The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 168 Weird, Two Ends (Second Update)

"I will kill you, I want revenge."

He kept mumbling in a low voice, while walking towards the slums in front.

He seemed to be just the first one, and four or five figures crawled out of the blue river one after another.

The slums were dark.

These figures merged into it and disappeared like water drops.

The streets outside the slums were full of people, some of them were chatting with others with panic.

Some looked at some houses with cracks in horror.

The great changes tonight affected everyone, and no one knew what was going on.

Lin Yi was soaked, but no one noticed him at night.

About half an hour later, he had returned to the Wanshiwu.

Ring, ring, ring

Brandy looked at Lin Yi who had returned and said in surprise, "Manager, you're back?"

Absinthe on the side pulled the corner of his mouth, and muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "It would be great to die."

The voice was not loud, but Lin Yi naturally heard it clearly, and glared at Absinthe, "Shut up, you."

He glanced at Brandy and said, "I'm going to change clothes, you should go to bed too, there shouldn't be anything to do today."

"Let's see what the news says tomorrow."

Absinthe pursed his lips and walked towards his room.

This night was destined to be chaotic. The night police officers of Honglian City had already appeared and began to maintain order in the entire city.

After washing up, Lin Yi sat cross-legged on the bed.

Feeling the flow of power in his body, with one breath and one breath, the energy between heaven and earth fell from his head like raindrops.

The countless essences in the spirit pool turned and swallowed these energies, and soon the essence in his body was replenished.

The "Yi Ling Jing" was also practiced once, and it was already four o'clock in the morning.

At this moment, Lin Yi suddenly had an idea and opened his eyes.

The strange child appeared in front of him, and Lin Yi frowned, "Today is really a troubled time."

Feeling the essence of the spirit pool in his body, he clenched his fists, "It's just right to test my current strength."

Turning over, Lin Yi walked towards the kitchen.

At the entrance of the underground passage, in the maze passage below, a deep and strange breath was rolling.

It was a strange breath that was gradually descending, and a small part of it leaked at this time, which made Lin Yi feel it.

"This time, it seems to be a big guy."

Thinking of this, a smile appeared on his face, "I can't wait to come and die."

Da Da Da

Following the stairs leading to the underground, Lin Yi came to the underground maze.

What he saw was the dark green passage, and the image of the entire maze flashed in Lin Yi's mind.

The next moment, he had determined the place of the change.

With a thought, accompanied by a layer of dark green light, Lin Yi disappeared from the spot and came to the location where the problem occurred.

In this underground maze, Lin Yi can move anywhere.

The problem is at the corner of a passage.

The wall here is twisting, and a dark three-fingered palm is extending from it.

It is tearing the barrier of the maze wall and wants to enter this world.

Lin Yi's eyes looked at this arm, and the true destiny flashed in his eyes, "Is it the breath fluctuation of the level of human immortal?"

"About the same as my strength."

"Okay, it's okay for practice."

At this moment, Lin Yi's face suddenly became serious, and the second abnormal fluctuation appeared in the Wanshi House.

Without any hesitation, he immediately said to the air, "You go and eliminate the invaders."

Absinthe's five summons quickly disappeared in the underground maze and went to the backyard of the Wanshi House.

The ground there is changing, and a humanoid weird thing covered with black muscles is crawling out of the mud on the ground.

It is covered with dark muscle fibers, and there is no skin or flesh.

The facial features are distorted, without eyes, ears, mouth, nose, and tongue, only dark muscles.

There was also a strange twisted face on the chest, and a mouth full of teeth hung on this twisted face.

Its body was covered with a layer of twisted soil, which looked like the soil bound it and prevented it from crawling out.

But it was obviously some kind of space barrier that blocked it. It looked like the soil was twisted, but it was actually the space that was twisted.

Absinthe and other five figures stood around it, among which the purple corpse monster had the strongest aura.

Their eyes stared straight at the black muscle monster, which was filled with human immortal level fluctuations, rising in waves.


In the heavy breathing, the twisted space was broken, and the soil was instantly scattered.

A black figure rushed out from the ground. It was a huge black muscle monster that was three meters tall.

As soon as he appeared, the purple corpse monster rushed up and grabbed the other's head with both hands.

The black muscle monster also stretched out his two hands and intercepted the purple corpse monster with both hands.


With a huge muffled sound, the two palms collided with each other, and the terrifying power broke out at the same time.

The ground beneath his feet sank an inch, and the two behemoths competed in strength.

The purple corpse monster seemed to be a little weaker, and his body began to tremble slowly.

His muscles were shaking wildly, and it seemed that he could not hold on for much longer.

At this time, corrosive smoke had already spread out of the bad doctor's body, covering the black muscle monster.

The two-headed dog sprayed black fire and black ice at the opponent's feet, igniting and freezing the opponent's legs.

The tentacles of the strange child, which were filled with black smoke, completely wrapped the body of the black muscle monster.

Absinthe opened his mouth and sprayed out strong resentment.

They spread into the body of the black muscle monster, as if they were rotting the inside of the black muscle monster.

The black muscle monster was instantly in a desperate situation. With various forces attacking it, its body began to have problems quickly.

The muscles were constantly rotting, charring or collapsing, bit by bit, as if they were cramped and skinned.

It was filled with strange power, shaking its arms wildly, trying to get rid of the restraints of the purple corpse monster.

But although the purple corpse monster was also trembling all over, and even crackling under the opponent's huge force.

But he firmly grasped the opponent's hands, making the black muscle monster unable to get rid of it.

In the underground maze, Lin Yi watched the illusory black shadow struggling to climb out of the dark green wall.

The Earth Seal rose in his arms, infusing a large amount of essence and spiritual waves, and at the same time, he pinched the Demon Seal.

The monster in front of him was obviously some kind of illusory monster, and the effect of physical attack would not be ideal.

He used the Demon Seal at the spiritual level and looked at the dark green wall that was constantly twisting.

Lin Yi's eyes became more and more solemn, quietly waiting for the moment when the other party broke through the restraints.

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