The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 214: Killing, Rules (Fifth Update)

The number of viewers in the room was growing rapidly. There are always night owls in any world.

The drunk and the woman would not listen to the warning from the police. They had already turned into corpses of vengeful spirits, a strange existence.

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The leading police officer saw that the two did not stop at all, and the lights of the police car shone on their faces.

After seeing this scene, several police officers took a breath.

The bloody necks, even the pale spines can be seen, their faces are also distorted and full of blood.

"Attack... Attack!"

The leading police officer immediately knew that they were not facing humans.

Bang bang bang.

The gunshots were loud, and the whole street roared.

The woman and the drunk were hit by bullets, and their bodies kept retreating under the impact of the bullets, but when the gunshots stopped.

They were not dead, their twisted bodies continued to approach the five policemen step by step.

At this time, the five policemen were all pale with fear, and they had no idea how to kill the two monsters in front of them.

At this time, one of the policemen said, "Hit the head, hit the head."

Hearing the shout of this policeman, the other policemen immediately reacted and fired at the heads of the woman and the drunk.

Bang, bang, bang.

Accompanied by a violent noise, the heads of the woman and the drunk exploded directly.

The two bodies twitched and fell to the ground, and they were completely silent after more than ten seconds.

Only then did the five policemen breathe a sigh of relief. They walked over carefully and looked down at the two bodies.

They did not get close, but quickly picked up the walkie-talkie to contact the police headquarters.

With the sound of "woohoo", police cars and ambulances came here one by one.

The yard was quickly closed, and some people in black quickly entered the yard and began to search.

These are subordinate organizations of the men in black, who are responsible for investigating the scene, collecting information, and finally reporting to the various departments of the men in black.

In a blink of an eye, it was the second day. Lin Yi was sitting on the sofa enjoying a delicious breakfast.

The latest news was being broadcast on the TV in the lobby.

"This morning, the police station received a report that dozens of missing cases occurred in the north of the city, causing panic among the residents there."

"At present, the police station has increased its manpower to patrol the north city, and has set up a special task force to investigate."


"Last night, a suspicious homicide occurred on Baihua Street in the east of the city."

"A couple fought each other, and after the police arrived, the two attacked the police."

"According to the video shot by residents near the scene."

"After being threatened, the police pulled the trigger."

"But the couple did not fall down after being shot, but continued to attack the police."

"Finally, the police officers sniped the couple's heads, and they fell down."

"From the video, we can see that the couple behaved strangely and looked like they had lost their minds."

The host of the news was analyzing some screenshots.

Lin Yi frowned suddenly when he saw these screenshots and short videos.

With his eyes, he could naturally notice the strange behavior of the two people in the video.

They felt very much like the content of a movie he had seen on Earth.

The zombies in "Resident Evil".

"No way? Are there zombies? That would be really big."

Just as Lin Yi was watching the news carefully, a scream came from upstairs.

This sound broke Lin Yi's meditation and also surprised Brandy beside him.

He looked at Lin Yi strangely, "Manager, who is this voice?"

Lin Yi smiled at Brandy, "This is the new clerk Vodka."

"From now on, he will be your subordinate like Absinthe."

"You have to train them well. Two free laborers are very valuable."

Brandy looked at Lin Yi in surprise, his face a little unnatural, "Manager, this Vodka is not also...?"

As if he thought of something, his face suddenly became very ugly.

"Don't worry, he's not a vengeful spirit, he's a normal human, but his appearance is a little strange."

"Strange?" Brandy's face showed a trace of curiosity.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

Rapid footsteps came from the direction of the stairs, and Vodka rolled and crawled out of the corridor.

A trace of fear appeared on his face, and then his eyes saw Lin Yi.

He rushed to Lin Yi at once, and his complexion was much better than last night.

It can be seen that his physical recovery ability is really amazing.

"My lord, I won't dare to do it again, please let me go."

At this time, Vodka knelt in front of Lin Yi, with snot and tears.

His face was very panicked, and there was a residual fear.

Lin Yi's eyes swept over him lightly, and Vodka was completely under his control.

Even what Vodka was thinking in his heart could not escape his monitoring.

As long as he wanted, he could check Vodka's memory and thoughts at any time.

The power of the wish shrine is very terrifying. As long as the contract is reached, it is impossible to get rid of it.

This is a kind of power that is close to the rules. He naturally saw that Vodka was three parts real and seven parts fake.

He pretended to be like this just to show weakness, hide his true self, and wait for an opportunity to fight back.

At this time, a twisted laugh came from the corridor.

"Really? Why are you running? I'm helping you heal and make you feel energetic."

Absinthe's mouth was almost bent to the corners of his eyes. He exuded strong negative emotions and a satisfied expression on his face.

Just like the satisfaction after a full meal, he looked at Vodka as if he was staring at prey.

At this time, Brandy looked at Vodka with surprise.

The two-meter-tall giant with black skin looked very strange.

He had never seen a black person, although he heard that there was a black person in the far north of the Red Lotus Realm.

It seems that there is such a black person, but he has never really seen it.

Lin Yi looked at Vodka with a calm face, "Do you know what your identity is now?"

Vodka looked at Lin Yi and shuddered involuntarily when he thought of what happened last night.

He looked at Lin Yi and said, "Sir, I will not disobey you again. From today on, I will be your eternal servant."

Lin Yi nodded, "It's best if you understand. Now I will give you a few orders."

"First, you are not allowed to leave the Wan Shi Wu. As long as you step out of the door of the Wan Shi Wu, you must commit suicide."

"Second, in this Wan Shi Wu, you must obey all the orders of Brandy. You must do whatever he tells you to do and you must not disobey him. Otherwise, you will slap yourself until you die."

"Third, you and Absinthe are at the same level. You must also obey his orders at work. Of course, it is limited to reasonable naming. If you refuse, you will slap yourself until you faint."

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