The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 22 Appearance, Power (Please collect and recommend)

After a while, and with a grunt of satisfaction, the driver lay down like a dead pig.

The car door opened, and a satisfied woman in white walked out of the car.

He glanced disdainfully at the fat pig lying in the back seat of the car with his lower body and bare buttocks, and a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

"Sperm-like man, tastes good."

This resentful spirit seems to be completely intelligent, and it is not inferior. It looks almost like a living person.

She was seen swaying, step by step, towards a tomb in the cemetery.

After walking into it, it disappeared in the blink of an eye.

At this time, the driver in the back seat of the car slowly woke up.

Looking at the empty waiting seats, he said with a cheeky smile, "It's really the best. I'm really lucky."

"You can brag about it tomorrow."

At this time, he quickly pulled up his pants, packed up and drove away.

The tomb area once again fell into an eerie silence, with no sound at all.

Lin Yi sat on the wall and shrugged, "The fun always ends quickly. This resentful spirit is actually very interesting and looks very smart."

He straightened up slightly, stood up from the wall, and scanned the tomb area with his eyes.

Every minute, he would turn on the True Life Path for five seconds and then turn it off.

This is a carefully calculated time, five seconds of consumption, and about one minute to recover.

He discovered that the more spiritual waves contained in the Daojie, the faster recovery would be.

The consumption of five seconds is less than one percent of the spiritual wave he currently possesses.

In one minute, Lingbo's reserves can be restored naturally.

This method of use greatly increases the frequency and time of use of Daojie.

It plays a huge role in Lin Yi's observation of various phenomena between heaven and earth.

A few hours passed, and soon it was midnight.

During this period, he carefully observed the cemetery and did not see any resentful spirits except the resentful spirit in white.

"It seems that there are not many ghosts in this cemetery. What's going on?"

"There should be certain conditions for the formation of resentful spirits."

Lin Yi's own diary records in detail the various supernatural incidents he has solved in the past three years.

At the same time, these supernatural events will also be analyzed.

Before there was an explanation, his analysis of the resentful spirits was very limited.

Basically, you have to wait for the resentful spirit to reach the stage of materialization before you can make contact with it.

After getting the Taoist explanation, he had a better understanding of the existence of resentful spirits and discovered resentment.

There is also another special kind of wraith that is different from the wraith, a wraith that can increase the upper limit of his spiritual wave.

At twelve o'clock exactly, time seemed to stand still at this moment.

The cemetery where Lin Yi was located suddenly became even deadlier. At this moment, it seemed that even the scavenging insects underground had disappeared.

A faint coldness leaked out from a grave in the cemetery.


There was a sound of rocks rubbing against each other.


A strange and heavy breathing sound sounded.

On a tomb, black air filled the air, and a two-meter-tall figure slowly walked out of the black air.

His steps were heavy, his back was hunched, his arms were hanging down, and his green eyes exuded a strong evil aura.

The black, dry skin was in tatters, and a huge corpse odor spread around.

Lin Yi noticed his presence as soon as the voice sounded.

Turning his head and looking towards the cemetery, he saw the huge wraith standing in front of a tomb.

The tomb is two meters square and made of black rocks. It is very exquisite and obviously has a high status in this cemetery.

Family cemeteries have different specifications depending on their status.

The tomb, which is two meters in length and width, is of the highest standard in this family.

At this time, the resentful spirit had already seen Lin Yi, and the green light in his eyes became darker green.

A wave of malice came over him, a thirst for flesh and blood.

It walked slowly towards Lin Yi, its steps were slow, its body was heavy, and it seemed a bit like a zombie.

But Lin Yi was not careless, the light of Taoist understanding bloomed in his eyes, and the "Foreign Spirit Sutra" in his body was trembling.

"Is it that special kind of resentful spirit again?"

In his eyes, the world turned into different colors.

A huge black mass appeared in front. The black aura was very terrifying. All kinds of energy and all invisible things in the surrounding air were avoiding it.

It seems that the whole world hates this black mist.

This mass of black energy suddenly began to tremble, then suddenly jumped up and rushed towards Lin Yi.

Without rashly coming into contact with this mass of black energy, Lin Yi somersaulted and landed in the cemetery.


There was a huge muffled sound.

The resentful spirit struck Lin Yi's position with a claw.

The huge palm, which is 30 centimeters long, is as ferocious as the claws of a monster.

Five huge cracks were blasted out of the wall.

The resentful spirit walks very slowly, but moves very quickly.

Lin Yi took a closer look at the face of the resentful spirit. It was an old man with a beard.

The clothes on his body were all torn, and his black body was completely naked.

Withered, rotten, and deformed hands, the whole thing gave people a very weird image.

It opened its mouth, filled with pitch black air, rotten teeth, and a foul stench.


Its body was slightly bent, its two thick lower limbs were bent, and its eyes were fixed on Lin Yi.

Obviously, it has entered an attack state.


His body shook, and like a phantom, he jumped five meters, directly in front of Lin Yi.

It was greeted by six bright red tentacles.

Puff puff puff

The tentacles extended from Lin Yi's left index finger and instantly bound the limbs, neck and waist of the corpse-like ghost.

The blood tentacles were very powerful, and the power of each one was basically equivalent to half of Lin Yi's full strength.

The six tentacles directly tied the ghost in mid-air, unable to touch the ground, and it directly lost the basis for exerting force.

It struggled hard, but the six tentacles, under Lin Yi's control, pulled its limbs and neck straight, not giving it any chance to struggle.

Lin Yi walked in front of the ghost with great interest, and a corpse stench came to his face, and a glimmer of green light flashed in his eyes.

Looking at this corpse-like ghost, a ball of dark black air attached to its heart.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi took out his mountain-splitting knife from behind.


The knife flashed, and the belly was cut open.

The shriveled and rotten belly was broken open, and a huge corpse stench came to his face.

Lin Yi's body was covered with the "Great Power Diamond Sutra", and his spiritual waves were running to isolate the air and avoid corrosion.

His abdomen was filled with black air, and there were completely rotten intestines and stomachs, and some strange black maggots were crawling inside.

These black maggots were exposed to the air and struggled terribly.

Their heads opened their mouths full of sharp teeth.

Whoosh whoosh whoosh

These maggots suddenly pounced on Lin Yi, and there were more than a dozen of them.

Lin Yi's face was indifferent, and his whole body of energy and spiritual waves shook.

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