The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 190: Liquidization and Recovery (First Update)

The essence turned into water drops and fell from the air, and a shallow layer of liquid quickly formed at the bottom of the spirit pool.

The medicinal properties of the Lingyuan Pill lasted for less than ten minutes before it was exhausted.

In the spirit pool, about 1% of the essence turned into liquid, and the light of true destiny flashed in Lin Yi's eyes.

He saw through the spirit pool and fell on the liquid.

He was surprised to find that the liquid was composed of essence and spirituality.

The structure between essence and spirit changed after the spirituality was integrated, and it turned from mist to liquid.

That's why it turned from mist to liquid, "So that's it, the so-called liquid transformation is the spirituality in the essence."

"It has produced a special qualitative change and turned into liquid."

"This seems to be a structural variation."

"It's not just physical. The water mist turns into water because the distance between water molecule particles is reduced, and it will eventually liquefy."

At this time, Lin Yi has entered the first level of the human immortal path.

The first level of the human immortal path is divided into three small realms, spirit pool, liquid transformation, and liquid refining.

There is actually no bottleneck between the three small realms, just three different states.

Needless to say, the spirit pool is a new illusory organ that condenses and contains essence. The peak is to completely fill the spirit pool with essence.

Liquid transformation means that after the spirit pool is filled with essence, it is necessary to refine the spirituality in the external energy, integrate it into the essence, and transform the essence from gas to liquid.

This process is a long refining process, which has almost nothing to do with talent, but the accumulation of time.

The deeper the foundation and the larger the spirit pool, the longer it takes.

According to the information seen in the spirit pool, the state of liquid refining is to refine the liquid essence.

Until an unknown qualitative change occurs at the end, you can step into the second level of the human immortal way.

At this time, Lin Yi checked his situation and thought about it.

"One Lingyuan Pill can turn 1% of my essence into liquid."

"If I want to transform all my essence, I need 100 Lingyuan Pills, which is a bit scary."

"But this is also because my foundation is deep to a certain extent."

"Ordinary warriors usually have only half the size of my spiritual pool, and the number of Lingyuan Pills they need will also be halved."

Lin Yi's face changed when he thought of this.

He had limited information, and if he wanted to get more Lingyuan Pills, he could only get through the black-clothed man.

"It seems that I have to think of other ways, otherwise I don't know when I can complete the liquefaction just by working for the black-clothed man."

Next, Lin Yi took all the Lingyuan Pills, and finally 6% of his essence turned into liquid.

When he woke up from his practice, it was already past ten o'clock.


Feeling the hunger in his stomach, Lin Yi shook his head, "I'm still not used to being hungry."

Walking out of the bedroom, Lin Yi came to the kitchen, stood by the stove, and planned to make himself a delicious midnight snack.

Smoked fish, bacon, eggs and broccoli were the staples, and Lin Yi spent several minutes frying them.

Carrying the plate, he came to the lobby and sat in his old seat.

The strange child appeared in front of the door and sat quietly next to Lin Yi.

Lin Yi looked at it, thought about it, and took another plate.

Put some food on the plate and pushed it in front of him.


The strange child looked down at the food Lin Yi gave him, opened his mouth and emitted a faint suction.

Some of these foods floated into the strange child's mouth.

The food on his plate seemed to lose its support, began to dry up, and finally turned into ash.

Lin Yi looked at this scene thoughtfully, "Interesting, do strange beings absorb spirituality and energy?"

He could see that the food on the strange child's plate had no spirituality and energy.

Without spirituality and energy, these foods completely lost some kind of support.

It turned into pure ash, a very strange change.

After finishing the meal, the strange child sat quietly aside, looking at his plate, not knowing what to think.

Lin Yi began to feast on his food.

Time passed by minute by minute, while Lin Yi was swiping his phone and watching various ghost incidents on the Tide app.

While enjoying the food, the quiet lobby made him enjoy a rare peaceful life.

Ding Dong

The clock struck twelve, and the Wanshiwu began to change.

A hazy light enveloped the Wanshiwu, and it began to become hazy from inside to outside.

The door turned red, and between the two, a piece of parchment floated out of the door and fell to the ground.

The strange child stood up at this time, walked to the parchment, and picked it up.

Turned a few steps and put it on Lin Yi's desk.

Lin Yi had finished his meal and was concentrating on watching the short video.

The strange child's action startled him, and his eyes looked at the parchment.

This was the parchment on which he wrote his reply last time, and now there was a new reply written on it, written in blood.

"Great God, I am a butcher, I have killed countless people."

"One day I fell into the eternal prison and suffered endless torture."

"I have realized my mistakes, please save me, I am willing to give everything I have and become your servant forever."

Looking at this reply, Lin Yi was a little surprised, "Butcher, killed countless people, eternal prison? What the hell is this."

Lin Yi thought about it, picked up a pen at random, and began to write his reply.

"Let me ask you a question. What is the limit of existence that you can destroy with all your power?"

"Pay attention. Your answer will determine whether I will save you."

"Don't lie. If you lie, this parchment will never touch me again."

After writing, Lin Yi handed the parchment to the strange child.

Since using the power of the wish shrine twice, Lin Yi has become more and more wary of this kind of contract transaction.

Because it is too uncontrollable, what if he encounters a powerful existence.

If he reaches an impossible contract, he may be in unimaginable danger.

So he asked this question and set a treaty that he cannot lie.

As long as the other party lies, this parchment will never reach him again.

This is the contract power of the wish shrine, and it cannot be violated as long as it is agreed.

The strange child threw the parchment towards the red door. After the parchment touched the door, it instantly sank into it and disappeared.

Lin Yi sat quietly in the lobby and did not leave. Today he had a hunch that something from another world would descend.

After observing the strange beings from another world descending many times, Lin Yi had roughly grasped some patterns.

Strange beings usually descend after twelve o'clock.

If it is past twelve o'clock, the inside and outside of the Wanshi House will become increasingly hazy.

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