, the monster was already rushing towards Vodka with two kitchen knives.

Its speed was very fast, like a cannonball, spinning in the air.

The two knife lights turned into spiral knife lights, slashing towards Vodka's head with a whistling sound that tore through the air.

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