The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 209 Achievement and Collision (Sixth Update)

Lin Yi threw the parchment in front of the black-skinned man.

The black-skinned man heard Lin Yi's voice, opened his eyes, and saw the parchment in front of him.

There was a look of surprise in his eyes, and he turned to look at Lin Yi, and then his face was stunned.

"Now I come to save you according to the agreement on the parchment, so will you answer according to the parchment?"

"Give me everything you have and become my servant."

There was anger and silence in the eyes of the black-skinned man.

At that time, he wrote the parchment just to pray.

But when the parchment disappeared in front of him and reappeared, he thought that some mysterious existence was watching him.

That's why he wrote down the words of becoming the other party's servant and asking the other party to rescue him.

But now he saw Lin Yi who came to rescue him, but he was not happy at all.

On the contrary, he was left with deep despair.

He knew clearly where this place was, and this was the hell of countless sinners.

Although the mysterious man in front of him could come here, in his eyes, Lin Yi was not even as powerful as he was in his prime.

The expression on his face flashed from anger, surprise, to despair, and finally turned into resentment.

"Damn it, how dare you deceive me."

Looking at the obviously mentally ill black-skinned man, Lin Yi's eyes were extremely cold.

"Although I didn't have much hope, your stupidity is really disappointing."

At this time, the black fog around the pile of corpses had spread to the halfway up the mountainside of the pile of corpses.

One by one, the black robes were gathering towards the top of the mountain, and their eyes were all on Lin Yi.

Lin Yi could naturally feel these eyes and dangers.

At this time, a mysterious black robe appeared in the surrounding black fog.

There was a mysterious pattern made of golden silk on his black robe, which gathered on his chest.

An extremely terrifying breath spread out, covering this mountain of corpses.

Lin Yi trembled all over, and a huge pressure made him feel the danger of death, which became more and more intense.

Looking at the special black robe, the mocking voice of the black-skinned man sounded.

"That's the black-robed priest, a more terrifying existence than these black-robed walkers. You're done. You will definitely die here."

"This is the price you paid for deceiving me."

"Die, die, all of you die," the black-skinned man seemed to be insane, and his eyes had completely lost reason.

Lin Yi looked at the black-skinned man indifferently, and slowly released the fist in his left hand.

The essence of the "Great Power Vajra Seal" flowed around his body, and in an instant he had raised his combat power to the extreme.

The earth-suppressing seal slowly rose and floated in front of him, and the huge power was gathered in it without revealing a trace.

He looked at the black-skinned man with cold eyes, "I'll ask you again."

"Are you willing to execute the contents of the contract? Become my eternal servant."

The black-skinned man looked at Lin Yi, who was shining with golden light and looked like a golden statue.

Especially the earth-suppressing seal floating in front of him, the pupils in his eyes suddenly shrank.

Although this earth-suppressing seal did not emit any energy fluctuations, he could feel the power in it once it exploded.

Even if he was in his most victorious period, he would be killed in an instant.

The sheer explosiveness of this power has even reached the third level of the Human Immortal Path.

An instinctive fear rose from his body, and his madness regained its clarity.

At the same time, his eyes noticed the black-robed walker and the black-robed priest who were walking towards the top of the mountain.

"Maybe he can really save me?"

Thinking of this, the black-skinned man decided to take a gamble.

In any case, these black-robed walkers will never let him go.

No matter how bad the situation is, it's just a matter of death, "Then let's take a chance."

The black-skinned man looked up at Lin Yi, "I am willing to be your eternal servant, so that you can save me."

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Yi's mouth, "Then the contract is reached."

As the voice fell, the parchment in Lin Yi's hand began to burn.

Countless smoke turned into a red door behind him.

Lin Yi's eyes looked at the black chain connected to the cross under the black-skinned man's feet.

The light of the true destiny flashed in his eyes, and he instantly saw through the essence of the black chain.

This is a kind of chain filled with some kind of negative power, which seems indestructible.

His whole body was flashing with spiritual waves, and he stepped on the black chain.

This kick was not an ordinary kick, but saw through the fragility of the chain.

In this world, no material is perfect and indestructible.

As long as you find the original gaps and broken points in these materials, and apply enough force, you can make these objects break instantly.

Just like the ability in an animation that Lin Yi had seen before.

Just like the Death Perception Mystic Eye, you can see the traces of death of any object.

An ordinary knife can even cut steel.

However, Lin Yi's true destiny solution is completely different from the Death Perception Mystic Eye, and it still follows the most basic principles and rules.

Crack, crack, crack.

The black chain broke with a sound under Lin Yi's kick.

The dark-skinned man showed an incredible look on his face. No one knew how strong this black chain was better than him.

Even if he had a full body, he couldn't destroy this chain.

But Lin Yi silently shattered the chains that he was powerless to break, which made him feel that Lin Yi was unfathomable.

Lin Yi didn't care about his feelings and opinions. At this time, the red door behind him had been fully formed.

He looked at the black robes who were walking up quickly below, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Why are you still kneeling here? Get ready to leave with me."

The black-skinned man noticed the red door behind Lin Yi at this time, and a trace of joy appeared in his eyes.

"Are we going to leave from this door?" A thought flashed through his mind, and he saw hope in his heart.

And just as the chain of the door was shattered.

The black-robed priest suddenly quickened his pace and turned into a black and rushed towards the two.

Countless black smoke covered his body, gathered in his hands, and turned into two huge black whirlpools.

The black-robed priest closed his hands, and the two huge whirlpools pressed towards the middle, turning into a larger twisted whirlpool, covering Zhuang Wuming and the black-skinned man.

This whirlpool was filled with a terrifying scream, which made people shake their minds.

Lin Yi narrowed his eyes, and with his left hand, he made the Aquarius Seal, instantly stabilizing his spirit, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth.

The Earth-Suppressing Seal that had been floating in front of him blocked the path that the black vortex had to pass through.

The black vortex and the Earth-Suppressing Seal collided.

The black and golden brilliance exploded instantly, forming a black and golden twisted impact barrier between Lin Yi and the black-robed priest.

At this time, Lin Yi put his hand on the black-skinned man's shoulder, exerted force on his feet, and retreated towards the red gate behind him.

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