The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 187 Inference, Procurement (First Update)

"This person was at the scene where the girl jumped off the building. I have captured his information."

As he spoke, a portrait appeared in Lin Yi's hand.

This was the person that Lin Yi had asked Huang Yiming to find a painter to draw based on his description.

A handsome and feminine man instantly attracted the attention of Huang Yiming and the other two.

"This person has been to my store before. I didn't understand why before."

"At that time, he just felt a sense of malice, so he paid special attention to him."

"Now it seems that it is probably because I destroyed the "Hundred Life Corpse Immortal Formation" and their arrangement."

"And a few days after that, when I broke through the human immortal path, I encountered a mysterious danger."

"There is something that seems to be a vengeful spirit, attacking my spirit when I broke through."

Hearing this, Li Chengfang's face suddenly changed slightly.

Lin Yi noticed the change of the other party keenly, and said thoughtfully, "Li Chengfang, do you know anything?"

"Can you describe to me in detail the phenomenon when being attacked?"

Lin Yi thought for a while, "There is a thing that looks like a little ghost in ancient mythology."

"It entered my mind and attacked me, and finally even turned into a sword to kill me."

Li Chengfang's face changed rapidly, "This is a spell, a mysterious Taoist method in the practice of Taoism."

"To exert this power, you must obtain something from the person being cast."

"Depending on the different spells, the things required are also different, maybe hair, maybe breath, maybe a part of the body."

"Obtaining these items is to locate the coordinates, and then let the spell locate you through this mysterious connection."

"Then launch the spell at the right time to snipe you."

"Especially at the critical moment of practice breakthrough, the probability of using a spell to kill the person being cast is the highest."

"There is no doubt that the other party came to your store for a simple reason, in order to obtain something from you."

Hearing Li Chengfang's call, Lin Yi instantly made up for all his missing parts.

Everything appeared clearly in his mind.

"So that's how it is. Then it can be confirmed that this person must be the mastermind behind the whole incident."

Li Changhe's heart suddenly moved when he heard this, "Zhang Tianlin died in Lan Kwai Fong. Could it be that this person was the one who did it?"

Lin Yi's eyes also lit up, "Yes, this person is definitely a combat force above the first level of the human immortal way."

"If he took action, killing Zhang Tianlin would not be a difficult task."

"And he was plotted against by a being who was higher than his realm, so the success rate would naturally be higher."

"Then why did he appear in Lan Kwai Fong?"

"Where else could they find what they needed?"

In an instant, everyone figured out what was going on.

Lin Yi's face became serious, and he immediately said, "Everyone, you may need to notify the police."

"Send a large number of police forces to quickly block Lan Kwai Fong and conduct a more thorough search."

"Maybe the most important thing is there."

Li Changhe stood up quickly, "I'll report to the headquarters."

Li Chengfang's face was serious, "I'll mobilize the police."

Huang Yiming looked at Lin Yi, "Mr. Lin, what should we do next."

Lin Yi thought about it and sighed, "Actually, I think we are too late."

"Since that person has started to harvest the fruits, I'm afraid that the things they need in Lan Kwai Fong have been taken away."

"If we go there now, we will only come up empty-handed, but we can ask someone to investigate carefully."

"The most important thing is, you We need to analyze what they want to do, this is the most important thing. "

"I think there are masters in the empire, maybe they can guess their real purpose."

Huang Yiming was thoughtful, "I understand."

"Thank you Mr. Lin for your assistance in this mission, otherwise we would not have been able to find such a big problem."

Lin Yi shook his head, "I just completed my own mission."

"Now my mission is over."

Huang Yiming nodded, "Please wait for a day, Mr. Lin, I will get the prize after reporting the mission to the higher-ups."

Lin Yi nodded, "Okay, you can send it to my house when you get it."

Leaving the Hell Bar, Lin Yi walked towards the Wanshiwu.

When passing Lan Kwai Fong, a radiance of the True Destiny Daojie flashed in his eyes.

The True Destiny Daojie, which was running to the extreme, almost completely saw through Lan Kwai Fong.

The spiritual wave was rapidly consumed, and even though his second seal was about to be completed, he felt the insufficiency of the spiritual wave.

After taking back the True Destiny Daojie, Lin Yi shook his head.

"The True Fate Solution is useful, but it consumes too much spiritual energy."

"I don't know when the spiritual energy consumption can support me to use the True Fate Solution at will."

Shaking his head, there was no trace of Lan Kwai Fong, it was empty.

Whether it was on the ground or in the Lan Kwai Fong Mansion, there was no trace of resentment.

"It's too clean, as if something sucked the unclean things dry, it's very abnormal."

Lin Yi didn't enter it, he was actually quite lazy.

He didn't want to care about anything beyond his mission.

If it wasn't for this time, the mysterious man had set his sights on his life, he wouldn't have told the Blood Department about it.

In a word, it has nothing to do with him, he is too lazy to pay attention.

When he returned to the Wanshiwu, it was already five o'clock in the afternoon.

Absinthe and Brandy were cleaning up the various purchased materials piled up in the lobby.

Half of the lobby was full.

Lin Yi saw this scene when he entered the door, and was surprised, "You bought so much?"

Brandy looked at the surprised Lin Yi and laughed, "Today I went to Lanfang Supermarket to hang out, and happened to see the Doomsday Suit for sale."

"I bought a large batch, enough for the two of us to eat for three years, but the price is a bit expensive."

"It cost about 100 gold coins, about 100,000 yuan."

"Doomsday Suit? What the hell," he looked at Brandy with a suspicious face.

Bai Lan smiled mysteriously, "Manager, you don't know."

"The big explosion that night, some people say that the end of the world is coming."

"So many people are hoarding supplies, this doomsday suit is a balanced supply suit."

"From food, clothing, and various other supplies."

"But food accounts for 70% of the supplies. I calculated that it is 10% cheaper than if we buy them separately."

Lin Yi raised his eyebrows when he heard it, "This is quite cheap, well done."

"Send them all to the underground maze, and when you're done, give me a dinner, three steaks, I've been eating a lot recently."

Since entering the human immortal path, Lin Yi's demand for food has increased.

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