The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 201 Really? Inquiry (Fourth Update)

For the founding emperors in ancient times, capable people and righteous men constantly came to seek refuge, which was also a manifestation of virtue.

The reason why 10 members died unexpectedly this time was because the second world change broke the feng shui of the Togong Taiyu family.

It ruined his luck and made him unqualified, thus affecting the 10 members of his faction.

A series of recent incidents are all caused by this incident.

Bailin City, the provincial capital of Southeast Province, is where the Donggong family resides, and 50% of the Donggong family's property is located there.

Now there is a mysterious plague there, which is also caused by insufficient Feng Shui luck.

The article also talked about the last power station explosion in Honglian City.

In fact, it was a weapons research institute established by Dong Gong Taiyu, and the explosion there was also caused by the broken luck and feng shui.

Lin Yi frowned when he saw the content of this article, and then sneered.

"This is a lie. There is no such thing as feng shui luck. It really does exist. I have seen it a long time ago."

Lin Yi has the true destiny knowledge in his body. He has never seen anyone with luck.

I have never seen the power of Feng Shui in the earth, mountains, and rivers.

That's why he was sure that there was no Feng Shui or luck in this world.

This article was written eloquently, but in his opinion, there might be a conspiracy in it.

As for the target of the conspiracy, it is naturally Donggong Taiyu. It is too obvious.

But it was just because it was so obvious that he found it strange.

"Who can be so stupid and do this kind of thing? If anyone with a discerning eye sees it, there will be problems."

"Every one of these corresponding things actually happened."

"The implication is so wide and the losses caused are so heavy. The strength behind this is a bit scary, isn't it?"

Absinthe on the side looked at Lin Yi, "Manager, how do you know it's a lie? Feng shui luck, this is also said in my place."

"This inexplicable phenomenon has also occurred in history."

"There was a ruler who had everything going smoothly, but suddenly one day he encountered various accidents one after another."

“In the end, we were defeated and destroyed, and our virtues were not matched, but this is what happened before.”

Looking at Absinthe's expression, Lin Yi frowned, "Are you telling the truth?"

"Although the theory of luck and feng shui is very vague, some things cannot be explained by common sense."

Lin Yi had a thought in his mind, "Is there really Feng Shui luck?"

"But that's not right. My true life path observes and understands all things. I can even see the spirituality in energy."

"Luck and Feng Shui, if they exist, are just a special kind of energy that cannot be observed."

"There is definitely a conspiracy behind these things," Ling Yi had the answer in his mind.

"But these have nothing to do with me. As long as they don't affect me, I don't care if you are beaten to death."

Lin Yi continued to become familiar with various techniques and true destiny, and after hearing the gossip, it had nothing to do with him.

In the Prime Minister's Residence, Dong Gong Taiyu looked livid and looked at his desk, where there were investigation reports on several recent events.

The explosion at the Weapons Research Institute, the mysterious disaster in Bailin City, and the unexpected death of a member of Congress.

According to the investigation results, these things were all natural phenomena or accidents, and there were no traces of anyone else's actions.

Seeing this information, Dong Gong Taiyu couldn't believe his eyes.

"How is this possible? Are these all coincidences and accidents?"

Dong Gong Taiyu's eyes were full of disbelief, and his eyes were filled with an icy cold light.

The flames of anger filled his body and seemed ready to burst out at any moment.

But he had to believe it because these reports were the results of investigations by his Donggong family's own intelligence system.

So there is absolutely nothing fake, everything is real.

But precisely because of this, he felt angry.

His eyes fell on a report article, where the theory of luck and feng shui stung his soul.


He slapped the report, and invisible power spread out from his palm.

These reports were turned into ashes in an instant, and even the desk in front of him was enveloped by this force.

It turned black inch by inch and shattered into countless ashes.

"Damn it, could it be that the luck and feng shui were really broken?"

Although he is the Prime Minister, Donggong Taiyu is not the head of the Donggong family.

He can only represent one faction of the family. If it is true as the article says, the Feng Shui luck will be broken.

Then, what he has to face next will be very troublesome.

According to the article, if he stays in this position, more and more accidents will come to him or his subordinates.

If there are too many accidents like this, I'm afraid countless people will automatically stay away from him. After all, no one wants to die.

When the tree falls, the fox peng scatters, but without the fox peng, the tree loses its majesty.

By then, he couldn't stay in this position anymore, and a huge sense of crisis enveloped him.

At this moment, he thought, "By the way, that person may know how to solve this problem."

"The theory of Feng Shui and Luck has been around since ancient times. A mysterious sect like theirs that has been passed down from ancient times will definitely have research or records on this aspect."

Thinking of this, he couldn't bear it anymore and left his bedroom directly, walking towards a small courtyard of the mansion.

In the small courtyard, there is a scene like a southern garden, with small bridges and flowing water, and a bamboo waterwheel turning in the stream, making a faint and pleasant clicking sound.

Tongshenzi sat on a bamboo chair, bathing in the faint blood-red sunlight.

On the small round table next to him, a pot of light tea was brewed.

Under the boiling tea, the jasper teacup showed a constantly changing landscape painting.

Obviously, this teacup was some kind of exquisite tea set.

Tongshenzi closed his eyes and thought, as if nothing in the world could move him.


Accompanied by a faint knock on the door, he opened his eyes and a smile appeared on his face.

"You've taken the bait."

Tongshenzi said lazily, "Come in."

"The Taoist priest is really in a good mood. He started to taste tea so early."

Tongshenzi's eyes opened and closed slightly, with a faint smile on his face.

"Isn't it the time to taste tea in the morning? A day's plan begins in the morning."

His eyes swept across Donggong Taiyu, and suddenly frowned.


Seeing Tongshenzi's expression, Donggong Taiyu's heart tightened immediately,

"Did the Taoist priest find anything?"

Tongshenzi turned his head and thought for a while, "Yes, I found something. Has the Prime Minister encountered many unpleasant things recently?"

Donggong Taiyu's face suddenly sank when he heard this, "I think the Taoist priest has also heard about it."

"My family's residence, Bailin City, has a mysterious disaster."

"Ten members of my faction suddenly had accidents last night and all died."

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