The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 188 Influence and Remuneration (3rd update)

This night was destined to be an uneasy night.

Honglian City welcomed the next day in a hustle and bustle.

At this time, Honglian City had already activated the emergency backup power grid, and the whole city had restored power.

At the Prime Minister's residence, Donggong Taiyu looked solemn, listening to the report of the Director of the Metropolitan Police Department below.

"What did you say, the entire power grid in the west of the city was destroyed in the explosion?"

"Did our Donggong family's weapons research base explode directly?"

"Yes, Prime Minister, the entire research base was blown up from the inside."

"It should be the disaster caused by the internal explosion."

Hearing this, Donggong Taiyu's forehead was throbbing with veins, which was completely beyond his expectations.

The Donggong family established an underground research base under the power grid center, with the purpose of developing various new advanced weapons.

But I didn't expect something to go wrong there?

This means that Donggong's countless investments have gone down the drain, and all research data have gone wrong.

This kind of blow is enough to shake the foundation of Donggong family.

"Investigate for me, what happened, investigate everything for me."

The director of the Honglian City Police Department left in a cold sweat, and a shadow appeared in front of Donggong Taiyu's door.

"Master, our people have restored the scene."

"It should be reported last time, there was a problem with the antimatter extraction project."

"There was a mistake in the process of extracting antimatter, which caused the explosion."

Donggong Taiyu was stunned when he heard this, and then his face turned red. This is the most important project of the institute.

Once completed, it will completely change the pattern of the entire Honglian Empire. He has high hopes for the huge power of antimatter.

But now this has happened. All the research materials are in the institute, and there is no second copy.

His face was gloomy, "Have you found the black box?"

The person in the shadow said, "The power of antimatter is so great that nothing seems to be able to resist it."

"The entire research institute was destroyed, and all items were burned into glass by high temperature."

"The black box was also destroyed."

Donggong Taiyu's face was extremely gloomy when he heard this, and he took a deep breath, "Go down."

After the shadow left, Donggong Taiyu was extremely angry and crushed the teacup in his hand.

This is his favorite ancient teacup, which has a history of a thousand years.

But now it was crushed so easily by him to vent his dissatisfaction and anger.

The matter of his own cultivation breakthrough was also over.

The power grid explosion incident quickly made the front page headlines of major newspapers in Honglian City.

Then on the Internet, various gossips circulated, and Lin Yi was also quite interesting when reading these news.

Various bluffing headlines are very eye-catching.

"Under the Honglian City power grid center is the research institute of Prime Minister Donggong Taiyu's family."

"The mysterious weapon of the mysterious research institute caused this explosion."

Based on various information, Lin Yi felt that this matter was really possible.

For example, many people above said that they had seen various vehicles appearing in the power grid center and transporting various large equipment.

There was also a mysterious car entering, with a mysterious identity. All of this showed that there was something wrong.

Soon, a wave of public opinion was set off on the Internet, believing that all this was done by the Prime Minister's family.

The abuse of public property for private purposes eventually led to the incident.

For a while, an undercurrent of condemning Donggong Taiyu was playing out on the Internet.

Some people even ran to the official website of Honglian City and asked the Prime Minister to step down. In a short period of time, tens of thousands of requests appeared.

According to the system of the Honglian Empire, once the petition exceeds 100,000, a positive response must be made.

In the Prime Minister's residence, Donggong Taiyu has received the information and seen the public opinion on the Internet.

He had a gloomy face, "Haha, you really know how to seize the opportunity."

He didn't need to think too much to know what was going on. It came from his political enemies who wanted to take this opportunity to embarrass himself.

Weaken his influence among the people. You must know that the empire is a parliamentary system, and votes are very important.

This is a system that is created by the game between all parties. No matter how powerful they are, they cannot violate it because all forces are supervising the election.

Although they can unite and clear out anyone who is not a large force, the victory or defeat between them can only be determined by votes.

The explosion of the power grid center did not last long. After the official investigation results were announced.

A series of power center equipment problems quickly broke out, causing a large explosion caused by a certain phenomenon.

At the same time, there were many "experts" who endorsed it, and finally made the public believe it.

Although Donggong Taiyu was attacked and questioned from all sides in the Congress, he resolved them one by one.

The explosion subsided, and Lin Yi returned to a peaceful life.

As for the possible behind-the-scenes man involved in the last time, Huang Yiming did not notify him again.

Lin Yi guessed that the upper level of the black-clothed man would go back to investigate by himself, and it had nothing to do with him.

He was able to remind these people a few words mainly because this matter was somewhat related to him, and he wanted to use the black-clothed man to deal with the mysterious black hand.

At the headquarters of the men in black, in the strange object management warehouse, Huang Yuxian looked at the information in his hand and fell into deep thought.

"Is he the mastermind behind this?"

"The Hundred Life Corpse Immortal Formation and the Life-Extending Sacrifice are both evil spells, according to the unearthed documents."

"It should be something that only the evil demons in the legend would use."

"Especially this "Life-extending Sacrifice", according to legend, is something that came from an unknown world."

"It has the ability to extend life, but it seems that the results of these users are not very good."

Huang Yuxian's eyes fell on a document on the table, on which Lin Yi was clearly mentioned.

"Lin Yi? This external specialist is really amazing. He can survive being sniped by the mysterious curse."

"And it was when he broke through the realm. He is indeed an extraordinary person."

"It has already reached the peak realm of the first level of the Spirit Pool of the Human Immortal Path."

"It has only been a short time since he broke through the Human Immortal Path, and he has reached the peak realm of the Spirit Pool."

"It is worth investing."

As he said this, he opened a notebook in front of him and soon turned to a blank page of notes.

He raised his hand and wrote down two words - Lin Yi.

In the evening, Huang Yiming came to the Wanshiwu.

Ring, ring, ring

He placed a jade box in front of Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin, these are two bottles of Lingyuan Dan, a total of six."

"One of them is a mission reward, and the other is a special reward for you discovering the behind-the-scenes incident."

A hint of joy appeared on Lin Yi's lips, "That's good, I won't refuse it."

After Huang Yiming delivered the things, he left, and Lin Yi took out a bottle of Lingyuan Dan and examined it carefully.

Under the power of the True Destiny Dao Jie, all the mysteries of the Lingyuan Dan were revealed.

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