The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 211 Gentleman, Control (Second Update)

Although he was several times weaker than at first, at least his life was not in danger.

Lin Yi stood up slowly, watching Vodka who had recovered his breath and was struggling to stand up steadily.

He looked at Absinthe on the side, with a hint of disappointment in the other's eyes.

He was obviously very disappointed because he did not get the right to torture Vodka and lost the pleasure of killing.

At this time, Lin Yi looked at him and said, "Take him to the second floor, make him some food, and let him recover well."

"You are responsible for taking care of him these days, and take care of him meticulously."

"Of course, you can also use your methods to torture him mentally."

Absinthe frowned when he heard the first half of the sentence, but he smiled happily when he heard the second half.

Lin Yi allowed him to torture Vodka mentally, and he felt that happiness was waving to him.

Absinthe, smiling, bowed respectfully to Lin Yi, "Thank you very much for the kindness of the store manager."

The smile on Absinthe's face was almost twisted, and the corners of his mouth were almost bent to the position of his eyes, making his expression look very scary and weird.

He walked in front of Vodka and stretched out his hand. An invisible force enveloped Vodka, and he slowly floated up.

Lin Yi looked at the time. It was 2:00 in the morning.

"It's not long."

Sitting on the sofa in front of the French window, Lin Yi looked outside with deep eyes.

It was hazy outside the window, and the layering between the Wanshiwu and the street outside became clearer and clearer.

"The wish shrine can connect to unknown places, and after being integrated into the space of the strange magic cube."

"It can even allow my body to travel directly to unknown places."

"And the information of unknown places can also automatically come to the Wanshiwu from this door."

"But the screening of this information must be careful."

"If there is an existence that exceeds the upper limit of my power, then I will not get any benefits, but will also bring endless dangers."

"The wish shrine must be used with caution."

With a conclusion in mind, Lin Yi slowly got up and walked towards his bedroom.


At this moment, a knock on the door sounded.

Lin Yi was slightly stunned when he heard the sound, and turned his head to look in the direction of the door.

The red door is not transparent, and he can't see what is outside.

After thinking about it, he stopped and came to the French window.

Standing in front of the French window, looking at the position of the door outside, his pupils shrank slightly.

There was a man wearing a black suit, a black tall hat, and a dark and strange mask on his face.

He wore a pair of snow-white gloves on his hands and held a gentleman's cane.

The black leather shoes were polished to a shine, and the whole person looked very gentlemanly and polite.

However, what Lin Yi noticed was the skin on the man's neck and ears.

It was a skin formed by countless fine black bumps.

The light of the true destiny in his eyes flashed, and in an instant it penetrated the French window and saw the essence of this mysterious gentleman.

A ball of pure black, that was a huge power that Lin Yi had never seen before.

Among all the people he had seen, no one could compare with this mysterious gentleman.

At this time, the mysterious gentleman seemed to notice Lin Yi's gaze, and he turned his head to look at Lin Yi.

Through the French window, Lin Yi saw a pair of cold eyes.

The pupils were as black as ink, and the white of the eyes was white.

Looking closely, you can see a trace of black lines appearing on the white of the eyes, making this gentleman look very scary.

The mask this gentleman wore was a pure black mask with a weird smile on it.

The mouth was made of dark red lines, and the corners of the mouth were tilted up to the corners of the eyes.

The nose is a vertical dark red straight line, with only the eyes exposed.

His eyes stared at Lin Yi, and for a moment Lin Yi felt that his mind was in a trance, as if he was about to fall into darkness.

An inexplicable voice sounded in his mind.

"Open the door."

Lin Yi instinctively felt that he should open the door and invite the other party in.

He felt that the voice was so kind, reminding him of the old man in the past.

Turning slowly, Lin Yi was completely unaware of his abnormality at this time.

He just instinctively and unconsciously wanted to do what the voice in his mind asked.

He almost came to the red door and stretched out his right hand to hold the door handle.

But just as he turned the door handle and was about to open the door.

The figure of a strange child appeared at his feet and gently pulled his trouser leg.

Disturbed by external forces, Lin Yi suddenly woke up.

A chill rose in his heart, and he instantly pinched the Aquarius Seal.

The golden essence vibrated, and Lin Yi's spirit was blessed by some kind of power, as round as a treasure bottle.

In an instant, his spirit was completely stabilized, and all negative emotions disappeared.

He looked down at the strange child, "Thank you."

He reached out and touched the strange child's head, and at the same time, with a thought, three figures appeared around him.

The purple corpse monster, the two-headed dog, and the bad doctor were all there.

Lin Yi gathered all his strength and stood behind the red gate.

If the strange gentleman outside wanted to break in by force, he would use all his strength to hit him head-on.

The earth-suppressing seal floated out of his arms, and countless essences were injected into it, and the energy around it also drifted towards it.

The true source of life was activated, and the seal turned golden in an instant.

The power contained in it was equivalent to half of Lin Yi's body's essence, which completely exceeded his limit output by more than twice.

Time passed by, Lin Yi stood behind his four summons, and the purple corpse monster stood in front.

As a strange existence with infinite regeneration ability, the purple corpse monster is the best meat shield.

Dong Dong Dong.

The quiet knock on the door sounded again, and Lin Yi frowned.

"What's going on? With his power, he can just rush in directly, why knock on the door?"

Countless questions flashed through his mind, and the next moment he thought of a story.

"Can't he come in without being invited by others?"

"Just like the vampires in the Western legends before."

"If a vampire wants to enter a stranger's home, he must be invited by the other party before entering."

"If you don't get an invitation, you can't just enter someone else's home."

"Does this weird gentleman also have this restriction?"

Thinking of this, Lin Yi felt a little happy in his heart.

He didn't want to fight with the strange gentleman outside. The power contained in his body was too terrifying.

It was at least three times his own total energy, which meant that his life level was much higher than his.

Lin Yi breathed a sigh of relief, "As long as I don't open the door, the Wanshiwu will be safe."

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