The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1356 Suppression and Change (First Update)

At this time, these seals floated on the edge of the torrent of time and space, in a relatively calm chaos. Read

But with the arrival of countless arms, these seals seemed to have become the target of arms.

One seal after another was sucked into it by the terrifying arms.

The power of the crown was quickly corrupted by the power of the arms.

The terrifying true monsters struggled and roared out of it, as if they wanted to show their power again.

In the next moment, they were sucked into it by countless arms and disappeared.

In the end, those true monsters seemed to become part of the arms.

After sweeping these true monsters, the arms seemed to become more and more chaotic.

The original arms were shrouded in a black light, and it seemed to be the arms of some creature.

But as the true monsters were swallowed into it, these arms began to change strangely.

Countless twisted whirlpools appeared in various parts of the arms.

There were even strange mouths that appeared on the arms, opening and closing, as if they wanted to swallow something.

The power of the arm seemed to become more terrifying and indestructible.

The three crowners frowned when they saw this scene.

The blue crowner suddenly said, "No, we overlooked one thing."

"The true monster is an extremely wrong existence. The future destruction can actually absorb it."

"Something is wrong. Repress it immediately."

The blue crowner said, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the other two crowners.

Infinite power exploded in an instant, and in an instant, the three-color light spread along countless arms.

As if gravity exploded, countless arms were forced into the cave of the abyss of despair under the pull of the three-color light.

The boundless and terrifying power pressed down, driving all these destruction objects back into the huge cave.

The three-color light built a huge barrier, and the mutual circulation seemed to completely seal the cave.

It can be seen that huge power is spreading under the seal.

A terrifying thing kept hitting the exit of the cave, as if it wanted to rush out and destroy everything.

But the power of the crowns was unbreakable, binding them in it.

At this time, the power of the crowns spread to the entire death boundary.

The death boundary, which had been destroyed by almost 70%, suddenly stabilized.

The death boundary was like a black hole, and suddenly burst out with huge gravity.

Countless fragments were sucked into it crazily.

At the same time, the death boundary itself was also rapidly spreading toward the past along time and space.

The originally broken past time and space were also swallowed up mercilessly and fell into the death boundary.

The power of the death boundary penetrated into the hundreds of millions of years of time in the past time and space.

It penetrated deeply into the cracks of the time and space torrent, and was eroding the time and space torrent bit by bit, trying to completely break it.

Pieces of time and space ripples swept in from the distant past, hitting the death boundary like a wave.

But the death boundary was like a wolf biting a wound, and would never let go.

Even if Red Bull beat wave after wave, the power of the death boundary still continued to spread toward the past along the cracks caused by the time and space torrent.

In the past time and space, countless worlds were broken, and one life after another fell into the death boundary.

The power of the death boundary was everywhere, and it seemed to be madly catalyzing the living dead, making them attack the past life.

Once the creatures in the past time and space were killed, their bodies would be invaded by the power of the death boundary.

Eventually, they became one of the living dead.

Without any effective resistance, the four pillars of heaven, the real land, and the wild and illusory land were broken again and again every second in the past.

At this time, Lin Yi suddenly thought of a question.

Since the past is being eroded, what about the past self?

His eyes flashed with the brilliance of the true destiny, and countless true forces were poured into it.

He frantically searched for the past Blue Star time and space.

Soon he saw the past Blue Star, and countless Blue Star people died again and again.

He was surprised to find that he did not exist on the Blue Star at all.

"What's going on? Why doesn't my past self exist?"

"Does this mean I don't have a past?"

"Then what's going on with me now?"

Suddenly, he thought of something, "The final order system must exist because of it, which will cause my past self to not exist."

"Therefore, I will not be affected by the past."

"And the other people in the Wanshiwu seem to have established a connection with me and are protected."

His heart suddenly relaxed, and then a trace of indescribable complexity appeared in his eyes.

"The original seven true kings, you really have good intentions, even this matter has been predicted."

"Is it to let me arrive in the distant past alive?"

"Obtain the Heaven Sword, master the Earth Sword, and the mysterious third weapon."

"Everything seems to be for me to destroy the Crowner."

"Then what will be the result of me after doing all this?"

An unprecedented vigilance rose in his heart.

How profound is the wisdom of the seven true kings who can calculate countless futures? It is an existence that cannot be underestimated.

If they want to calculate themselves, they will definitely be fully prepared.

"All the root problems must fall on the system."

"When I complete the infinite true destiny, perhaps the cause and effect of all this will reveal the truth."

"It just takes a chance, the chance to condense the infinite true destiny, the chance to succeed."

"At this moment, the seven true kings must have prepared for me."

At this moment, Lin Yi thought a lot, and he deeply understood how deep and far this situation was.

But now he must move forward according to this situation, because he only has one chance to break the situation.

Before that, he must step into this situation.

But how to step in and when to step in, he also has some calculations.

At this moment, an amazing change appeared in the past time and space.

In the time and space of trillions of years ago, Wang Donglai sat cross-legged quietly in his own dojo.

Time and space have affected here, and a large number of gaps have appeared in the torrent of time and space.

An inexplicable smile appeared on his face.

A strange decay spread rapidly from his skin, and his whole body became rotten in an instant.

As if he had experienced billions of years of time and space.

At this time, he suddenly stepped out, and countless time and space causes and effects were affected by his actions.

Countless space-time fluctuations crushed him.

At this point in time, he should have been sitting cross-legged in the dojo until 3,000 years later, when he would impact the ultimate destiny.

But now he moved, which broke the predetermined fate, and the attacks from space-time came randomly, trying to put him back on track.

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