The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 171 Mission, Content (First Update)

The man, Ling Qiankun, was wearing a black coat and was at least two meters tall. He seemed to have a strong sense of oppression.

The female Zhang Tianlin is wearing a blue dress. She has an ordinary figure and ordinary appearance. There seems to be nothing special from top to bottom.

But her eyes were very cold, and a cold aura surrounded him.

Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light, and he immediately noticed the deep aura in the two people's bodies.

Human Immortal Dao level, and all of them have reached the peak of Human Immortal Dao Spirit Pool.

The spiritual pools in their bodies are full of essence, but the colors are different.

[Writing this, I hope readers will remember our domain name Taiwan Novel Networkโ†’๐“‰๐“Œ๐“€๐’ถ๐“ƒ.๐’ธโ„ด๐“‚]

Ling Qiankun's essence was pure blue, and Zhang Tianlin's essence was pure black, but there was no evil aura, a pure Yin attribute essence.

Lin Yi thought thoughtfully, "Not all Yin attributes are evil?"

This reminded him of the Taoist theory of yin and yang, "Does the power in this world also follow the principle of yin and yang?"

While he looked at the two of them, the other person was also looking at him.

At this time, Li Chengfang came in again, holding a glass of water and placing it in front of Lin Yi.

Huang Yiming also followed in, looked at everyone and smiled slightly, "All three of you are here."

"Then let me explain in detail."

Li Chengfang did not stay here and left after bringing the water.

"For some reasons, we men in black are seriously short of manpower."

"Currently our blood department has five difficult tasks that need to be solved."

"Each mission will pay for a bottle of three Lingyuan Pills,"

"This is ammunition that can be used to accelerate the liquid state. One piece has a strong effect."

"Now let me explain the five tasks to you first."

"The first task is that the recent jumping incident in Honglian City has a large impact. According to our investigation, this is a case that spanned more than ten years, with more than 70 casualties."

"Second, a mysterious blood-sucking death occurred in Yulan City, the capital of Huai Province under the jurisdiction of our Blood Department, which has caused dozens of deaths."

"The third mission was a corpse theft case in the cemetery outside Honglian City. More than a thousand graves were dug up and all the corpses were missing. The scene showed that the corpses seemed to have crawled out of them on their own."

"The fourth mission, a mysterious fog appears on Xiaomei Mountain outside Magnolia City, and many tourists have disappeared there."

"In the fifth mission, strange cries appeared in Lan Kwai Fong, Orchid Street. However, after official investigation, there were no traces and no missing autopsy. However, it seriously affected the stability of Orchid Street."

After hearing these introductions, the three of them had a general idea in their minds.

Huang Yiming had a smile on his face, "These five tasks involve two places, among which Magnolia City is in Huai Province, thousands of miles away."

"So if you choose Magnolia City, it's best to take on both tasks at the same time."

Lin Yi was a little surprised, "The Lan Kwai Fong matter should have been resolved, why are there weird cries again?"

"Is there any secret somewhere? It's really strange."

"What tasks do you guys want to choose now? By the way, one person can have up to two tasks."

At this time, Ling Qiankun was the first to speak, "I happen to be going to Huai Province recently, so please give me all the tasks in Magnolia City."

Huang Yiming looked at Zhuang Wuming and Zhang Tianlin, "Do you two have any opinions?"

Lin Yi and Zhang Tianlin both shook their heads.

"Okay, then these two tasks will be handed over to Mr. Ling."

As he spoke, he picked out the document bags marked No. 1 and No. 3 and handed them to Ling Qiankun.

Ling Qiankun took the document bag, turned around and left without talking nonsense.

At this time, Zhang Tianlin said, "I want Lan Kwai Fong and the corpse theft case."

Huang Yiming looked at Lin Yi and said, "Mr. Lin, are you interested in these two tasks?"

Lin Yi shook his head, "No, I just need to take on one mission. I'm too busy with two missions."

Huang Yiming nodded, "Okay, that's the task. I hope you two can complete it as soon as possible."

They each took the document bags of their own tasks and left. Lin Yi started to look through the contents of the documents as he walked on the street.

In the document bag is a file about a foot long.

Lin Yi flipped through the first page and saw a beautiful girl, about sixteen years old, pure, cute, and full of vitality.

But there was a line written on the table next to the file photo - Died from organ rupture caused by a fall.

Below are detailed records of the scene and autopsy report, etc.

After flipping through it casually, Lin Yi was surprised to find out.

There are seventy-nine girls here, and each one is born on July 7th.

These girls have died one after another in the past ten years, all over the Red Lotus World.

But no one has connected these in the past. Apparently, it was the recent concentrated suicide jumping incidents that attracted attention and association.

Looking at these data, Lin Yi thought thoughtfully, "Date of birth? This is a clue."

"Next, let's study this file carefully."

Thinking of this, Lin Yi put the files in his hands away.

"My mistake, I forgot to ask Huang Yiming what happened last night."

Thinking of this, he turned on his mobile phone and started browsing major websites to look for the possible truth.

Soon he saw some information and headlines.

"There was a big explosion in the sky above the Red Lotus Realm last night."

"The official statement is that it is an unknown natural phenomenon, but some martial arts masters say that this is the second world change."

"Shocking: There was a huge change last night. A martial arts master reached the top and stepped into the ancient realm of transcendence and sainthood."

"Horror: Someone saw countless spiritual lights falling from the center of the explosion last night, just like stars falling in ancient mythology."

"Are the ancient myths true? The Star Lord descended from the sky?"

Countless headlines attracted attention, but Lin Yi was keenly aware of some of them.

First of all, last night's outbreak should really be the beginning of the second change in the world, otherwise no martial arts master would take advantage of it to break through.

Secondly, someone should have also noticed the spiritual polymer falling.

They thought it was the fall of the Star King in ancient mythology.

โ€œWe canโ€™t see much impact yet, but we can speculate.โ€

"The first world change led to the continuous emergence of people with higher realms of martial arts, and it became easier to practice ancient martial arts."

"More people will step into martial arts practice, and the entire world will inevitably usher in great changes."

"This second world change and the fall of spiritual polymers may lead to the emergence of a large number of masters of human immortality. It is not certain."

"Why do you feel like it's getting harder and harder to get along in the days to come?"

Lin Yi felt an inexplicable pressure, but thought about it and shook his head.

"Forget it, I got a spiritual polymer, so I'm ahead of others."

"It's better to break through the spirit pool realm now."

Shaking his head, he flipped through the web pages and walked towards his home.

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