The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 144 Wandering around, center (fourth update)

"This is the strange part. Although some witnesses said they saw the missing person enter the horror maze area."

"But there is no footage of them entering the horror maze area in the video."

"That's why this matter is so weird. No matter how hard we try, we can't find any problems."

When Lin Yi heard this, he was also surprised.

"Let's go to the underground maze and take a look before we talk about other things."

After saying that, Lin Yi and Ai Qing had already walked towards the entrance of the underground maze.

This is an underground entrance that looks like the end of the world. There is a huge plaque with words above the entrance.

"Underground maze."

A female staff member dressed as a hunter came up.

With a good figure and a six-point appearance, she still looks very pleasing to the eye, a kind of exotic style.

"Hello, gentlemen. To enter the underground maze, you need to wear this bracelet, which has a positioning system and an emergency alarm system."

"If you feel uncomfortable or have a sudden illness down there, you can press the red button immediately."

"Our staff will come to rescue you as soon as possible."

The crisp voice made people feel very good. Lin Yi and Ai Qing took the bracelets handed over by each other and put them on their hands.

The female staff smiled slightly when they saw the two wearing the bracelets.

"Then welcome you to enter the underground world and experience the wild era underground."

Lin Yi and Ai Qing walked in, and what they saw was a staircase leading to the underground.

The staircase was not long, about four meters underground to the bottom.

There were three passages in sight, to the left, to the right, and to the front.

Looking at these three passages, Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light, and everything in the air was clearly visible.

The flow of air, the fluctuation of energy, the flashing of resentment, the colorful and nothing could be hidden.

Lin Yi's eyes suddenly condensed, and he felt a sense of disharmony filling the air in front of him.

It was as if there was a thin film covering every corner of this maze.

A very familiar and strange feeling, vaguely he seemed to feel that everything in front of him was a little wrong.

But he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

Lin Yi frowned, and Ai Qing next to him immediately saw it, "Mr. Lin, is there a problem here?"

"There is a problem here, I feel it's very strange, maybe we have found the right target."

Ai Qing immediately became energetic after hearing this, and smiled at Lin Yi, "Finally there is a clue."

As he said this, he fiddled with his chest pocket and seemed to open something.

Lin Yi noticed his movements and recognized that it was a super small camera specially used for sneak shots.

"This is a small large-capacity camera, I have made full preparations."

Lin Yi nodded after hearing this, "You are the employer, you can do whatever you want."

"But please be careful, I may not be able to protect you."

As he said this, he took out a talisman in his hand, injected it with essence, and posted it on Ai Qing's back.

The talisman exuded a faint light, which was not conspicuous in this dim underground maze.

Ai Qing looked at Lin Yi in confusion, not knowing what he had done.

Lin Yi looked at him and smiled, "This is a little protection method, it can give you some protection."

Ai Qing suddenly realized, "Thank you."

"Let's go."

The three passages in the underground maze are all built with brick walls.

The walls are covered with traces of blood, but these are obviously painted with paint.

One by one, dark green lamps are hung on the wall, and they look like flames flickering constantly.

If you look closely, you will find that it is a kind of electronic light like a slide, and the flame flickering you see is made.

A strange BGM echoed in the basement, as if it was something mumbling to itself, or the terrifying howling of some creature, or the screams of humans.

There was even a strange laugh of a baby, and countless sounds kept appearing, almost without repetition.

Coupled with the dim green light, a gloomy and terrifying depression kept appearing, making people feel terrified from the heart.

Lin Yi was fearless of this scene, but Ai Qing was insecure.

Although he knew very well that all this was fake, the atmosphere here was so good that he couldn't ignore this depression.

Da Da Da

The footsteps of the two people sounded on the hard ground. In this long passage, the echoes kept ringing, making people more depressed.

Soon they advanced more than ten meters and came to another fork in the road. Lin Yi's eyes flashed with green light.

Observing everything in the air, he felt that this maze was very strange and gave him a sense of déjà vu.

"What is it? Why do I always feel like I have been here before?"

"This sense of familiarity is a bit abnormal. Where is it?"

Lin Yi and Ai Qing began to wander around in this maze. It was very big here, and they might not be able to get out even in a day.

Suddenly, Lin Yi and Ai Qing stopped and they came to a dead end.

Under the dark green light in the alley, a huge spider lay at the end, watching them silently.

The spider's body trembled, and the lifelike spider was three meters tall.

Suddenly seeing this thing scared Ai Qing.

"This is too similar, it scared me to death," Ai Qing said with sweat on his forehead and a little short of breath.

He knew it was fake, but the props were moving, and the huge spider was furry, so he couldn't ignore it.

"This maze is really well made. Ordinary people will definitely scream in fear."

Lin Yi saw at a glance that the spider was a machine and shook his head, "Let's go, return the same way."

At this time, in the deepest part of the maze, in a maze safe house.

There is a huge maze sand table here, on which is the map of the entire maze, but the scale is much smaller.

This sand table is very strange, the whole body is dark green, covered with strange patterns.

At this time, various strange figures can be seen on the sand table, zombies, ghosts, ghouls, giant spiders and all kinds of things are constantly walking in the sand table.

A strange smile appeared on the face of the man standing in front of the sand table, "There are two days left before the good day."

"The experiment can officially begin. If it succeeds, I can really enter the middle level of the organization."

"I'm really looking forward to it."

At this time, his eyes were full of cold light, and his whole body was filled with strange green light.

This light and the dark green maze sand table complement each other, which looks very strange.

On the dark green sand table, a trace of dark green light seems to have life.

They spread along the floor and walls of the room, and soon extended to the real maze outside.

A few strange green threads appeared on the floor and walls of the maze.

But because these threads were too fine, the underground maze looked the same as before, without any changes.

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