The House of Everything I Created

Chapter 1334: Safe and Nothing (First Update)

Lin Yi looked at the shocking scene in front of him, but his expression was changing. Read М

"What's going on? Is it really the Heaven Sword or the Earth Sword? It feels strange no matter how you look at it."

"It didn't appear earlier or later, but it appeared after I completed the final task."

"Did the original True Kings do this on purpose?"

"Damn, this is a disguised way to increase the difficulty of my task, making it so grand."

"And this final task 2 doesn't seem to have any rewards, why am I so unlucky."

Lin Yi's mind was full of question marks, he felt that these original True Kings were not reliable at all.

But this was just a thought, he knew these people must have a deep meaning.

"Or, are they trying to muddy the water?"

Just as he was thinking, he had already set off and went silently towards the fragments of the sharp blade sky.

In the state of returning to dust, he drilled into the dense storm like a ghost.

At this time, the storm was directly cut from the middle because of the previous attack.

Even the space-time storm seemed unable to move forward in this area.

The whole storm area became extremely chaotic.

Lin Yi rushed into it, carefully controlling himself, using the true destiny to see the truth, locking all the dangers, and moving towards the inside little by little.

At this time, he had some doubts in his heart. The real Heaven Sword or Earth Sword should still be in this time and space.

Because he really couldn't believe that the original True King would not know the danger of spilling the sword outside.

Completely random, that's the same for him, he may not be able to find the Heaven Sword or the Earth Sword.

Then the most likely possibility is that these two weapons are still hidden here.

There are all sleight of hand and bait outside, and there should be many people who haven't noticed this at this time.

"But I can think of it, and others may not think of it. The original seven True Kings must have made arrangements."

It took him a full half an hour to enter the fragments of the sharp blade sky.

After entering here, he seemed to have entered another world, a normal world.

There are still many plants growing on the ground, and at a glance, a huge mountain stands in the distance.

At this time, the mountain was split in the middle by something, and was directly split into two halves, turning into a huge canyon.

Lin Yi took a deep breath, and a trace of thought appeared in his eyes.

His eyes swept across the whole world. There was no trace of animals here, only plants.

And most of the plants were very short shrubs, not even one-meter-high trees.

Seeing this scene, he thought about it and shook his head slightly, "It seems that the collapse of this world is very serious, and even higher life cannot support it."

Thinking of this, he continued to go to the mountain.

Floating around, in a blink of an eye, more than an hour passed, and he came to the bottom of the split mountain.

This mountain is very large, covering an area of ​​at least thousands of square kilometers.

Such a wide mountain was actually cut in the middle.

In the middle of the mountain are countless uneven gravel and rock walls, spreading all the way to the deepest part of the mountain range.

Lin Yi came to the edge of the cut mountain, and a strong power fluctuation that made him feel terrified still remained here.

He could clearly feel the terrifying power that killed and destroyed everything.

This power had an infinite flavor.

"Is this the power of Jidao Zhenming? Could it be that the so-called Heaven Sword and Earth Sword are weapons made of Jidao Zhenming?"

Lin Yi felt that this was very likely. After seeing the power of the Crowner, he deeply understood that only Jidao Zhenming could resist this power.

As one of the seven original True Kings, it was not impossible to create Jidao Zhenming with all his strength.

Lin Yi moved silently along the split canyon to the depths. He wanted to see if there were any clues left there.

The deeper he went, the stronger the residual power became, and the greater the threat it brought to him.

Every residual power fluctuation could wipe him out.

Lin Yi controlled his clone, using a true power and a spiritual pattern device on his body to move carefully, not daring to be careless.

For some reason, he always felt that his route just avoided the residual fluctuations of power one after another.

It was as if this route was naturally arranged for him.

Suddenly, a surprising idea flashed through his mind.

"This is a bit wrong. Could it be that the seven original true kings had seen this scene many years ago?"

"They have prepared a way for me. There must be something left for me in the center of the canyon."

The strong sense of disharmony immediately made him understand something.

He pursed his lips slightly, "Hehe, it seems that these true kings are not fools. They have arranged everything long ago and are waiting for me to come here and get what they left."

Thinking of this, he began to move forward, but the whole process was still cautious.

Lin Yi felt as if the whole thing was arranged.

His clone continued to move forward, and about a few hours passed.

While cautiously moving forward, along an absolutely "safe" road, he came to the center of everything silently.

Here he found a stone platform with a sharp depression on it.

He walked over a few steps and found that it seemed to be the place where the sharp blade was inserted after a careful look.

Seeing this, he couldn't help but frowned, "Is it really not here?"

"Then how do I find it?"

This is an open area of ​​several hundred square meters, with a canyon a hundred meters wide spreading to both sides.

This stone platform is the very center of the canyon and the place where the mysterious power originates.

Lin Yi stood in front of the stone platform and carefully looked at the stone platform with deep penetration marks, a trace of doubt flashed in his eyes.

"If they really flew away, why would they leave an absolutely safe road behind?"

"This kind of extraneous thing is totally unnecessary."

"No, there must be something I overlooked."

Lin Yi's eyes flickered, looking for any trace of reality.

The stone platform is about a meter in diameter. The indentation in the middle is about two fingers wide and half a meter deep.

An image flashed through his mind.

A sword was inserted in the center, reaching a depth of half a meter, countless years ago.

His eyes swept over the stone platform. It looked very ordinary. It was a purely circular stone platform. It was cut very neatly and was obviously not natural.

In addition, there are broken rocks all around. At a glance, they should all be the remains of the mountain that was torn apart by the sword energy just now.

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